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Everything posted by mechawk

  1. Hi, Once again another one of your "Great" shares. Thank you. Do you have any plans to maybe convert these armours and weapons over to Interlude? Be Well Mech "See you on the other side..."
  2. Greetings Is there a chance you have this in a .zip file, something other then a .exe file? And could you please share that to? Thank you Mech "See you on the other side..."
  3. Hi, Is this for Interlude? Thank you Mech "See you on the other side..."
  4. Hi, Is this for L2J Interlude? Thank you Mech "See you on the other side..."
  5. Hi, Your download link, sames to not work. Please check it. Thank you Mech "See you on the other side..."
  6. Hi, Are these for Interlude? Thank you mech "See you on the other side..."
  7. Hi, What client is this for? Thank you Mech "See you on the other side..."
  8. Hi, Thank you for the share. One question, what is the bow they have in some of the pictures? Thank you Mech "See you on the other side...."
  9. Hi, Im still trying to get my L2 Interlude client, running on Windows Vista, but without gameguard. Any help with this would be great. Thank you Mech "See you on the other side..."
  10. Hi, Sounds great, hope to see some screen shots soon :). Can it be used on L2J Server Interlude? Also is there a way on 60% recipes after 4 trys on the same item that you recieve the item or get a ticket. To then trade it in to get the item you where trying to craft? Thank you Mech "See you on the other side..."
  11. Hi again, This is still working with the "NWindow.dll" for OS windows XP, but now what file here in the download effects Vista? Anyone have ideas on total stopping GameGuard in Vista. Using just the NWindow.dll doesn't work in Vista, what file be in the download Chandy proved? In this step up i have above. Thank you Mech "See you on the other side..."
  12. Hi, Thank you for the share. Someone said something about trying these with "laava armor". I did a search for such armor, but no luck :(. Is it called different? Post the link to the topic and/or share to that armor, please :). Thank you and Happy New Year Mech "See you on the other side..."
  13. Hi all, Has anyone come up with a guide on how to do this? It would be a great help. Thank you Mech "See you on the other side..."
  14. Greetings. Thanks for the share. Has anyone adapted this for Interlude? What armour is the human female wearing? And is there a download version for Interlude of it? Thank you Mech "See you onthe other side..."
  15. Greetings, Could you make this available for downloading again? Thank you Mech "See you on the other side..."
  16. Hi, Great work, thank you for sharing them. Will this work on L2J Server Interlude? Thank you Mech "See you on the other side..."
  17. Greetings, Looks amazing, Thank you. I will give it a try on me L2J Interlude Server... Mech "See you on the other side..."
  18. Hi. Thank you for the share. :) Any chance of some screenshots? Thank you Mech "See you on the other side..."
  19. Greetings all, I was wondering if any one, knows of a download of a NPC that can be a Crafter for in game players, for A grade and S grade armour, jewerly and weapons. This is for a L2J server Interlude, Server Version # 1100 and DP # 3307. What im trying to do with this NPC is after 4 trys of crafting Armour and failing (on the same piece only) the player would recieves the armour that they were trying to craft (sealed). On weapons it would be 2 trys and then you get that weapon. Jewelry there is no prizes for failures. If any one has some ideas on how i could do this please post some ideas and possible location of a download. Or if a quest path is a better way of doing this, please post your hints and ideas. Thank you Mech "See you on the other side..."
  20. Hi, This working on L2J Sever Interlude? Thank you Mech "See you on the other side..."
  21. Hi, In subject title you say "Interlude", but files say CT 2. Which is it for, please? Sorry to ask. Mech
  22. Hi all, I would have to say L2J Server. It has been very good to me in the past. And it has been a great learning tools in working with and doing custom mods, even for a newbie such has myself. I would also recommended it for first timers, starting their own server. Thank you Mech "See you on the other side..."
  23. Hi, Im looking for new D, C, B and A armour sets, Weapons and Jewelry for Interlude. There tons S grade stuff, just looking to add to the lower end stuff. Thank you Mech "See you on the other side..."
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