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Everything posted by TryMoaR

  1. No my friends ! Gm have friends! And i stop to play this server!
  2. Meca! There are friends gm!
  3. :O !! Xazos eisai?? Na m kanoun ban gt ? epeidh goustareis esu! Sta #!@#!@ s GRAFW! KK afou einai i zwh s to to topic den to 3anaxalaw!
  4. Arghsa pali apo to 0 den 3ekinisame! Ekana tin douleia!
  5. pff!! But balanced server!! But all speak LT no eng!
  6. mp@ Custom ??? Ti ennoeis?? NAI pas 85lvl! Twra gia ta skills den polu 3erw epeidh den pezw! 4) ------------
  7. 0!!! Niwtheis ti einai to 0! I akoma den exeis paei sto dimotiko??
  8. Omg! Katastrefw?? Egw thelw na arxisw apo to 0! Gt shnexineis na pigeneis afou eipa 0! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
  9. Rofl! Kalos einai .....! Alla ligo blkes oi pextes pou pezoun! (3erw gt to lew alla den lew to logo )
  10. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=90908.0 Pare alla krima thes 800post!
  11. yes
  12. Kanena HeaD Shot den uphrxe!
  13. OffTopic Paratirisa oti k 2 fagame -1karma!! Rofl
  14. Pff -1 xwris waring!??? Ean exei problima pou to arxizw apo to 0 pali na mhn postarei! Pame 3ana apo thn arxh 0!
  15. Why yo join to see! I ask before try the server -beep-!
  16. I must do +25 my items or gm can give me the +! Time farm?
  17. 9774
  18. .i.!!!!!!!!! Oti goustarw kanw sto @@ m se grafw!! 0!!
  19. Really Nice server! But all speak LT!
  20. They dont know to speak english!
  21. 9778
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