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About Sparckle

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  • Interests
    The Real Tank!

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. I think that wow>l2 and any other mmorpg but all mmos steal some ideas from each other. Blizzard dont need to steal many ideas because it release a new version once in a while and make some nerfing to OP chars and some weak chars more overpowered (thats the reason most ppl quit wow, at least some friends of mine who use to play wow). For example Aion from Ncsoft is a mix of wow and l2 and maybe it have some features from other mmos...
  2. O kaliteros kanonas ever einai to spawn killing p pantou apagoreuete k sto telos dn iparxei atomo p dn hitarei sto spawn....
  3. Goustarw oli mera pvp/pk k mass pvp p einai k to kalitero...M xoun pesei bebaia 200 fores jewels /armor/weapon alla mialo dn bazw Px l2mafia:17k/10k se 10 mines
  4. Proswpika m aresoun k oi 2 para poly, psifizw omws sph gt itan o prwtos char p ema8a na paizw sto l2
  5. Egw dn exw paiksei official...exw paiksei para pollous unofficial p kleinoun ka8e ligo kairo... :S @Exte: pou zeis?
  6. +1 sto Oxi vevaia
  7. Ontws o enas tank o allos damage dealer... Egw psifizw destro gt xparei asap
  8. Ama dn exei Sk ti na psifiseis.... Maestro? lol... Edit: Epeidi twra koitaksa k pio panw..Oti erikses 5 me maestro dn to kanei tank oute ipergamato char... ama s riksw 10 egw me ton SK k einai k ta 10 noob simainei oti eimai ueber pro?
  9. BnB c1 --> Sph (idea dn eixa apo races k egw...)
  10. GvE fisika..koofs vs noobs gtp server mexri k donate anoun se faction server...pf
  11. Exw na pw oti auta p leei to preacher of doom gia to ouranio tokso alla kai gia to " s agapaw s ektimaw gamw ton antixristo sou" einai atakes apo ena video sto youtube, einai gia na to blepeis kai na liwneis auto to video..... :
  12. Ghost Hunter ftw... hex>human
  13. Mia erwtisi...1000 ews 8a agoraseis...posa slot exei to inventory?
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