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Posts posted by BigGreen

  1. Hello first of all.

    I am Outlaw aka PunkD from the ex SegueWorld and im posting from a friend account since i dont remember my account.

    Corruption was present from many sides, too late to enumerate now since the server is over.

    Unknownz had a B1 for 1 day maximum and indeed they got "corrupted" regarding some stuff like "items and some other stuff" ( i got the logs from the database and i saw what the B1 char from the Unknownz side did ) Dont try to cover it you have nothing to back up your story.

    SGC didnt had a "B1" in fact me Outlaw aka PunkD was the server core developer and the only person with database/host access.

    I dont know what this gr33k kid Koza is saying, but hes dumb as a damn whore.

    Why the fck you even talk dude ? Really now.... but still lets trash the SW name more so here it goes :

    This Koza person was the guy that was providing us a Proxy IP Shield to help us bypass the DDOS attacks, ok i got this. But after that you went up to the paymaster of the server and you asked him for items ( dont deny ) since the paymaster is a retard he accepted to give you anything you wanted, so he told me to give you, how many runes i gave you Koza ? 10 k each colour ? 2nd time more ? how many Gold bars ? 100+ ? How many EWS/EAS ? Should i post screens ? Please shut the fuck up you retarded cunt you`re trash.

    About Yuki , please stop inventing so called logs via msn, thats easy to create in notepad++, Yuki is a SGC and Unknownz reject aka Amon .

    Yuki is a dumb fuck person that had 0 knowledge of L2OFF, he didnt even know how to unhide (lol), i teached him basic commands (same goes for the lol paymaster).

    What happened at QA well you people are dumb really now, there was no edit on SGC members regarding "STR" you are quite imbecils to believe that, the damage you took from those 2 people Bounce and Famouz was the alter effect of zerk+cat+bow++ and Shock Blast on target. Still i quite dont give a damn what you people think.

    @Kebab : Get lost turk.

    @BR : Suicide please.

    @Koza : Get back to reality kiddo your texts that you pasted are fake you wrote them down in notepad, if you would have had proofs you would have posted screens of the logs, plus we never invited such random as you speak in SGC in SW. Lie exposed ( i can even confront the database if you want to face me )

    @Kafsof : I ran the server, i made it i closed it, how can someone kick me from a staff when the server does not exist anymore ?

    B1tch please.


    @Topic : Server is closed, i've shut it down and removed my files from the host. SQL was wiped and machine shut down.

    Find another server scrubs.

  2. Hello, guys, please do not buy does files from this guy.

    The server files are already released on mxc, you pay for nothing. The features are half of what this extender can do.

    I wanted to make a server with this guy, but he want to scam ppl, like he did to me. I'm glad I didin't put the real Il Extender from RU.

    His just 17 yeard ols jerk who think he got in L2off community.


    Request: User ban.

  3. Hello, we are looking for a paymaster to support  our Foctor Project.


    Project Information and Features:


    * Description of the server - Foctor x100.

    * Classic server Interlude - x100 - PTS platform.

    * Full implementation of chronicles Interlude on the official platform.

    * XP Rate : x100.

    * SP Rate : x100.

    * Adena Rate : x250.

    * Working Demonic Weapons Zariche and Akamanah, with the possibility of issuing a few skills to master.

    * Fully working clan system Interlude (8 levels, Academy, Guards, Knights, Sponsor).

    * We have one of the best protection from bugs , dyupov , bots , etc.

    * Work fishing and Manor, in accordance with the off-server.

    * Working Fort's , Clan Hall's , Castle Sieges.

    * Fully working duels and battles parties.

    * Working Augmentation system.

    * Fully retail like skills.

    * Working wedding system.

    * Fusion skills working.

    * Working Shadow Items.

    * Auto learning skills.

    * Fully working quests.

    * No deleveling bug.

    * Bugless Geodata.

    * Active staff.

    * Daily Events.


    Enchant Information :


    * Safe Enchant : +3.

    * Max Enchant : +16.

    * Rates :

    * From +3 to +7 - 45% for fighter weapons.

    * From +3 to +7 - 40 % for mage weapons.

    * From +7 above - 35 % for fighter weapons.

    * From +7 above - 30 % for mage weapons.

