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Everything posted by Scarface™

  1. I want to buy 80 euro paypal balance as soon as possible.
  2. [/GR] Σου έστειλα ΠΜ
  3. Good morning, I want to transfer my paypal balance into a bank account. I didn't manage to do it with the "withdraw" so I am lokking for someone to transfer the funds and he will send it to me by bank. Thank you in advance
  4. Παιδιά, να βγάλουμε λεφτά από το PP πώς γίνεται;
  5. πιστεύω αυτό θα είναι αρκετά καλό! http://www.e-shop.gr/product?id=PER.902785
  6. Can you show me a good gpu in your opinion?
  7. I didn't know that fx 8350 has his own cooler... Is it good or I should buy a new one?
  8. I live in Thessaloniki. I have an LG 24" Full HD(1920x1080). I will basically use it for gaming! Can you suggest me a good gpu and not so expensive..up to 120-130euro...? Thank you!
  9. Can you suggest me a faster RAM?
  10. Can you suggest me a better psu?
  11. Higher wattage psu, about 650watt? What do you mean better ram sticks? Can you explain me and suggest me something?
  12. Check the link below: http://bto.plaisio.gr/Machine?state=1864696B63.9B1A1834312B190B1A1805940B20B1A1928775B62.9B1A1751115B31.89B2A1829998B19.99B1A1827006B59.9B1A1865447B79.9B1A1923609B94.96B1AD2013-9-23-18-09-14 Thanks in advance!
  13. [GR] κλαίω ρε μαλάκα... χαχαχαχαχα
  14. [GR] κλαίω ρε μαλάκα... χαχαχαχαχα
  15. You must create account from the website, It is not auto-create!! :)
  16. custom items? explain what custom items do you have...
  17. Nice features... people online?
  18. Good Luck, nice features! I will check ingame and i will edit my post! Edit: server sucks.... cant farm cause of pkers... insane farm... no shaeme buffer, full of buggs, and many many other... Srver is fail.!
  19. Exactly as i said..
  20. multiskill
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