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About hellnukes

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  1. Well, what he says is quite true u know. However, if this was shown to everyone. they would bbe useless cux admins would fix them everywhere :/
  2. Who needs account hacking? Noobs probaably. The best trade hack is to trade and get YOUR items PLUS the OTHER GUYS items. That is a good real hax =D
  3. Warcryer is a very good class to play on olys, especially if u have a good bow and dagger. I once pwned two ols in a row with my warcryer xD
  4. Well, l2 has servers for All kind of tastes, so ppl shouldnt complain about this server or that server cux there are servers for every1 . One may like this server but may also dislike the other. Its a question of opinion.
  5. Lineage II 1st place =D 4life. But another good fps which is not listed there is Combat arms
  6. Woot, nice vidz, but 1st one is better ^^
  7. Nice thannks for sharing although its fixed or protected in most servers :S
  8. Tks =D do u have any Free IG for interlude l2off or l2j? Working.
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