also I readed all topics about: How to escape out Jail, but all that don't work, I am playing on Gracia Final Server: L2 RaceSupremacy. Anyone can help me?
If I wanna use the "Teleport Script by Tiranous", I execute it then i target mysel then I write //.aden then I use an active skill but nothing happend? I am playing on Gracia Final Server: L2 RaceSupremacy.
I want to buy high items like vespor light set min. +20 and vespor dagger and bow, full rb set +20. Maybe a account too, but then only with the email address of it.
also I want to buy Items/Stuff on L2RaceSupremacy, like:
-Archer Stuff
-Mage Stuff
and and and....
add me in msn: andblood@hotmail.de