    * From +3 to +4 - 55 % for armor and jewls.

    * From +4 to +5 - 45 % for armor and jewls.

    * From +5 to +6 - 35 % for armor and jewls.

    * From +6 above - 25 % for armor and jewls.

    * Crystal Scroll Rate : 55%.

    * Blessed Scroll Rate : 65%.


    Custom Information :


    * Custom DDOS protection system ( we also have Cisco softwared and hardcored into our machines ).

    * Every new created character will have best No Grade gear + pocket adena.

    * Elixirs CP/MP/Hp : 1k restore of the specific type / 60 seconds reuse.

    * Custom Weapon + Armor Shop with D/C/B/A + Custom farmable S.

    * Catacombs and Necropolis are disabled , 7 Signs is removed.

    * Custom NPC Buffer with all posible buffs untill 74 level.

    * (1st week we will have a NPC with full 3rd class buffs).

    * Free class changer for 1st / 2nd and 3rd class.

    * Custom Gatekeeper with all locations needed.

    * Custom Misc Shop with everything you need.

    * Custom Toogle skill to avoid bad buffs.

    * Most of the teleport spawn are safe.

    * MP pots : 600 MP / 3 seconds reuse.

    * Pet buff duration is retail-like.

    * Main town : Giran Castle Town.

    * Buff duration is 90 minutes.

    * Offline shopping system.

    * Delevel Manager.


    Augmentation Information :


    * You can have 1 Pasive on your weapon and only 1 Augment buff on your buff bar.

    * Augments skills are only pasive/active , chances are disabled.

    * Change to obtain an augmented skill as active or pasive is 5 %.

    * Example : Am acu + Active Shield and Db foc + Pasive Might.

    * You can use the Active Shield from Am to buff yourself and after you change to Db with Pasive Might you will not lose the Active Shield buff provided by the Am.


    Buffs Information :


    * Buffs in party only to avoid grief buffing.

    * 2 Hours Normal buff.

    * 2 Hours Dances and Songs.

    * 2 Hours Superbuffs ( as like Cov , Pof , Powa , Powi , Magnus , Vop ).

    * Cat & Unicorn buff have the normal time.


    Siege Information :


    * Sieges : We will have only 4 Castles opened for sieges.

    * ( Goddard / Rune / Giran / Aden ).

    * (The Sieges for every castle will be weekly).

    * IMPORTANT : Castle winners will be awarded awesome prizes (even real money).

    * The Crown of Lord has 500 Hp bonus.


    Raid Bosses Information :


    * Cabrio/Kernon/Golkonda/Hallate are all 80 level.

    * (The respawn for the raids above is 4 Hours , also the custom drops will be disabled for these raids since people might abuse them).

    * [Red Pipette Knife is in Misc Shop].

    * Barakiel and its Minions are 80 level.

    * (The respawn is 4 Hours).

    * Epic Raids will have a custom respawn time.

    * Ant Queen : Level 80 : Respawn : 24 H +/- 90 minutes.

    * Zaken : Level 80 : Respawn 48 H +/- 90 minutes.

    * Baium : Level 80 : Respawn 96 H +/- 90 minutes.

    * Antharas : Level 80 : Respawn 84 H +/- 90 minutes.

    * Valakas : Level 80 : Respawn 108 H +/- 90 minutes.

    * Frintezza : Level 80 : Respawn 72 H +/- 90 minutes.

    * All Epic Raid Zones are chaotic areas.

    * Frintezza working flawless and retail-like.

    * Valakas and Antharas are not OP to not be killed.

    * All Epic Raids have 100 % chance for drop while Ant Queen has chance to drop the jewl 25 %.

    * No delevel bug on Epic Bosses.

    * Epic Jewls are 10% nerfed.

    * In Primeval Island , Elven Fortress and Pagan Temple we will have in each zone a custom raid with custom drops like (Apella materials , Apella parts ( on certain chance ) , Gold Bars , S grade weapons with SA , Blessed Scrolls Armor and Weapon S grade).


    Olympiad Information :


    * Olympiad Town : Heine.

    * Olympiad period is custom made.

