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Everything posted by |Itachi

  1. I was trying to do something new xd
  2. Hello maxcheaters i made this 2 new tags today i hope you like them :) Comment! I don't care for rating i want serious c&c that's all I need... num1: num2:
  3. and post twice ;) ontopic:the guide is awesome actually i like it because im really newbie in java too so every little advise helps :) KIU
  4. Render seems LQ No light source Awful text (omg) Very big borders No real depth Over Sharpen Bad c4d placement
  5. Sorry if im false but they hard a disk with eminem? really not sure just questioning..
  6. lol actually but if you like it it's ok xD anyway I will post grisoms laters i have to go
  7. The sub text is tooooooooooooooooooooo big i cant do nothing with that :S
  8. @Grisom kk just wait xD until later today @Erol yours will be accepted after GrisoM also the sub text is a sig on its own XD
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