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Everything posted by popld
telika to eida, meta apo xrono bebaia, oti pernei ka8e paixth ksexwrista kai meta blepei to pet tou, an iparxei. opote ta pet den 8ewrountai party. milisa egw gia buff? an den 3ereis ti zitaw mhn spammareis. Den einai tekmhriwmenh swsta h apanthsh sou.
Nikiste stin oly xwris na teliwsete to match
popld replied to MarGaZeaS's topic in Hacks and Cheats [Greek]
omg kai ston server m pianei... iparxei fix? -
[help] Protocol Version is Different!!!
popld replied to djorestis's question in Request Server Development Help [Greek]
bale auto "146;152" pou leei ligo pio panw, kai egw eixa auto to prob pou egrafe mono to 152 otan ekana epilogue server -
Help about Random Spawn
popld replied to lamle1112's question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
Took it from handlers/admincommandhandlers/adminspawn L2NpcTemplate template1; if (monsterId.matches("[0-9]*")) { //First parameter was an ID number int monsterTemplate = Integer.parseInt(monsterId); template1 = NpcTable.getInstance().getTemplate(monsterTemplate); } else { //First parameter wasn't just numbers so go by name not ID monsterId = monsterId.replace('_', ' '); template1 = NpcTable.getInstance().getTemplateByName(monsterId); } try { L2Spawn spawn = new L2Spawn(template1); if (Config.SAVE_GMSPAWN_ON_CUSTOM) spawn.setCustom(true); spawn.setLocx(target.getX()); spawn.setLocy(target.getY()); spawn.setLocz(target.getZ()); spawn.setAmount(mobCount); spawn.setHeading(activeChar.getHeading()); spawn.setRespawnDelay(respawnTime); if (activeChar.getInstanceId() > 0) { spawn.setInstanceId(activeChar.getInstanceId()); permanent = false; } else spawn.setInstanceId(0); // TODO add checks for GrandBossSpawnManager if (RaidBossSpawnManager.getInstance().isDefined(spawn.getNpcid())) activeChar.sendMessage("You cannot spawn another instance of " + template1.name + "."); else { if (RaidBossSpawnManager.getInstance().getValidTemplate(spawn.getNpcid()) != null) { spawn.setRespawnMinDelay(43200); spawn.setRespawnMaxDelay(129600); RaidBossSpawnManager.getInstance().addNewSpawn(spawn, 0, template1.baseHpMax, template1.baseMpMax, permanent); } else { SpawnTable.getInstance().addNewSpawn(spawn, permanent); spawn.init(); } if (!permanent) spawn.stopRespawn(); activeChar.sendMessage("Created " + template1.name + " on " + target.getObjectId()); } } catch (Exception e) { activeChar.sendPacket(SystemMessage.getSystemMessage(SystemMessageId.TARGET_CANT_FOUND)); } Hope it seems helpful, I won't make it to your needs, just to learn and explore yourself in java. Also if you want modify the values 50 100 when you choose randomOffset "true" (means close to x,y,z points you entered) public L2Npc addSpawn(int npcId, int x, int y, int z, int heading, boolean randomOffset, long despawnDelay, boolean isSummonSpawn, int instanceId) { L2Npc result = null; try { L2NpcTemplate template = NpcTable.getInstance().getTemplate(npcId); if (template != null) { // Sometimes, even if the quest script specifies some xyz (for example npc.getX() etc) by the time the code // reaches here, xyz have become 0! Also, a questdev might have purposely set xy to 0,0...however, // the spawn code is coded such that if x=y=0, it looks into location for the spawn loc! This will NOT work // with quest spawns! For both of the above cases, we need a fail-safe spawn. For this, we use the // default spawn location, which is at the player's loc. if ((x == 0) && (y == 0)) { _log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to adjust bad locks for quest spawn! Spawn aborted!"); return null; } if (randomOffset) { int offset; offset = Rnd.get(2); // Get the direction of the offset if (offset == 0) { offset = -1; } // make offset negative offset *= Rnd.get(50, 100); x += offset; offset = Rnd.get(2); // Get the direction of the offset if (offset == 0) { offset = -1; } // make offset negative offset *= Rnd.get(50, 100); y += offset; } L2Spawn spawn = new L2Spawn(template); spawn.setInstanceId(instanceId); spawn.setHeading(heading); spawn.setLocx(x); spawn.setLocy(y); spawn.setLocz(z + 20); spawn.stopRespawn(); result = spawn.spawnOne(isSummonSpawn); if (despawnDelay > 0) result.scheduleDespawn(despawnDelay); return result; } } catch (Exception e1) { _log.warning("Could not spawn Npc " + npcId); } return null; } -
kante lock kai delete akoma an mporeite. Den 8a parw pote apanthsh
Freya code se High Five???/
popld replied to BlackDevilDev's question in Request Server Development Help [Greek]
an enoeis na peraseis code pou proorizetai gia freya kai to valeis se hi5, nai. Arkei na einai apo to idio project p.x L2j official, l2jfree. An den einai, kalo 8a einai na deis ti problhmata iparxoun kai na kaneis kapies mikres dior8wseis, to eclipse stis kokkines kumatistes grammes leei ti eidous problhma iparxei kai pws mporei na dior8w8ei. 8a prepei na exeis kapies gnwseis java kai l2 java gia na to peraseis apotelesmatika. -
how to add code with eclipse......
popld replied to BlackDevilDev's question in Request Server Development Help [Greek]
PRWTA SE LEEI TO ARXEIO JAVA META SE LEEI TIS SEIRES POU 8A BALEIS TO CODE(xestes) PANW APO TA + 8A DEIS ENA KOMATI CODE, PSAXTO, otan to breis bazeis ta komatia me to + pou exoun aristera katw apo to code pou epsaxes kai meta svineis ta + apo ka8e seira pou ebales Συμβουλή: MHN KANEIS APPLY PATCH -
Exw to L2Party party = activeChar.getParty(); Erwtiseis: An den einai se party auto epistrefei thn timh "null" ? An exei pet 8ewrhtai party ? Ara kai ektos apo ton activeChar an exoun kai oi alloi pet, 8ewrountai ta pet party members?
