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Everything posted by *SlimShadow*^

  1. kanenas den 3erei plz pedes 8elw help
  2. paidia exw ena prob ston buffer xrishmopeio l2dot lpn vazw kanonika to buffer ston srv akolou8ontas ena guide kanw rr server kai otan pataw panw sthn buffer na parw buffs m leei to e3hs: you are either not carrying out your quest or don't meet the criteria plz help me opios borei
  3. trexw l2 dot pou boro na vrw ta dmg t dagera? ti enow? daggervsrobe:1.5 daggervsheavy:.2.4 daggervslight:2.5 auto edw
  4. pantou ektos apo to archid
  5. 100=gm 100=egm 150=hgm 200=dev 999=admin
  6. Kalhspera paidia molis eftia3a 1 srv kai paw na ton tre3w kai mou leei to e3hs severe unable to retrieve connection: access denied for user root localhost (using password : yes warning sql error:1045, sqlstate : 28000 warning could not obtain connection metadata server terminated abnormaly server terminated pieste ena plhktro gia sunexeia
  7. m vgazei ena error se merika ! kai se merika bainw alla ta vlepw akoma aspra kai oxi to sxhma p ta eida edw mesa
  8. kalhspera paidia exw katevasei polla custom items omos ta patch p exoun mesa gia na valeis sta itemname-armorgrp-weapongrp einai se eggrafo keimenou(txt) Uparxei tropos na to valw sto system alla oxi txt alla opos exei auta mesa ston server Opios 8a borouse na me help 8a t eimoun eugnomwn
  9. kalhspera paidia exw katevasei polla custom items omos ta patch p exoun mesa gia na valeis sta itemname-armorgrp-weapongrp einai se eggrafo keimenou(txt) Uparxei tropos na to valw sto system alla oxi txt alla opos exei auta mesa ston server Opios 8a borouse na me help 8a t eimoun eugnomwn
  10. parapoloi kalo aftos eisai sunexhse etsi file mou thelw na m dosis ta weapon s :D
  11. Kalhspera paidia exw pai3ei se pollous server kai merikoi apo autous eixan mousikes dikes tous ! px:phgena sthn aden kai akouga to dangerous tou akon Mhpws 3erei kaneis pws boro na to kanw kai pws? Opios mou apanthsh 8a t eimoun eugnomwn
  12. omg man your are the best thx a lot !! Naruto ftw now if u can make that shield for sogoku too ;D
  13. Den 3erw ama h3era 8a eixa kanei :P
  14. Den boro na katalavw etC plz ean boreis pio analitika
  15. Psaxnw ena pack me kalh prostasia xwris bug kai me customs gia interlude server oxi me start k stop bat alla me navicat Opios 8a borouse na me help 8a t eimoun eugnomwn
  16. nice share keep up bro
  17. Lpn auto einai ena guide pou borei na exei 3anaginei epsa3a pantou alla den vrhka tpt Kekiname: Katevazoume to fileedit apo edw: http://www.4shared.com/file/131098624/121428b3/L2_FileEdit_CT23.html = Gracia Final http://www.4shared.com/file/131097705/e8400c6/L2_FileEdit_Interlude.html =interlude Sthn sunexia: Twra afou katevasate to file edit to trexete meta open and decrypt kai psaxnete to system tou server sou as poume emena einai c:/program files/Lineage II/system **h opos allios to exete onomasei! Afou pate sto system **h opotes to exete onomasei psaxnete to arxio servername-e kai otan to vreite kante to duplo click Epeita 8a sas anoi3ei mia sthlh p 8a leei ta names apo server vrhskete to noumero p exete pathsei sto registergameserver kai to alazete name kai epeita patate save and encrypt kai epitelege to 413 Meta trexete to l2.exe kai vlepete oti sto login 8a leei to name t server sas Credits Me
  18. thx kai mou aresoun oi dynasty :o
  19. thx man epsaxna mia buffer
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