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Everything posted by Tessellate

  1. Not that im against Furiosus. but we got 3 L2Mods and 4Gmods you think we need more? if we got 4 L2Mods or 5Gmods then one of the L2Mods or Gmods getting demoted because inactivity there issn't enough work for them then.
  2. never gonna happen.. coyote already left the G.Mod position. i expect he don't want to return. if he wanted that. he would be back already
  3. nice i have a day off from school ^^
  4. 4 Globals 3 L2 mods 1 WoW mod 1 CS Mod 2 L2J Dev 1 Client Dev 5 GOldMembers 0 L2OFF Dev (since we don't got them) you got enough of everything. why you want more? And about promo inside the staff. I think everyone is doing his own job good/perfectly. I don't think it needs changes.
  5. i guess so. so many times that twitch got feeded and got OP to boring.. they should nerf him ^^
  6. probely he readed some pages back ^^
  7. just don't drop the soap when ur in jail
  8. k i know.. they are waiting for response
  9. i guess the arguments calmed down ^^ ?
  10. well, then hope you win then i need to pay
  11. awesome i've got better idea if i win. you pay a ticket to fly to the netherlands and we go visit some coffeeshops here if you win. i pay a ticket to fly to argentina and we go visit some coke shops ^^ ?
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