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Everything posted by rooy

  1. Poulaw Pc Se Aristh Katastash Windows Xp Sp3 Intel Pentium 4 3.2Ghz 500GB Hard Disk 2GB Ram Creative Speakers 5.1 Graphic Cart Nvidia Geforce 8500GT Microsoft Mouse-Keyboard (Asyrmata) DVD RW LightScribe DVD RW LabelFlash Network Adapter Marvel Yukon PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controller Realter High Definition Audio With MotherBoard 17' Screen Sony 400 EURO TELIKA [move]400 EURO TELIKA [/move] opios thelei as apantisei...
  2. I cant move every 2 minutes i stack to walls ? anyone know how i can fix it ??? its a setting ??? L2Walker ->Gracia.!!
  3. Nice share i like this weapon from counter strike :D Funny ^^
  4. Selling a lot of Chars 40-75++ if someone need Just reply... thanks
  5. i think this server will not have username Root but we i will try it with your help :D
  6. hax0r i send you my msn add me will be better.. I want to Hack Database to take all account ID + Password :( How i can Do itt!!!! [Help me]
  7. soo?? Connection Name ? Host name Ip Address ? Port ? Username ? Password ? Anyone Can Do a Passlist For www.linezeus.gr Server :( DJ_exctacy!!!ADd me to Msn lOok my Pm..
  8. I have find my account to last result on Bruter ohh i think i will find it... Bruter Stop When Find your account password :D i think if he find it he will stop and my account xxxx he will is at last result :D thats all Soo how i can make my account 200 access?? :D :D i will give (Items,Exp,and i will enchant) how i can give access??? do a guide For me :D
  9. Can you give me your msn to speak from here ?? i want it send me to pm Thanks! or check you PM's I have send you my e-mail add me !!*(But now) :D i have Create a Account ID: aaaaa2 Password: pcaaa so can you try it to find this account or something?
  10. One know Linezeus ip? i think is sOo i know it now?? what i must do to take their acc??
  11. Auto ti lete einai kalo? http://www.e-shop.gr/show_per.phtml?id=PER.615023
  12. loipon ti router mou protinete gia na agoraso gia na min exw problem gia na ftiaxo server i genika na einai ok Apo edw----> http://www.e-shop.gr/search_per.phtml?category=ROUTER&category2=WIRELESS
  13. where is the link?
  14. all ports are opened and Stucked Again :O
  15. What ports you must open someone know i have open so many ports :s
  16. www.portforward.com :) You post it to wrong Section move it please :P
  17. someone do a virus scan please..:)
  18. if you are overpowered will check you and yoy will banned :)
  19. problem solved topic /locked if you want to unlock pm me
  20. ok to brika http://youtube.com/watch?v=wIFUSvuOnss xa0xa00xa xoris Search Eftixos edw p einai spam topic k mporeis na kaneis double post
  21. bale to esu k bres to mou na se dw xa0x0a:P waiting xD
  22. Re pos legete to proto tragoudi pou pezei edw? http://youtube.com/watch?v=F2TDT7uXJ70
  23. www.portforward.com if i have router i cant host?
  24. Windows Firewall=Disable Antivirus Nod32 port opened wtf i cant login with Internet ip what can be???????????????
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