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About Sherise

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  1. I'd say post this on HON official forum. Got some help from the support dudes over there and got a awesome quick sollution on my specific problem (allthough CPU related) :)
  2. Good day all! Sherise here from the heart of Scandinavia, Sweden. Been way too inactive on these forums for quite some time... Not that I was that active before ;D It's just, to quote Tony, Grrrrreat! To be back. Cheers all.
  3. I would also like to know if something like this exists.
  4. Well i searched around and found nothing of it. Anyone have an idéa? example: lvl 40 char recives x20 exp lvl 80 char recives x5 exp
  5. Wicked! Now to figure out how to make this to a cursed weapon :D
  6. Beeing your first time and nailing this one? I must say keep it up! Can't wait for your next work! Try a white-ish color next time ;)
  7. This one helped me alot. Custom rate on occupation change ftw :D thank you! <3
  8. Black looks so freaking evil. Now to find a white version and we have a matching set! :D
  9. Helps alot thanks
  10. Well tbh i tried it and that didn't work... putting a -1 worked though... Thanks for the help ::)
  11. Awesome concept. Will try some of it out :)
  12. Well this will prolly be a really stupid question but used search and found... naaathing. Not even my trusted friend google could help me. How do you add custom spoils to monsters? For eg. I want a Ant to be able to spoil c-grade armor enchant scrolls, what do i add where? Looked through the DB and found nothing of interest... I know it has something to do with the CATEGORY(sweep=-1) but i have no idea what to type in all of the boxes to make the item spoilable only. Thank you for your help, ///Sherise
  13. Thanks mate. Adding it as i type :)
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