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About rukeca

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  1. New server www.memorium.cz EXP: 15 SP: 15 Adena: 30 Items: 15 Spoil: 20 Class changer Special shop server for some itmes (DCS, Q items...) Common item changer BS a Merchant mammon nonstop Recept NPC (for AA) Luxory GK Champions ON Elite Trader - TOB B veci for AC,BC TvT, CTF - every hour (awards ) OFFLINE trade a craft! nonstop events - drop - apiga, event medaly NPC on B grade items Check this server
  2. which phx is for interlude? I tried a many version but "no connections" :(
  3. server is now Gracia.....still waiting for wiped server :(
  4. Server is still online...On monday---WIPE....location---Greeceland
  5. Update: Server wipe on 8.-10.March 2009
  6. yeah your right...this server is for relax...good balance PvP.....All what i need. :)
  7. http://l2shadows.net/ Ofic INFO: Server Rates L2.Shadows 10000x [XP] 10000x [sP] 10000x [Adena] 10x [Drops] Cfour 1000x [XP] 1000x [sP] 2000x [Adena] 3x [Drops] Support - l2.Shadows & CFour -GM - Shop (Sell everything you need) -Global Gatekeeper (Teleports you everywhere) -NPC Buffer (Prophet - Dances - Songs - Chants - Special) -Auto TvT event system (Prise is 20 Gold bars) -Enchants up to +50 (safe+50) *(max+60- event) -Class Changer (In every town) -3 subclass (Without quest marks) -Buffs lasts for 4 hours -Spawn Protection (5 minutes) -PK Hunters (Protects you in areas that karma isn't allowed) -Augments (All working) -Sieges -Clanhalls -Seven Signs -Olympiad -Farming areas* (2 Pk - 1 non Pk) -24/7 GM Support (In-game - Out-Game) -4 custom GM events every day -C1 till Kamael areas working (Some hellbound too) -Wedding manager (Located on giran) -Hellbound Pets -Anti-Lag system -Anti-Hacking system *Farming Areas L2.Shadows reborn is a PVP-PK server. Although, Pk in Farming Area 1 is prohibited. If you want to PK go somewhere else or to Farming Area 2 that PK is Allowed. Server Hardware 1 x SuperMicro Server (dual 3.6 Xeons, 16 GB ram (4x4GB), SCSI Raid 10) 3 x 15k rpm SCSI drives (raid 10) 2 x 10/100 Switches 1x DLI Remote Reboot Unit Cisco Rackmount AS5800 / 7200 series Operating System Windows 2003 Server Enterprise Edition Power Suppliers 2 x APC Smart UPS RT 1000XLI-RT 1 KVA 1 x Mustek UPS Powermust 2000VA USB Line Interactive Connection 1x 200Mbps ADSL 2x 100Mbps ADSL Unlimited Bandwidth community: cca 250 PS: 8.March 2009...WIPE....The best start for new players
  8. it's possible some simple tutorial. For a simple things. Very thnx.
  9. nice work...but it doesn't work....100% it doesn't work on gracia
  10. it is same like phx. But i don't understand it. :D
  11. cool share, good if you have titan or tyrant but i think with tyrant is more useful
  12. hello Dominik :D
  13. prison break is best :D
  14. I am new....need 500 posts...for fun on HR. I am angry, because on this server are lot of cheaters and bugggers. I want balance PvP.
  15. Hi i am new too
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