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About HtheD

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  1. Not this idiot. I got it to work using the guide in http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=123400.0 :D
  2. I have the same problem, and I also run windows 7. Since im a total noob at setting up bots I would really appriciate any help I can get.
  3. Hello and welcome
  4. Thanks for the info. I think i will start with just a regual donator member, and maybe upgrade to platinum later.
  5. Thanks for the welcome Skiller. I noticed that you are a Donator Member, I think im gonna donate myself, but im not sure if i should pick donator member or platinum member. Do you know what those "Hidden areas" that will be revealed when you donate are?
  6. I agree with Hilltop. Well atleast I would go for +hp, not 100% sure about +str but his arguments are pretty good so I would try it and see how it goes.
  7. Skillbar is impossible too say, it all depends on personal prefrences. As for skills it also depends, always try to hex your enemy. If hes running use freezing strike to slow him down, hate to bring him to you. Try to shield bash to interupt his skills if they are long casts. You can also sting him. When whoever you are fighting have gotten you hp down a bit use touch of death, oh and ofcorse whenever lightning strike is avalible.... use it.
  8. I think it might be time for me to get a ps3. Far too many awesome games never come to PC, coz I assume that Tekken 6 wont?
  9. Im looking forward to the sequal myself, but I really hope they dont make it as repetetive as the first one.
  10. Its higher now. On their front page they have a counter which show how many people are online. Right now at 11:30 GMT+1 on a monday its 630 online, but remember that it might be a lot of shops. But usually at prime time its 900+ people online.
  11. The area around Oren Castle.... Brings back so many awesome memories from early retail :D I really like the music and just the "nature" there, Its defenetly my favourite place in L2
  12. I would say EM for oly. Howerver since L2 is a group game, you need to find the summoner that works best with the kind of classes you usually play with. Warlock = Archer party, Elemental Master = mage party and Spectral Master = no party SM doesnt have a usefull buff.
  13. Hello everyone After playing Lineage 2 since open beta on both retail and different priv servers I thought I had done everything you could in this game. However I had never botted or exploited anything.... So thanks maxcheaters for renewing my interest in the game ;D It's time to play at the next level ;)
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