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About miszaq92

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. i love this game
  2. Very Thanks i find this. Nice share!
  3. //refresh
  4. http://www.sendspace.pl/file/4be531667b5a6d720949cab I give the patch, if someone had problems with the party:)
  5. Server Start 16:00 +1 GMT
  6. http://www.outofpeace.dl.pl/ Site here
  7. a lot of things we did today. We've added a Special Shop from Blessed Scrolls and other interesting things:) changed the price for GM Shop... now balance class:) and tomorrow Start :)))
  8. Hi, I would like to make a server that starts soon the chronicle Interlude. The server will be mainly oriented PvP. Start probably will be on Saturday. 12.09.09 :) Name Server: Out of Peace Chronicle: Interlude Site: - http://www.outofpeace.dl.pl/ Forum: - Rate: - Exp: 400x - Skill: 400x - Adena Drop: 400x - Item Drop: 1x - Spoil: 1x Enchant: - Safe Enchant: +4 - Max Enchant: +12 - Enchant Rate: 65% - Blessed Enchant Rate: 75% Information: - Auto learn skill - Ballanced Class - No Grade Penalty - Siege Working - Fortece Working - SubClass - Noblesse - Hero System ( 1 week) - Augumention System - All buffs - Skills 100% Working - Location 100% - Raid Bosses 100% - Max LvL is 80 - No custom items - Spawn Protection 30s - Geodata and Pathnode - No drop PK - Zariche, Akamanah Custom Information: - Luxury Gatekeeper - GM Shop - Roy the Cat - NPC Buffer - Special Shop - Festival Adena System. - Tvt, CTF, DM dodane - Balanced Class - Custom Farm Zone - Unicate system PvP/PK - PvP Colors * 500 * 1000 * 1500 * 2500 * 5000 Dedicated Server: Procesor: Intel Xeon 4x2.2 GHz 8MB L2 Cache Ram: 8 Gb DDR2 Disc: 2x 80 GB SATA2 System: Windows Server 2003 64bit Forum, and site will be given soon
  9. www.azarad.pl *Rates* Xp x15 Sp x15 Adena x10 Spoil x6 Drop x6 Party XP x1.5 Quest Drop x5 / Reward x1 *Enchant Rates* Safe Enchant: +3 Max Enchant: +15 Enchant Rate: 60% Blessed Enchant Rate: 70% *Informations* * Party level difference is 20. * 99% of skills are working. * Noblesse and subclass quest needed. * Spawn protection: 30s. * Working sieges. * 1st and 2nd class quest marks for adena. * Fishing. * Working olympiad. * Clan Hall + Teleport to all towns in center and taurin. * Pernament event for interlude recipes. * Weedings available. * Songs and dances 8 minutes. * Buffs limit 30+4. * GM events. * Personal storage increased from 80 to 120, dwarfs to 160. * Warehouse increased from 100 to 200, dwarfs to 250. Clan warehouse from 200 to 300. * Class balance upkeeped * etc... *Addons* * Lush Event All mobs drop some kinds of alcohol Drinks are exchangealbe for atractive rewards in Lush in Giran. Drop chance: Wine - 20% Vodka - 5% * Fun with Fire: All mobs drops fireworks or materials needed to make them Fireworks are makeable in npc in giran. * Team vs Team: Teams are made randomly created during teleportation. Event is for everyone Event take place in fortresses or special locations Time for joining to event: 10-15 minutes Fight endure for 10 to 30 minutes Rewards: Adena, Special prices * Weedings: Everyone can take a weeding with his/her partner. Homo weedings are available too *Many others useful npc* C-Grade Shop Other Events Arena Gk clan Hall Gk and more... *Dedicated Server* Speed / Transfer: Connect: 200Mbps in/out Transfer: no limit System: Windows Server 2003 64bit Computer: CPU: Intel Core2Quad Q6600 4x2.4 GHz Dual Core 8MB Ram: 12 Gb DDR2 Harddrivers: 80 GB SATA2 Server start 21-08-2009 at 18:00 PM (+1GMT)
  10. *Rates* Xp x10 Sp x10 Adena x7 Spoil x6 Drop x6 Party XP x1.5 Quest Drop x5 / Reward x1 *Enchant Rates* Safe Enchant: +3 Max Enchant: +15 Enchant Rate: 60% Blessed Enchant Rate: 70% *Informations* * Party level difference is 20. * 99% of skills are working. * Noblesse and subclass quest needed. * Spawn protection: 30s. * Working sieges. * 1st and 2nd class quest marks for adena. * Fishing. * Working olympiad. * Clan Hall + Teleport to all towns in center and taurin. * Pernament event for interlude recipes. * Weedings available. * Songs and dances 8 minutes. * Buffs limit 30+4. * GM events. * Personal storage increased from 80 to 120, dwarfs to 160. * Warehouse increased from 100 to 200, dwarfs to 250. Clan warehouse from 200 to 300. * Class balance upkeeped * etc... *Addons* * Lush Event All mobs drop some kinds of alcohol Drinks are exchangealbe for atractive rewards in Lush in Giran. Drop chance: Wine - 20% Vodka - 5% * Fun with Fire: All mobs drops fireworks or materials needed to make them Fireworks are makeable in npc in giran. * Team vs Team: Teams are made randomly created during teleportation. Event is for everyone Event take place in fortresses or special locations Time for joining to event: 10-15 minutes Fight endure for 10 to 30 minutes Rewards: Adena, Special prices * Weedings: Everyone can take a weeding with his/her partner. Homo weedings are available too *Many others useful npc* C-Grade Shop Other Events Arena Gk clan Hall Gk and more... *Dedicated Server* Speed / Transfer: Connect: 200Mbps in/out Transfer: no limit System: Windows Server 2003 64bit Computer: CPU: Intel Core2Quad Q6600 4x2.4 GHz Dual Core 8MB Ram: 12 Gb DDR2 Harddrivers: 80 GB SATA2 Server start 18-08-2009 at 20:00 PM (+1GMT)
  11. okokok but i very want download gm shop VERSION 3.... but i can only VERSION 1.... plz help me.... Give me link ~! Very plz (GMSHOP VERSION 3) because is the best and weapon vesper have SA ~!
  12. Lineage 2 Heretics www.l2heretics.pl Our Rates: -EXP: 666x -SP: 666x -Adena: 666x -Drop: 1x Safe Enchant: +3 Max. Enchant: +15 Normal Enchants: 60% Blessed Enchants: 90% Server Features: -NPC Buffer , GM Shop , Global Gate Kepeer , Roy The Cat -Skill from LS -No Grade Penalty -Buffs are 2 Hours -Balanced Classes -No Need Q for Sublclass -Caradine's Letter in Gm shop -Clan related items in GM shop -Items for clan skills, are in shop -GMs holds special events -Farming Areas for FA -Level 81 skills 100% working -Olympiad working (every week new heroes) -Castle Siege working (every week siege) -Fortess Sieges working -Auto Create Account -Auto learn Skills -Pets -NPC for marriage Server Hardware: Intel Xeon Quad 4x 2.66+ GHz RAM: 8 GB Connection: 1 Gbps JOIN AND STAY !!!!
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