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About AshleyCheryL

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    AshleyCheryL aKa CreatedByJesuS

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. k ego to exou akousei gmt... iksera ena paidi pou kai ston official evlepe items me bot
  2. profanes opws leei kai to title re pedes... ginete na dei kapios to inventory s me walker/l2net i tpt alo , an nai as m pei kapios an einai dinaton ..
  3. links are not working...
  4. oxi filos to eixa kai ego to idio provlima , apla otan beis ston server pata sto parathiro tou walker : scripts start script kai xrisimopiise oti item/skill thes otan to kaneis auto meta tha sta diavazei ola
  5. mexri 40 lvl pas ?auta pios pro sta lei ?mexri 50 lvl pas k akoma eine to 1o client tou aion 8a vgoune kiala k to max lvl 8a anevei ante pe3e official k pigene 50 oute 20 dn 8a pas Lol
  6. If anyone knows any bot For official server free or cracked and dont want to announce he can send me a pm :)
  7. I know the same exploit and much better than urs with Asmodian mobs :) but i dont know if they fix it cuz i stopped infinite i know mob 32 lvl that drop swords in asmo and u can sell it for 250k and i know mob 37 lvl that drops weapon and u sell it for 350k and hmm i know a boss that drops top 40 lvl daggers and u sell em 750k in shop and 5m in other players simple things^^
  8. Does this bot works for official servers?if its easy to get an answer just answer me pl0x :)
  9. o ka8e char kanei tin douleia t k peftei apo sigekrimeno class dld o cleric k chanter p pezoun me ravdia k hammers rixnoun ton assasin i ton gladi kanoun fight skills k opote peftoun 1 heal k gemizoun + ta self buffs tous alla mages spiritmasters i sorcerors dn mporoun na tous riksoun opos k o assasin i temlpar i gladi kanoun 4 hit tous mage o enas rixnei ton allon k eine isoropimena dn iparxei class p na ta rixnei ola ade ligo na kanei kati parapano o templar san tankio k ama ton exeis ftia3ei full manastones gia crt rate totes to tankio dinei pono gia official milaw panta stous private dn douleuoun akoma ta manastone :D opios dn 3erei ti eine eine manastones p dinoun extra effects stin armor s i weapon klp opos attack hp crt ^^
  10. Lol private servers sucks against official servers i got top items max lvl assasin at infinite and i just that the 50% of skills doesnt work templar's skills with shield doesnt work stigma skills doesnt work abyss points doesnt work that very serious bugs if that things doesnt work then rawr dont even open a server thats why i join to official aion and ownz and smt else in infinite u just saw 10 armors at official u can craft ur own armor/weapon/jewelley and u can make it adamantium or noble so shh :)
  11. u must be rly nab to say that assasin can ownz ranger just rofl assasin is better dmg dealer but ranger is better class.Assasin can use hide and use 1 stab to the ranger and then ranger will use the 100% hamstring and the Assasin is dead i tested with my 45 lvl assasin at infinite.
  12. rofl @ giannakis none class is OP at official
  13. Hehe hello Aion players :P i was playing infinite aion too but i stopped at 45 lvl top items and many millions :D i learn much things from there but i start official/retail ;x I can give u an advice dont play private aion servers its a waste of time almost nothing works yet try official to learn what aion means :d
  14. Not even 1 good interlude online atm.Its so fucking boring here and we must w8 10 days more to see this new server damn!.
  15. o.o so im gonna be the oly farmer again ?damn me.
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