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Everything posted by germanos

  1. Not only _DS_, but and forum admin ThePhoenixBird: Freya Update #2 is DELAYED until further notice due some circumstances.
  2. And now i should ask you ( or every one who want to help you) - what is your version of Windows - vista , xp, 7 :( Cuz waby have different problems in different version. For god sake - try to explain little better your problem with details cuz we are not predictors and cant know by default what is your OS.
  3. Hey "when i opened waby" mean nothing. Just explain better what exactly happened.. If you just opened waby ofc nothing will happened. When you open WaBy you need to put IP on login server first in waby, and then hit "start" button.
  4. If you explain me better what exactly is your problem i may help you. First there is some problem with some chars - when you try to use clan wh you got DC ( if this is your problem there i cant help) There is and another bug when you just missing text where to click. This is possible to be resolved with script and WP. I have script and if this is your problem pm there and i will upload somwhere.
  5. Probably some of links wont work anymore ( im lasy to upload again), but you need just to look around and you will find 10.8.8. GL
  6. Its true - there was problem at morning, but now again work fine.
  7. I found way how to log trough waby and 10.8.8 - then a lot of ppl copy my way in diferent forums and bla bla. Even there one guy caccolino copy my way for OGG and he made even own topic without any credits to me. Anyway ppl not answer you cuz just look date on my posts above - september 2009. Many ppl there know how to log on Dn cuz of me :). And next time may be before create topic like this you should look around for smth familiar :P.
  8. Link is not dead and work - tested now. I just gived link to msg where is link to 10.8.8. :) To be more easy - direct link to file: http://rapidshare.com/files/202961337/l2walker_10.8.8.rar
  9. Your mistake is that you not use 10.8.8. Probably you use high version of walker. Look in this topic you will find link for 10.8.8. look there: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=69172.msg603168#msg603168 - im not sure if download link still work, but you may try.
  10. Login IP = Port = 2106 Infinity IP = Port = 7777 Dragon IP = Port = 7777 Nightmare IP = Port = 7777 Arena IP = Port = 7777
  11. follow my method - it work very nice. Hint - search in that topic.
  12. All know that delay give time for w8 before open next item - so imo you act like pure spammer there. Also i give 900 like averige time cuz not everyone have very fast connection to servers. Now some one like you ( pure spammer) may write - delay (199..till 1 ) If you are so smart you should give that before me - not after i already write and after this you to act like very "smart" No offence. p.s. May be not all know that delay give time before use next item - but even if that is reason you may exaplain what give delay not to write random number like 200 and act like very "pro".
  13. If you are lasy like me use this script and you will safe xxxx click on this tomes. Here is script: // // Ancient Tome of the Demon LABEL(open) ITEMCOUNT(Ancient Tome of the Demon[iD=9599],==,0) { JMP(END) } USEITEM(Ancient Tome of the Demon[iD=9599]) DELAY(500) CALL(open) // // >>>>> END <<<<< // LABEL(END) EXIT()
  14. This work imo. See on dragon ban list from today- already banned ppl for skill +30 http://www.dragon-network.net/banlist/dragon/ btw post is unhidden so i see first post with explanation.
  15. C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc
  16. There is l2infob.dat for DN - this file fix for me private creation and few other items not corectly shown before. Before to use file i saw dwarven private creation without name or strange name for example. link -----> http://dox.bg/files/dw?a=69dd52dee2 ( work with 10.8.8 this one from my link ) p.s. this one fu ck some custom item like coins,mana herbs etc - so you may use only if need to see craft on dorfs. Anyway id some one may mix this 2 files :) wil bee great.
  17. sry for this post this was for oog - i will post in oog section ( dont see option there to remove my msg )
  18. yes - thx about lesson for antivirus programs :D btw i have other version on xzCrk.ex - may you explain me why panda dont see that version like virus, but only that from this guy? Anyway like you say -- matter of choise.
  19. You just cant. Also if even you send to oog user invite with normal client and players is far one from other again is not possible - just OOG not support.
  20. I told you that your xzCrk is virus - if you are not some one who try to steal ppl's acc and you just use this file by mistake - if is possible change fast your pass - cuz probably you will be soon naked :P
  21. IMO you forgot to hit button "start" on waby after you put ip on login server So dont forget about this too.
  22. Where i say that you need to use WSS ^^. Now try without wss - you need only walker+waby - read carefull instruction! To be honest in this order - waby+walker :P
  23. rofl GG man - nice virus inside ( detected with panda) - you should be banned for this. p.s. Panda report for this virus in your pacakage - Trj/Kapod.L ( in xzCrk.exe file ) more info what exactly do your "nice way" Description: Trojan.Kapod is a password stealing Trojan which sends the sensitive information to a remote location. Type: TT_Backdoor, TT_Spyware
  24. I will to try again to do list: 1. use waby - ip port 2106 ----> inside archive with waby have some set.ini - forget about that file. 2. start waby ( If you have problem with this file MSWINSCK.OCX and waby scream about this file just google it and download then put in folder c:\windows\system32 ) You need the vb runtime files to run this! Get them here ! http://support.microsoft.com/kb/192461 If you have some problem with waby just read author topic ----> http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=63380.0 3. download 10.8.8 from there http://rapidshare.com/files/202961337/l2walker_10.8.8.rar 4. modify set.ini inside this pakckage with this one: [DEFAULT] CountryList=test DefaultCountry=0 DefaultServer= DefaultCharacter= DefaultAccount= DefaultPassWord= [test] LoginServerIP= LoginServerPort=2106 ProtocolVersion=831 ServerList=[01]Dragon (15x);[02]Infinity (5x)t;[03]Nightmare (30x);[04]Arena (200x) ProxyServerIP= ProxyServerPort=1777 UseProxy=1 isC4=0 doEncDec=1 doOutEnc=1 doRSAEnc=1 [WSS] Port=2106 5. Start walker, put your user, pass - and all will work. 6 p.s. you no need to add nothing in hosts file in windows. Should be like original windows hosts file - that is enoug
  25. Imo oog walker is just perfect for fishing. Also have nice option to log off if some one walk around you. Anyway i cant see and test this program, but imo 200 post is way too high for something like this.
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