Δέν έχω armor table και αντίστοιχο φάκελο στα stats.
popld replied to ansmc's question in Request Server Development Help [Greek]
ola einai kataxwrhmena sta items, ekei leei an einai etc armor i weapon des L2J_DataPack/data/stats/items/ -
in the custom class i use e.g public class PlayersInTown I will store their id's in some groups called FastList<int> TownIds[] and when they leave the town I will remove them. (where I know they left/entered a zone?) When they log I will just store them if they are in town , I'll use EnterWorld.java? I am sorry that I haven't give you any further information from start. [GR] Μου αρέσει που μπήκα στον Αγγλικό Τομέα, και με απαντάνε έλληνες[GR] <--Can be translated in translate.google.com
BUMP: Any help?
[help] Npc Buffer dance of berserker freya
popld replied to apisteutos's question in Request Server Development Help [Greek]
Einai swsto to "bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Buff 915" ? ? ? Mipws na sviseis to bgcolor=131210? Mipws sto __init__.py sto "915" den kanei tpt?? Mipws exeis valei to Berseker Dance na 8elei parapanw mp apo auto p exeis? Mipws den iparxei to buff? :P -
I want to store in a list some characters (E.g List<L2PcInstance> Group;). I want to use it on server startup and delete it on server close and I want it to be "seen" by all players, i mean that I don't want it to be different for every player instance. Should I use FastList ? maybe create a new independed class? and where I put it? working on l2j last rev freya
to 3erw auto p eipes (prohgoumeno post:Katalavenw oti einai 4 html) alla mipws ftaei pou ekeino einai L2off kai kanei toso grhgora na anoixei to allo arxeio, h exei kanei kati o admin? Auto i8ela na ma8w. A kai kati allo. Mporw na apo8ikeusw scroll position kai otan anoi3w ena arxeio p 8elw na paei h bara kateu8eian ekei?
File ta buff m den pianoun 2 sthles, an borousa den 8a to ekana?? Kai den einai mono gia buff re, den blepete ti grafw? Apla den 8elw na kanei "refresh" to html p pataw, 8elw na einai san na patas karteles. Otan pataw mia apo tis 4 katigories panw, kitrinizei to name kai exei ta "[]". Katalavenw oti einai 4 html, alla ta dika m pernoun xrono na fortosoun, san na kleinei to html kai bgainei kainourgio, enw se auto, les kai allazei mono katw apo thn asprh grammh otan pataw ta link.
paidia den einai mono gia buff, einai kai gia alla pragmata auto 3erw na to kanw eleos.....
Exw vare8ei otan exw buffer na pataw ta buffs se html kai na einai megalh litsa kai na ka8omai na pigainw sinexeia thn bara katw gia na balw kai allo buff. Pws mporw na stamatisw auto to pragma? Ka8e fora pou pataw kati kanei refresh h html selida, san na svinei kai na anoigei, einai spastiko.Den 3erw apo pou na arxisw mporeite me dwsete kana tip?? (den eimai kanas noobas developer, apla den 3erw oles tis dinatothtes tou l2j). Xrhsimopoiw l2jserver freya an boithaei se kati. Auto 8elw na to kanw mono se sigekrimenes selides.
nice thing you shared, you should limit the 1.5432...% to 1.54%, I don't know how to tell the numbers under 1 :P
shift+click mob-->edit stats-->add aggro points??
Can I define a fighter or mage from activeChar. class? I forgot a little java coding....and can't find anything in gameserver and datapack
Kapetanios - Titan Apatewnas - Fortune Seeker Peopas - Tyrant Hisomura - Kamael ToulisPatoulis - Maestro KamikaZe - Spellhowler En0rm0usCr1m3 - Necromancer Prutanhs - Saggitarius
Project L2Jfrozen Interlude Project
popld replied to shivan's topic in Server Development Discussion [L2J]
sorry then, but is my navicat old or something??? I get errors when table has "TYPE=MyISAM" and I saw others working with "ENGINE=MyISAM" and there are duplicating keys with scheme buffer..... -
Project L2Jfrozen Interlude Project
popld replied to shivan's topic in Server Development Discussion [L2J]
This project's SQL files for database SUCKS!!!! make them asap. I get many errors when installing them both manually and with the databaseinstaller.exe. -
[Share]L2JFree Interlude Pack ( + Source Code )
popld replied to vagos123's topic in Server Development Discussion [Greek]
pedia otan to trexo mou leei " 'java' δεν αναγνωριζεται ως εσωτερικη ή εξωτερικη εντολη, εκτελεσιμο προγραμμα η αρχειο δεσμης ενεργειων " kamia lhsh ?? plz reply thx.