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Everything posted by MasterDisaster

  1. Well,I was just browsing Sport24(a greek sport site). Then I noticed an article about the Best goals scored at Campionato this season. Well,do the speakers get crazy as that all the time? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wibAQRKCkMg&feature=player_embedded http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5eQh5r3YtE&feature=player_embedded#! If you wanna see the whole article just click me!
  2. I buy 'em on my own... I just bought Assassin's Creed 3 and ordered "The Saboteur" and "Vanquish"! All I got left with will be spent in order to gift my family or buy some clothes.
  3. Δεν την παλεύεις μου φαίνεται :/ Δεν νομίζω να είναι τόσο ζώα!
  4. Ι already have it for PC. Anyway,I ordered Vanquish and The saboteur and just bought AC 3!
  5. Koίτα,αν δε θες να αγοράσεις πρέπει να τον hostάρεις στο δικό σου PC,πράγμα το οποίο θα είναι επίπονο και για τον Η/Υ σου αλλά και για όσους παίζουν,αν και δε νομίζω να βρεις τα αρχεία!
  6. Καταρχάς,πρέπει να ξέρεις πως νοικιάζεις σέρβερ από την Treyearch και εκεί κάνεις τις όποιες αλλαγές σου. Κοίτα παρακάτω: 1)http://www.blackopsservers.com/ 2)http://www.gameservers.com/blackops/
  7. έλα,έχεις παραγίνει!Αν σπαμμάρουμε εμείς,σπαμμάρεις και εσύ τώρα!
  8. Joseph,έχεις κάποια πηγή για αυτό που λες;
  9. Ρε μπαγλαμά,εσύ δεν έλεγε πως τα σηκώνει το μπάτζετ σου και τα 2; Τεσπα,μέχρι 60 ευρώ είναι πλέον τα παιχνίδια στην αγορά του ΠΣ3!
  10. Εννοούσα νεότερα από αυτά που ήδη αναφέρονται στο πρώτο ποστ.
  11. didn't changed?hole mxc? Now it's already suspicious!
  12. You the grown-ups.What can I say?-.-'
  13. Oh now I got it.Thanks for sharing with us :)
  14. 1)Well,You are the dumbass and so I'm gonna prove.First of all,Zhivago just had an idea and yes it's about L2j! 2/3)Yeah,you analyzed shit.if you've read the first post you'd have understood that it's about an idea he had and he's asking for a developper to turn his thoughts into a protection system. 4)You are really close but since you ain't gonna give a shit,why so much drama?Better save it for your mama!I'm not the dumb here.I am trying to explain that Zhivago just had an idea which he's willing to share with a good and decent developper. 5)Yeah,beyond good and evil,rules your stupidity!
  15. What do you mean?Throw a grenade on it or have a grenade equipped while defusing it?
  16. First of all you don't even know what's it about.How can you call it impossible?Please... Secondly,I have zero java knowledge and so has he and that's why he ask for a dev to pm him. Finally,I don't give a fvck about what you're saying.I would not spend my time on a mofo trying to show-off tough.Cry me a river bastard.
  17. Including you! Anyway,we talk'd about that early in the morning and we decided to keep that for our feature projects. So I said it's better to lock this one.
  18. It's not a complex.It's logic! Anyway,do w/e you want to. I don't give a shit,and if I'm spamming right now,you're spamming as well :) How does that sound biatch?
  19. Ε άλλο τώρα,άλλο πριν 3-4 χρόνια.
  20. Rofl,how the hell can congratulate somebody without knowing what has he done?? You know nothing about his idea so your post is clearly retarted.
  21. Πήρα το μεγάλο με 60γβ και μαζί με 2ο χειριστήριο και 2 παιχνίδια (marvel:ultimate alliance + nba steet:homecourt_ μου στοίχισε γύρω στα 650 ευρώ :Ρ!
  22. You dumbass,if you'd read that,you'd know that he doesn't state the idea here.
  23. Εγώ το έχω από την πρώτη ημέρα που κυκλοφόρησε στην Ελλάδα. 25 Μαίου του 2007 ή 2008!Δε θυμάμαι ακριβώς :Ρ
  24. Υπάρχει αντίστοιχο section για να αναζητήσεις τον σέρβερ των ονείρων σου ακριβώς εδώ!
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