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Everything posted by DownUnder

  1. spam? you can modify your post man!! -1 karma for spam please:) thank you
  2. i belive him cause i know him! and i remember Nosti Administrator in L2Glory! and after 1 week he close the server cause had some problems!! Just A Scammer..PF
  3. ti na dokimasis? to NPC doulevei kanonika! y re dn lew to antitheto! alla kalytera ine na eftiaxnes ena topic pws na ftiaxeis to Diko Sou NPC(pws na allzeis mofri k etc) oste na mathenun! ta forum kata to diko m pistevw dn ine gia na poulas mOuri! alla gia na helparis new Dev's!!! :)
  4. Profet!!! Full Buffs! Mana Bairn! Attack With Bow! If you know who to play you are the best char in Oly ;)
  5. LoL!! Scammed hopzone acc??Site C-panel/Server packet?? This Is Crazy :S
  6. ekanes share apla ena Style??:S o kathenas mporei na to allaxei...!! an to pame etsi k egw allazw style stn GK Px k kanw 25 shares:S
  7. i login the first day !! and the server had 20 players Online! i have the same Problem......... BTW!! Good Luck From Me!
  8. LawL! i remember another administrator.(NoSti) but if i remember he say in forum "If you want the Server pack Just Add My In Msn Msn : sdgfsjgsdj@hotmail.com" so maybe NoSti* Sell the Webiste and server packet!
  9. ok btw! the server is good but try to fix the problems! like Mobs Respawn/Target/Pk in Farm Zones e.t.c! P.S : DownUnder Here!!
  10. he is don't spamming! just say her opinion :)
  11. SomeOne RIP my WebSite and posted Here!! I DON'T NEED TO SHARE MY WEBSITE!! Remove topic NOW!! http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=150798.msg1090773#msg1090773 Admin DownUnder!! THANKS! P.S : I Don't Lie You!! if you don't belive me go to website (Contact) and add me in my Msn !! but REMOVE THIS TOPIC!
  12. if you take the Custom Items From Forums Like maxcheaters is hard to fix all the custom items so the server have Balance!! is better for me to add only 1 custom armor-weapon-jewels with full fix!!
  13. The Server Is Full Custom!! 0 balance????
  14. mhpws fteei to patch??? btw exeis trelathi sto spam! 3pla kai 2pla Reply's! diavase k kanena rule :)
  15. Fix Links!! :) merika site exoun dead links!! thank you xD
  16. +1 !! me tn mia leei sinexise k +1 karma!!! alla btw! ine kalo na ftiaxnoun Collection!!! dioti voithaei olous osous psaxnun kapoio NPC/Site/Pack e.t.c apo to na psaxnun 1-1 section ;)
  17. who is `Heaton`?? Server Admin = DownUnder.... :S L2DarkFire?? LOL
  18. i play in this server!! L2cyber don't have any bug!!! i love this server.. but ... Where is DownUnder??? the server is 4-5 days Offline!! Online again????????
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