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Everything posted by MasterDisaster

  1. happy to hear that.Drogata is a really good guy and developer so I think you gonna like da server :P
  2. Nop.It can be used that way but I was meant to say internet :P Anyway,let's stay ontopic! LOL nobody triple-posted meng.'Sup with you?
  3. Το θέμα είναι να έχεις έξυπνες και πρωτοποριακές ιδέες φίλος!
  4. Meng take a look here! This used a pro like Hellbound server but it closed. It's full pvp and customized and will open soon as drogata says. Have a nice day!
  5. There wouldn't be any problem if they looked as real jewels but instead of that,there are real pokemons.LOL!
  6. What do you expect if there is high attack speed? Bows are powerful but not so fast as the other weapons. And then they say the server's balanced.Oh,please!
  7. It's like awesome!Another i-net word :P
  8. I am calm xD! I wouldn't get angry for such a thing! Anyway,let's wait for maxtor to decide.
  9. I can understand every single of them but the panties one was prosome. Thanks again dude!
  10. That's what I tried to say and I ended up almost flamed.
  11. If the users use it in a nice way and won't abuse then it's ok,but imagine the whole forum with multi-colored titles lol!
  12. Maybe it's better that way!
  13. Won't vote. I prefer Freya items but they are not out yet so be patient :P
  14. Ιt was heard like you were trying to say something but not straight to me.
  15. Another custom mod of The17Heroes.Nice one tk!
  16. LOL meng imagine 60k users coloring their titles. Maybe,donators and vip's shouldn't be given that too.
  17. Meng you drive me mad. Anyway,www.l2strict.com 8.5/10
  18. Hmm,it's nice but I think that regulars shouldn't be given the priv to change their topics' color. It will be a jungle after that!
  19. Ρε Μήτσο,αυτά το ποτά που έπεσαν δικά σου είναι?
  20. Ignore him. Zero sense of humor and with behavior like that he can be called racist to those who read comics. In case you wanna know,comics are not for the dumb who still watch cartoons.Comics can grow up your brain and now it's clear that you haven't read any comics at all.
  22. This will allow me to edit the delay of the time before the player will enter olympiad matches,right? If so,thanks 'coz I was looking for it!
  23. If the icons are the pokemon ones then it's just failed.
  24. I didn't read the whole code but what I figured out is that it gives custom color to name and title of the donator. It will also make an announcement once a donator will go in-game. Well,it's not something unique since it has been coded many times in a different way but thanks anyway!
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