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Everything posted by KaL

  1. Ohh! Do you know what is the packet? =/
  2. Here man, take a look at this video. It was made in November 5th, 2005. No kamael at this time, huh? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDkbVahrWsk Pay attention at 4:08~4:10 what Antharas does...
  3. Are you sure? I saw Antharas hitting the floor with his tail and making players fly away... In Devs tool if you write "fly" you will fly away like you jumped and them falled (always to behind)
  4. So...no way to find the packets with home made L2Off servers... I was trying to make that file (FlyToLocation) that I posted as exemple to Interlude, but if I can only find the packet in Official and Official is Gracia...=/
  5. Can't I get the packets from a L2Off server?
  6. Them...could you indicate any special one for me to try it? EtherDetect is a good option?
  7. Well...I found before how is the structure and what methods each file must have. But I'm trying to find how to know the contentes of writeImpl() Look at this example: /* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package com.fusion.gameserver.network.serverpackets; import com.fusion.gameserver.model.L2Object; import com.fusion.gameserver.model.L2Character; /** * * @author KenM */ public final class FlyToLocation extends L2GameServerPacket { private final L2Character _cha; private final int _destX, _destY, _destZ; private final FlyType _type; public enum FlyType { THROW_UP, THROW_HORIZONTAL, DUMMY, // no effect CHARGE; } public FlyToLocation(L2Character cha, int destX, int destY, int destZ, FlyType type) { _cha = cha; _destX = destX; _destY = destY; _destZ = destZ; _type = type; } public FlyToLocation(L2Character cha, L2Object dest, FlyType type) { this(cha, dest.getX(), dest.getY(), dest.getZ(), type); } /** * @see com.fusion.gameserver.network.serverpackets.L2GameServerPacket#getType() */ @Override public String getType() { return "[s] 0xd4 FlyToLocation"; } /** * @see com.fusion.gameserver.network.serverpackets.L2GameServerPacket#writeImpl() */ @Override protected void writeImpl() { writeC(0xd4); writeD(_cha.getObjectId()); writeD(_destX); writeD(_destY); writeD(_destZ); writeD(_cha.getX()); writeD(_cha.getY()); writeD(_cha.getZ()); writeD(_type.ordinal()); } } This part: How do I know what is the packet (content) of the first write (writeC) ? You can see it's set 0xd4, but can I get this code? And the other writes? How I know what content should I put in each and in what order? If I change 1 writeD of order there, this packet won't work fine...
  8. How I know what writes, what the content of them, and in what order should I put the writes in each file of serverpackets folder? And how I know what is the packet type (always the 1st write of the writeImpl, writeC(0x??) packet).
  9. Hi all... I remember in C1, when a player attacked a NPC inside cities (like GKs) the NPCs started running to the player and hitting him (like a guard does) and the NPC is always invul.. So...I'm trying to do this in my Interlude L2jFree server... I tried to put this code in onAction method: But it returns this error: I took that added part from L2GuardInstance and I belive it's what makes the Guard hitting back...I studied the code and saw that L2GuardInstance is extended by L2Attackable while L2NpcInstance is extended by L2Character... So, any suggestion to help me fix this problem and see my npcs hitting back? :P Thanks
  10. No one have it? I'm still searching for =\
  11. I'm searching for Offline Trade mod for L2jFree...if possible for Interlude I found one posted here, but it doesn't works...asks for a function named "isDetached" and this one doesn't exists in L2jFree...I searched and tried to implement but even doing this, it has no effects ingame... I saw some trac changes in L2jFree FishEye, but I couldn't find the whole mod and what I saw was really different of the mod I found here... Sorry for my "english" :-X
  12. Yeah, but it can be used on chats so I wanna block it :/ No more suggestions? I'm still trying an ArrayList and using it in Say2.java But it return an error while compiling...look what I did : private ArrayList<String> list = new ArraList<String>(); list.add("\n"); for(String pattern : list) { _text = _text.replaceAll(pattern, ""); } But it returns an error in array list and says that I need to use an <interactor> or something like that after de "add"...but I don't know what it really mean :S
  13. But it doesn's =/ I tried too : if(text.contains("\n"){ text = text.replaceAll("\n", ""); } But didn't worked either
  14. /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA * 02111-1307, USA. * * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html */ package net.sf.l2j.gameserver.handler.chathandlers; import net.sf.l2j.Config; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.handler.IChatHandler; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.BlockList; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.entity.events.FortressSiege; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.SystemChatChannelId; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.serverpackets.CreatureSay; /** * * @author Noctarius */ public class ChatAll implements IChatHandler { private SystemChatChannelId[] _chatTypes = { SystemChatChannelId.Chat_Normal }; /** * @see de.dc.l2j.gameserver.handler.IChatHandler#getChatType() */ public SystemChatChannelId[] getChatTypes() { return _chatTypes; } /** * @see de.dc.l2j.gameserver.handler.IChatHandler#useChatHandler(de.dc.l2j.gameserver.character.player.L2PcInstance, de.dc.l2j.gameserver.network.enums.SystemChatChannelId, java.lang.String) */ public void useChatHandler(L2PcInstance activeChar, String target, SystemChatChannelId chatType, String text) { if (text.startsWith("~") && activeChar._inEventFOS && FortressSiege._started){ CreatureSay cs = new CreatureSay(activeChar.getObjectId(), 16, activeChar.getName(), text.substring(1)); if (FortressSiege._players!=null && !FortressSiege._players.isEmpty()) for (L2PcInstance player: FortressSiege._players) if (player._teamNameFOS.equals(activeChar._teamNameFOS)) player.sendPacket(cs); return; } text = text.replaceAll("\n", ""); CreatureSay cs = new CreatureSay(activeChar.getObjectId(), chatType.getId(), activeChar.getName(), text); for (L2PcInstance player : activeChar.getKnownList().getKnownPlayers().values()) { if (player != null && activeChar.isInsideRadius(player, 1250, false, true) && !(Config.REGION_CHAT_ALSO_BLOCKED && BlockList.isBlocked(player, activeChar))) { player.sendPacket(cs); player.broadcastSnoop(activeChar.getObjectId(), chatType.getId(), activeChar.getName(), text); } } activeChar.sendPacket(cs); activeChar.broadcastSnoop(activeChar.getObjectId(), chatType.getId(), activeChar.getName(), text); } } This is ChatAll.java, all other files have the line in the same place (Upper Creature say cs...) I got this fix from L2jArchid trac timeline, it's place upper this there..
  15. Well, the string is already declared in the function Anyway, i tried using text = text.replaceAll("\n", ""); but didn't work
  16. Using "if text == "\n" won't be efficient, because if a player writes 1\n for example, the message will pass and the new line will appear normaly..
  17. Hi all... I'm trying to fix \n words in chat, but it's not working! I tried to insert this line in all ChatHandlers: text.replaceAll("\n", ""); And this in Say2.java _text = _text.replaceAll("\n", ""); But \n still works in game Can anyone help me to fix it? :'(
  18. Thank you man! This will be toooooooo usefull for me! :)
  19. Very usefull tool! Thank you for sharing this man!
  20. Thank you for this, Cobra! And for sharing, SaLeoTragem! Very usefull!
  21. This guide works only for C5 or before, excluding L2Font-e.utx from Interlude...all others textures won't open...I tried with Legollas tutorial, it's atualized and recent, worked for me, I suggest to all of you :P
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