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About carvex21

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  1. selling out, last items go!
  2. Wynn elemental 101, freezing invoke+elemental call learnt skills slightly enchanted tank DA 100 skills slightly enchanted noblesse+exalted lvl3, full sub skills pvp def belt from oly shiny elemental shirt +10 exalted cloak exalted tiara talismans: annhilation+hunter+venir lv7 (+3 str bracelet) helios retributer+3 300 eternal robe set 1236 attribute +3/3/3/5/6 requiem avenger 2xHealth SA Eternal heavy set +6 3x120 attribute zaken earring +4 COC stun earring +3 freya necklace +5 dynasty ring x2 brooch 5slot with: opal 4, ruby 4, diamond 4, emerald 4, garnet 4, vital 4, obisidian 3, tanzanite 3, sapphire 3, pearl 3 contact me on skype: sodden93
  3. Main: Wynn Elemental master 100lvl (73%) Dual: Sigel DA 99lvl (10%) sub1: sph 80lvl sub2: spoiler 80lvl GENERAL GEAR Brooch lvl5 with: Ruby lvl4 / Opal lvl4 / pearl lvl3 / diamond lvl3 / obsidian lvl3 / sapphire lvl3 / emerald lvl3 Commando belt Replica tiara old elemental shirt annihilation talisman lvl6 venir talisman enhanced octavis bracelet sturdy fishing rod exalted lvl1 finished exalted lvl2 missing: olympiad games + mentee marks + epic tauti + epic istina WYNN GEAR+SKILLS Apocalypse retributer +4 300water 2xSA Seraph Leather Set +6/4/4/4/4 3x60 attribute paulina dynasty jewels skills enchanted +1-6 freezing invoke learnt SIGEL GEAR+SKILLS requiem cutter immortal heavy set 3x60 paulina dynasty jewels skills slightly enchanted ITEMS THAT GO WITH THE CHAR 6x Rune stones shirt exchange stone attribute stones+spirit stones random stuff of low value like some shadow weapons etc.. skype: sodden93 price: negotiable payment method: paypal
  4. Feoh soultaker 98.5lvl sub phantom summoner 62 sapphire lv3 opal lv2 Skype: nikosdekal
  5. Selling adena and donate coins on 1kkk - 3.5 euro 100 DC - 6 euro discounts and gifts on big purchases
  6. 99lvl(and 18%) yul ghost sentinel // 93 lvl dual iss dancer // 69lvl sub sorcerer apo thrower +3 300holy x1 sa(atk.speed, p.skill crit rate) venir talisman lvl4 destruction talisman brooch 3 slot with: ruby 3, opal 3, emerald 2 115 energy of destruction armor: paulina dynasty jewels: paulina dynasty exalted Q: 4k mobs killed, 30shouts, tiara 2/5, oly+coc 0/80 PA account until 26/5/2017 skype: gamekaidernw
  7. Wont go through that coz it's late, i will just leave some proof here to begin with, he pms, wants to buy a L2 char i sell, shows me proof (http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/184810-9997-othell-gh-on-core-eu-also-eso-acc/page-2) and i ask him to pm me with CashOut account as he does seems like a legit guy, but he isnt i copy-pasted the skype conversation below. he is using one of the following skype IDs: http://prntscr.com/e4me2c ban por favor ;)
  8. big wannabe scammer! ban!!!!
  9. EE 84lvl nobl, 3subs BOE, protections, mag.will, enlightment, divine inspiration lv4 19199 fame 4goblets for tezza Q weapons: FDS acumen clarity vesper caster Armor: vesper noble set +3 Fire/water/earth/wind 5parts lvl4. dark 2 parts lvl4 zaken soul cloak pailaka shirt C grade belt moirai sigil Jewels: 5x vorpal jewels +3 cloak of flames +6 premium account 2 head accessories (including valakas slayer) kookaburra 86 skill enchants: recharge 13cost erase 8cost mana burn 15cost resist shock 7power clarity 13power poWater 10penalty mana gain 8time block ww 7chance trance 13chance magical backfire 13mana wisdom 9 power robe mastery 13mdef cast speed 10power wisdom 10power divine lore 9power 150kk adena PAYPAL only contact me on skype for more info: sodden93 (i trade in mxc since 2009, check the history) +Gift DoD noblesse 82lvl
  10. Kalhspera magkes, epeidh rwtane arketoi, tha kanw ena mikro post sxetika me to Bot sto l2 (osa gnwrizw egw toulaxiston). Sorry gia ta greeklish alla me voleuoun perissotero l2.net / l2walker / l2phx : SPANIA tha vreis server pou na doulevoun akoma auta ta software. poly duskola zRanger : Poly kalo pvp-assisting software (alla kai bot sthn premium ekdosh tou) pou den yparxei pleon! (tyxeroi osoi eixan agorasei lifetime licence kai to exoun akoma) kala me ola auta pou DE doulevoun, ti doulevei omws? 1. Adrenaline. edw k merika xronia no1 bot. Yparxei palio version (1.71)cracked kai ta pio kainouria mono me plhrwmh (10-15euro to mhna). Yposthrizei scripts (diaforetika ap'tou l2tower) kai exei o,ti xreiazetai o kathe botter. Link gia download boreite na vreite se pio katw topic. To cracked adrenaline doulevei se merikous server, to agorasmeno sxedon pantou!! Giati sxedon? epeidh to smartguard/gameguard vgazei syxna-pykna updates kai gia na to spasoun oi typades tou l2adrenaline theloun 1-2 meres douleia. 2. NextTarget. Kainourio software sxetika, pvp assisting, sta xnaria tou zRanger, poly kalo an k dn t exw xrhsimopoihsei arketa. To kako einai pws kollaei panw sto Adrenaline version 2.13 kai panw, pou shmainei pws xreiazesai gia thn wra agorasmeno adrenaline (egw toulaxiston den to exw vrei cracked 2.13version++). H timh tou einai sta 5 dollaria opote ligo katw apo 5 euro/mhna kai kata thn apopsh mou, an einai na dwseis 15euro gia adrenaline, aksizoun alla 5 gia NT. 3. L2tower. Apo th stigmh pou stamathse na doulevie stous official servers exei pesei para poly h dhmotikothta tou. Einai pleon ypo eksafanish afou de leitourgei k stous perissoterous servers. De to synistw pleon, ektos k an exete etoima scriptakia (egw p.x. xrhsimopoiousa auto-augment epeidh to eixa etoimo gia tower k den h8ela na plhrwsw to l2adrenaline script) auta eixa na pw, an sas arese tha xarw poly :) kalo botting!
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