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Everything posted by Tessellate

  1. i believe gp is still a good jungler the extra speed & attackdamage his E gives and the slow + damage his Q gives is op i believe on 2v1 ganks ;)
  2. same shit happens over and over again... they never learn q.q
  3. You pick ganking jungler like shaco •gg Shaco you are so useless now (mid-late game). Why you pick him. You pick farming jungler like mundo, shyvana •gg Mundo 0 ganks. Why you pick him. You pick supportive jungler like Maokai •gg Maokai you do no damage at all. Why you pick him.
  4. still i hope for new maps ;) should be more priority for atleast +1 or +2 maps then champs every week... T.T anyway: http://www.own3d.tv/live/6416/TSM_TheOddOne TSM vs. CLG.eu from the pov of TheOddOne, others are streaming also :)
  5. noone did just hoping atleast like 1year ago they talked about magma chamber but no clue what happend to that
  6. im waiting for new map on classic mode... seems way more awesome and then i wanna see 7v7 or smthing :D
  7. maybee you could lower your graphics, dunno if this helps otherwise reinstall the client. Maybee just a bug if its still a problem. contact riot
  8. if you have to choose between Shaco and Nidalee its nidalee
  9. he died? or what? he just disapeared within seconds i talked with him like months ago like everything is normal and after that diddn't spoke with him since
  10. just did 9/2/8 with morgana was vs. vladimir... guess he diddnt know my ult goes through his pool Q.Q 4 ELO more for 1600 :D
  11. atleast i carried the next game together with sofaki :p sion ad jungle rocks ^^ 4v5 again tho...
  12. i was jungle..... i was 1/0/3 before sivir starting roam so true
  13. by people like this vayne... make me rly rly rly rly sad he & nunu gave sivir 8/0/0 within 20minuts...
  14. yi is good in lower levels but when you get like level 20+ you should learn other champs ^^
  15. just report them.... and /care you'll get there... same like me i went from 1200 to 1400 then back to 1100, and now im 1550
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