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PaNaSoNiC xD

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Everything posted by PaNaSoNiC xD

  1. Auto to eixa vrei kata tixh... Anyway na ksereis oti den douleuei.... Borei na leei "Your Arcana mace has been succesfully enchanted" kai na exei paei to DB alla spaei to DB meta apo 2-3 fores... Sto lew gt k egw to ekana se Gracia Final kai ekana polla 20aria kai gnka megtalo +.. Omos spane na to 3rc..
  2. Paidia ena note: Se gracia final uparxei periptosh na min douleuei. Se ola ta alla chronicles douleuei me arketa megalo pososto.
  3. 1000 player are too many for PvP server you know... Topic Edited. New Rates Added.
  4. Sorry! Let me correct it. EDIT: allright topic corrected thnx guys.
  5. Maybe i dont remember well... :/ Ok, but they were all active.
  6. autos exei ton Prozzak re Btw kai ego apo c5 arxisa info. apla gami8ike ke tora tn parathsa k ego prosfata.
  7. Tora teleutea gami8ike entelos. Otan egrapsa to topic htan kaliteros :/ :/ :/
  8. Oh my god you are awsome. Very nice work :)
  9. Hi all! This is a hack for unlimmited ammo and life. it is working for sure in counter strike source. All you need is cheat engine 5.4, 5.5 (i know it seem funny cause cheat engine doesnt work on most of online games, but you will see it is working) Download Cheat Engine 5.5 HERE! Now let's start. Unlimmited Ammo 1)First make a map and choose gun. 2)Then check how many bullets your gunn has. 3)Open Cheat Engine, find the small computer at the left, scroll down and you will find a line named hl2.exe 4)Press it and write in value the number of your bullets. For example if you have an machine gun with 100/200 you will write 100 in value and hit first scan. 5)Now go to counter strike and hit one bullet. You should normaly have 1 less. Go write now in Cheat engine for example if you had 100 you will now have 99 (if you shooted 2 or 3 or 4 bullets doesnt matter dont worry).Hit next scan. 6)Look in Cheat Engine now at the left. There is a list named "Found" and have adresses inside. If you have 9-14 adresses found it is ok. If you have more, then repeat step 5. Now, if you have 9-14 mark them all and press a small coursor just next to the list. They will go down to another box. Press Ctrl+A and Ctrl+Click to frozen. Then (if you have them marked) press Enter and change their values to 500. 7)Go to counter strike and you will see that you have now 500 bullets. Just hit arround for 3 hours... they will not end :P It is easy if you do it 1-2 times. Unlimmited Life 1)Find the small computer in cheat engine.The find hl2.exe. Now look how much life you have in counter strike and write it in value. Hit first scan. 2)Now find a high place to fall so that you can lose some life (not to die). Fall from there. 3)Write in value in cheat engine the life that you have now. For example if you had 100, fall from there and then you had 85 then write in cheat engine 85. Press next scan. Do those steps till you get in found list 9-14 found. if you have them do step 4 wich is: 4)After you found 9-14 fin the found list, mark them all and press the small red coursor like before. Press ctrl+A and Ctrl+Click to frozen and press enter to change values to 500. Go to counter strike and your life will be 500. But you will have unlimmited ;) If you want to be sure that noone will hit you (if you play with bots) press in console sv_cheats 1 and then press bot_zombie 1 so that the bots cant move. To remove this press bot_zombie 0. I hope i helped you guys. Cya. (no source)
  10. apokliete re file.... Enoeis pos den boreis na valeis enan fakelo mesa se enan allon? :S Kane Copy Ton Fakelo Tou Phx Ke Kanton Paste Mesa Sto System.
  11. LoL i never thought sth like this :P it seem to work thnx :)
  12. I was looking for a hack like this many times!! Man ur my Savior :) Tested on gracia final Works Absolutely Crazy ;D Ty again man ;)
  13. I didnt knew it... Oh i think it works! I will test it. Seem Nice :)
  14. It is fixed at many servers... But i think it will still work at some ;) Good work.
  15. Ton 4x4 ke ton Prozac 3ero mono... stn clan tou catalyst hmoun nai.... Omos human antras mage me AM +50 :P
  16. Όταν έφαγε ban ο CaTaLySt και ο server πήγε μόνο στον Cool, γαμηθήκαν ολα... Αν και εγώ δεν είχα καταλάβει και πολλά γιατί ήμουν μικρός τότε... Πρέπει να ήμουν 11-12... Με λέγανε COLOSUS αν με ήξερες.... Εγώ νομίζω κάπου σε θυμάμαι... ;) ... Και πως μπορώ να ξεχάσω κανεναν από αυτούς που ανέφερες... Πρώτα παιδιά...Μέσα σ'όλα... Τώρα ο server γαμήθηκε τελείως... :/ The server is nice for those who think it is nice :) Yes if u are looking for high-rate server this and l2crysis is the best for me... BTW: Topic edited, vesper armors added :)
  17. Well, when the server opens again, post here so we will know :)
  18. it works... but u need much to take the waep...
  19. stn server mu ta rewards dn ta farmareis.... [ls, AA] ke diloneis mono 20 atoma TvT... Ara einai kalo gia tetious server... ego sas eipa den einai sta xeria ton GMs na mn doulepsei.... ;) ektos k an einai kanas kamenos GM ke kanei na pas jail otan tros critical xD baa.... :P
  20. g auto ftiaxtike to site :)
  21. 1) eimaste st greek section xD 2) den prokeite na mn douleuei..... den einai sto xeri tn gm...
  22. loggareis opote 9es. ke 1 xrono meta na loggareis ts perneis xD Min anisixeis.
  23. ne omos se servers pu price einai ls ke tetia einai kalo...
  24. Well... Man i play there... i started today [very niCe server] But i ough to tell u sth... I downloaded the hole patch and the hosts and it didn't plaied... But when i deleted hosts and animations+systextures (i plaied with gracia's 2.2 custom) it plaied and i was able to see the final armors, waep's colour etc. So it is useles downloading the hole patch, when it plays only with system! Thnx :) /ontopic: Server is very good guys! I recommend it with closed eyes! [expect only those guys don't let u farm >.< but it's ok...] :D
  25. o skopos einai na kaneis ton pekth na faei critical. An vgeis kanonika 3edilonei apo tvt... Oso g auto, to vraveio to perneis otn 3anakaneis logg in.... prepei omos na kaneis logg in meta th lh3h tou agona... Ox dn to grapsa sorry guys... Topic edited. Kalitera tora? :)
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