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Everything posted by thenamesej

  1. What was your first private server? Mine was l2 Extreme, yup one of the biggest server known to the private community. Now what was so great about that server? My guess was everything. Population, Gm Activity, balance and just the community the server brought to you. Lets think what kind of rates did l2 extreme have? 35x exp with 200x adena? something like that im not 100% sure but lets get to the main point this server was a mid/high rate server. another server like that was l2Revenge. A great pvp/community server with balance and of course donations. Look at all these servers now a days 1000x exp 10000x adena or 3x exp 3x adena or 20x exp 20x adena why make every server such a challenege or too easy? isnt private servers suppose to be alot less stress or more fun in the community unlike retail with the intense grind? im just trying to help look out for those servers who keep failing and cant figure it out... these are my rates id work with 35/50x EXP 150/200 adena with balance donations and a HUGE pvp activity ideas. like CTF TvT LMS etc....just to receive that extra adena to get the next armor you want. servers need ACTIVE GM's so when creating a server dont expect people to be on it when you're not even on it. Be apart of the community, ask questions dig in for ideas look at the next opportunity to build what people are asking for ive played lineage2 for almost 8 years now, ive played many different private servers to look for ideas to help other servers. if any developer has questions on anything for their servers PM me id love to help create a server for everyone Thank You.
  2. I dont know how to create a server or else i would by now, I'm looking for someone who knows how to develop one. I wish to create a server together with the ideas that i have that could be the next big thing. If interested in making one please PM me and hopefully we can get this server going.
  3. Does anyone have a good dye setup + gear setup and skill wise to get some heavy damage tanks? Please help me out if you do
  4. looking for a walker please? or a guide for l2net
  5. anyone have a program for that??? so you dont get banned or something
  6. Im looking for a dye setup for a PK on H5 server
  7. hi there! im a lineage 2 player since prelude sooooooo yea hahaha
  8. i haven't played l2 in awhile and the last walker i used was l2 2.18 and it doesnt work, anything updated? and i have no idea how to work l2net.
  9. any1 kno were i can find some cool background images?z
  10. i kno like 2 rezise it but any1 know how to like design it and then add letters 2 it? cuz i wanna make a good crest for my clan SaintsOfGod and ally Fate/AfterLife
  11. i was wondering i see people with all these cool crest but i wanna kno how 2 make them can sum1 show me a step by step on makin a crest? plz?
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