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Everything posted by JustLikeMe

  1. Good work BigBoss its rly nice and thank you indeed for Gracia Final pvp color system mackry and/or janiii but is this only for pvps?
  2. armorgpr lines are incorrect ?!?!?! so dont spammin saying that the wings work fine and stuff liek that . . .
  3. thanks dude ! Edit: i changed the text in 2 line first line was NUL S NUL e NUL r NUL v NUL e NUL r NUL . .... and the second NULServer name hereNUL and the image looks the same. Maybe it changes if i put it on the website?
  4. Well, i have photoshop, but how do i change the icon-text "Server name here" ???
  5. Stop crying . . . Hey there is there any brute force program for MySql Edit1:Found one, if any hacker is interesting in hacking an l2 private server just PM me.
  6. You change the second digit from the ninth byte from 01 to 02 and you get from 1 gb to 10 gb, what about trying changing it to 03 or 04.
  7. Everybody in a game has to have the holly wood ah opened *even the hackers* so its only for lan tournament or something.
  8. ye thats right ^^ . Rangel is a very good person. Dimis doesn't log late at night, sometimes if i can't sleep i play till the morning and i dont see anything. Just spanish ppl. //offtopic Btw you should see at greek channel star 8-9 at morning lazlo camp, its fun :D
  9. 1. Stuck is a nice server and funny. 2. 03 The admin of the server with the meaning that he is owner is Dimis, and the girl who has it is gm. 3. Necros, and Archers are the best chars of mafia. 4. Dimis please log in your server more often.
  10. Dimis rents this server, but in some way he owns it.
  11. About the players, what they say its trueth, i spoke them with cell phone . . . and about gm thing it drives me crazy :D
  12. Ye l2mafia is notorious. Gerero, lets say you are a gm, you got big community you know many problems of many ppl so because they are many you recall them 1-1 not all in 1 day but you DO help them, well they do nothing they dont solve any1s problem. I know ppl who paid and wait up to 3 months for their items, this is gm support? You have a server and You have to help the ppl who support you. You can't be irresponsible. - end
  13. Ye great mafia server, None server has active helpfull gms, i saw in 04 a -beep- crap gm named superman laxtan sm=laxtan after 3,6 months and when siege ends they are off when they say "we recall after siege", i dont see any gms on and it gets on my nerves, as for the non-donate server i got a source that dimis will make a favor to 3 ppl for items to the NON-donated server, anyway server looks good, just the gms and ok. emm etci einai i alitheia na ma8enete.
  14. Oxi (toulaxiston sthn ntoulapa) 8a i8eles na ise koritsi??
  15. L2Phx, hlapex, cheat engine, ArtMoney, OllyDeBugger, russian stuff . . ., scripts, fake gm probably with l2phx
  16. To kaspersky dn ine poli filiko, ka8e ena mikro xroniko diastima kanei scan kai an to exeis anixto 8a sou vrei to l2 phx opws ipa kai se allo post dn ine trojan / virus aplws kanei modify l2.exe kai oti kanei modify .exe ine apagorevmeno apta avgs Edit: File 8a sou pw kapia pramata pou kserw gia to l2 phx. Prwta katevaseto kai prosexe to windows/vista gia na ta katevaseis pane http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=51932.0 to kalitero afth th stigmh gia c6 interlude server ine to l2phx. kalitera katevase afto se english http://rapidshare.com/files/256049093/l2phx. mazi me scripts fake gm, anti target, auto target pk, invisible, k.a. Lipon ama katevases to english p s ipa tote aniske to l2 phx, twra trexe to l2, logare, patas alt+tab pane sto l2 phx 8a deis to onoma sou sto 1 h sto 0 ama den sto dixnei kane ksana thn diadikasia prwta* to l2 phx meta anigeis l2. An pali dn st dixnei o server ine kala prostatevmenos. Twra afou dixnei to onoma sou kai to l2.exe sto para8iraki an exeis c6 h katw apo c6 kseklikare ta koutakia Kamael-Hellbound-Gracia kai Gracia (off server) frontise to Way of implantanion in the client/bot na ine Reliable meta pane sta Sending eki boreis na stileis paketa ston server. Pane sto Sniffer eki s dixnei ta paketa pou perneis apo ton server. Pata ena koubi panw panw to ble S sto Sniffer giaa na vlepeis ta simantikotera paketa dld ta portokalh dld ama kaneis trade weapon , agoraseis kati. Des liga SS http://img216.imageshack.us/img216/4073/56692604.jpg[/img] P.x. Agorazeis apo gm shop ena dyn staff pas sto Sniffer sto telefteo paketo klikareis panw tou vlepeis dipla deksia to hex code to antigrafeis sto Sending pou stelneis paketa patas to ??????? Send To Server kai to agorazeis opou k na ise, twra an o server dn exei kalh prostasia tote sto hex code exei noumera h grammata zevgaria p.x. 00 00 A6 6B 00 00 00 00 00 00 esi twra to 8es +16 to kaneis apo 00 00 A6 6B 00 00 00 00 00 00 > 00 00 A6 6B 00 16 00 00 00 00 alazeis to ekto zevgari boreis na lalakseis kai to evdomo an 8es na ine SUPER ++++ kaneis to ekto kai to evdomo FF dld: 00 00 A6 6B 00 FF FF 00 00 00
  17. 0ax0ax0a0xa0x0ax0 file den ine trojan aplos to programa ine "periergo" sthn litourgia tou gt kanei modify to l2.exe kai oti kanei modify.exe perniete apta avgs gia trojan kai diafora . . .
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