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Everything posted by george32

  1. the server is good enough for the average l2 player,it has potential,my personal opinion is that the admin is good and kind with the people that are playing there,the farm isn't very hard,nor easy,it's whatever should be for a pvp server,adena rate is fantastic,crystall scrolls have 100% succes rate and other goodies that you will find here : http://l2skyinterlude.com/ and with a bit more work,this server will be amazing kai mhn xexnate : oloi oi alloi,einai tragik,l2sky,l2sky eisai magic :P
  2. καλησπέρα guyz...ειμαι στην ευχαριστη θεση να σας ανακοινωσω πως το πρωτο Gracia Epilogue Pack μολις βγηκε...ωφείλω όμως να σας προειδοποιήσω πως είναι σε alpha φάση ακόμα και τα "πράγματα" είναι πολύ ρευστά...δεν συνειστάται ακόμα για "public open server" αλλά μόνο για "test server".....αν παρόλα αυτά γουστάρετε Epilogue Server μην ξεχάσετε να κανετε backup στον server τού παλιού Chronicle σας....ορίστε τα svn... : GameServer DataPack... P.S : Αυτό είναι το πρώτο Java Epilogue Pack...Official Epilogue Pack έχει βγεί εδώ και αρκετό καιρό... ...::Enjoy::...
  3. nice and well-writed topic about the subject "make your l2j server online" ps ---> i believe that you must add the patch procedure..you know....file edit...no-ip..encrypt..... ;)
  4. ..i have this error all the time..wtf?everybody is downloading this npc...i can't say..this is very usefull....but..... :)
  5. den xerw re file...vasika psaxe ston fakelo appdata gia kanena apomeinari ths navicat kai diegrapse to...meta katevase to teleutaio version apo to official site...kai meta bes edw kai grapse navicat..vres to idio version...katevase to crack/patch trexto... h L2JArchid eixe panta provlhma me ta Quests...twra ta alla pack..den xerw...... ???
  6. den xerw giati den sou anoigei alla den soy exei to backup gt katevases to lite programma to opoio einai tzaba.... >:(
  7. now that i did format to my pc and i install windows 7 ultimate i can run 6 clients at the same time..... :D :P
  8. thx..this maybe isn't so usefull but every share helps... 8)
  9. ty..it helped me a lot..! ;)
  10. ty stefouli..it helped me a lot...in gracia final the config file is general.properties and not config.properties...thanks again... :)
  11. {Admin}~Smoke~* se orc sub phantom ranger.... :-X
  12. good luck M8 with your project... advice: do not leave it just like others... :-X
  13. koita official exei vgei se beta....Java Pack omws den nomizw..an exei vgei steile svn asap.. :D
  14. @»•Smã$hëR•« mexri tis 10 toy allou mhna pisteyw na exei vgei file.... @`GodPower^ nomizw pws eisai la9os...eimai kata 90% sigouros....
  15. euxaristw file nakamoura...perimenw me anupomonhsia na vgei to CT2.4 L2J Pack.(estw kai se beta h alpha :P)...ax...ty :D
  16. dude..i can't spawn the npc..i sucsefully install the sqls, copy mercant and html but cant spawn it....it is writing...your target cannot be found
  17. Dragonic Bow & Dragonic Fists!
  18. wraio to song filos.. pesta re nextlive..eisai wraios kai metras...etsi..pesta exw apo ta dontia..... >:(
  19. file vaggos909090 prepei na ftaiei to GG....edw sou paradidw merikous GG_Killers
  20. nai guyz Visual Basic einai kai to guide apo ton gerero..apla den 9umomoun oti eixa katevasei apo MxC to video... :-\
  21. Na O Prwtos Moy Spammer... ..LQQK.. na kai h morfh poy exei an to trexeis
  22. 4 me this doesn't work... :'( (It Just Open It With NotePad... >:()
  23. poly kalo file..to testara kai doulevei..gratz.. GJ.. ;)
  24. very good share but you don't write what chronicle(?) these wings are...from the photo i believe that this is interlude......GJ.. :D
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