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Everything posted by turksauron

  1. Great lollllll... :D Tell me frozen use bake ice ????? So why can i login to frozen with walker :D They removed bake ice :D lol Haha Frozen Settings for Bake Ice By-Passer: [L2Frozen] IP= Port=2106 Token=5F3B352E5D39342D33313D3D2D257854215E5B24
  2. I m sorry for my bad English :D Can you tell me which file is missing???
  3. Guys. I did it :D I wrote a program like l2asrv and i bypassed Bake Ice. jajajajaajajaj Olaaaaaa Here it is. http://rapidshare.com/files/79721606/BakeIceByPasser_1.0.0.0009.rar 1) Decompress it anywhere you want. 2) Open ServerList.ini and edit like set.ini of l2walker. Write IP , port and token of the server. 3) Open Set.ini of l2walker and modify server data you want to login. Change IP to local ip ( or localhost), change port to 2106. Dont touch to protocol version and server list. It ll be seem like this. [XServer] LoginServerIP= LoginServerPort=2106 ProtocolVersion=xxx ServerList=Bartz;... bla bla bla For example: [L2Vicious] LoginServerIP= LoginServerPort=2106 ProtocolVersion=656 ServerList=[]L2Vicious(Beta) Then open l2asrv, my Bake Ice By-Passer, L2walker. And Play :D:D PS: L2walker's token must be 5F3B352E5D39342D33313D3D2D257854215E5B24 and Bake Ice By-Passer's token must be the server token.
  4. I want my followbishop baaaaaaaaacckk. :'(
  5. I think protecting with bake ice is because of me. Check out this. http://forum.l2vicious.com/showthread.php?s=3800abfa773f6f6c5bdc46673c4e1ee0&t=236 (ForceIsMyAlly is me and Emergency is my bot :D)
  6. jajajajajaj axaxaxaxaxa. what an irrelevant post :D
  7. Waiting for someone bypass bake ice is easier. :) But If I bypass, I ll put it this forum.
  8. And one of the other options is training too much in l2 so i dont ve to use walker:D:D:D
  9. i m programmer and i watched all the client and server message packets. I see that auth server send dont use blowfishcrypt and walker dont crypt next packets. Original game dont mind of this command. It always crypts packets. I think i ve to write a bridge program and I write all server ip's in it and I change all ip's in set.ini to local ip. Or write a new bot :D...... And ma be i can edit l2walker.exe ;).(I ve to study too much)
  10. Is it bake ice ??
  11. Guys... I ve a bad news for you... Now Vicious is using the sh1t gives wrong password error to me like l2frozen :( . I think 10.7.1 is too old. We need the newer one. Do you ve 10.7.4 version? L2asrv has fully support for 10.7.4 and it can be work on it. Or you guys could ve a stock of 600x verifyserver and share with us????
  12. Java is taking more place on ram than Off. If u use java, u must find a computer which has over 4gb ram for 100 user. If u use Off server, 2gb enough for 100 user. I hope u understand.
  13. Someone upload this file pleeeezzz.
  14. I m looking for c3/c4 off server files. All of the links are down. I got C1 server file. If there is no link for c3/c4 files, put c1 to c3 file here pleez. I must setup a server until next month. THNKSSS!!!!
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