    * (Olympiad will be every day from 10.00 - 13.00 GMT +2 / 16.00 - 19.00 GMT +2 / 22.00 - 01.00 GMT +2 ) , You will be noticed when olympiad will start by an auto announce.

    * Olympiad will be restricted to +3 Amors and +3 Weapons ( +4 Body main armor and +4 Duals for SA ) , Jewls in oly will also be restricted to +3 .

    * The reuse of the skills is reseted after each olympiad match so you are able to sign in again instantly and not wait for 1 hour for the skills reuse like on the others servers.

    * You need 9 match and 1 wins to be eligible to hero.

    * Augmentation is allowed in olympiad.

    * Apella Armor is allowed in olympiad.

    * Epic jewls are allowed on olympiad.


    Custom Armor :


    * Custom Armor will be "Apella" with the C4 Textures.

    * The L/H/R Apella have the following bonus :

    * Apella Light : DEX+2 , STR+1 , CON-1 , Atk. Spd./P. Atk +5% , Stun Resist 10% , Speed +7.

    * Apella Heavy : CON+2 , STR+1 , P. Def. +5% , Max HP +650 , Stun Resist 10% , Speed +7.

    * Apella Robe : MEN+1 , INT+2 , WIT+1 , Casting Spd. +13% , Stun Resist 10% , Speed +7.


    Class Informations :


    * Class type buffers as like : Eva Saint , Shillien Saint will have +500 CP and +500 Hp extra.

    * Class type supporters as like : Spectral Dancer , Sword Muse will have a +7% boosted stats in P.Atk and Atk.Spd.

    * Class type healer as like : Cardinal will be retail like.

    * Class type Supporter as like : DoomCryer , Hierophant will be retail like.

    * Class type Dagger as like : Adventurer , Ghost Hunter , Wind Rider have the lethal land rate slightly reduced.


    Farming Informations :


    * Custom farming system :

    * Ancient Adena is needed to unseal A/S grade Armors/Jewls + the Custom Armor.

    * Ancient Adena droping in Execution Grounds / Cemetary / Seal of Shilen / DVC.

    * Elven Fortress is a Solo Zone with Ancient Adena and Adena drops , also decent exp.

    * Higher a-beep-ts of Ancient Adena / Adena are droping in Primeval Island.

    * S grade weapon parts are being droped/spoiled on Primeval Island.

    * Life stones can be spoiled in Primeval Island on a certain chance.

    * Primeval Island mobs are changed.

    * Pagan Temple will be Chaotic farming zone with extra drops/xp. ( You need to make a quest to enter or you can buy the item from the Misc Shop ).

    * S grade weapons with SA drop in Pagan Temple on a certain chance.

    * Pagan Temple mobs are changed.

    * For the Apella Armor items you have to spoil in Pagan Temple.

    * Apella Armor parts and items can be aquired by Epic raids aswell.

    * Apella Armor can be obtained by upgrading normal S grade armor.

    * Example :

    * Normal Draconic can be upgraded on a Custom NPC to 55 % with custom items spoiled in Pagan Temple.

    * From 55% the armor can be upgraded to 60 % and so on ...

    * When the set reaches 100 % and you upgrade one more time you will obtain Apella Armor.

    * Notice : A upgraded S grade set will not give the bonus if it wont be complete on a certain %.


    Please contact the Administrator at:  dayton_n82@live.com !

  4. Hello, we are looking for a paymaster to support  our Foctor Project.


    Project Information and Features:


    * Description of the server - Foctor x100.

    * Classic server Interlude - x100 - PTS platform.

    * Full implementation of chronicles Interlude on the official platform.

    * XP Rate : x100.

    * SP Rate : x100.

    * Adena Rate : x250.

    * Working Demonic Weapons Zariche and Akamanah, with the possibility of issuing a few skills to master.

    * Fully working clan system Interlude (8 levels, Academy, Guards, Knights, Sponsor).

    * We have one of the best protection from bugs , dyupov , bots , etc.

    * Work fishing and Manor, in accordance with the off-server.

    * Working Fort's , Clan Hall's , Castle Sieges.

    * Fully working duels and battles parties.

    * Working Augmentation system.

    * Fully retail like skills.

    * Working wedding system.

    * Fusion skills working.

    * Working Shadow Items.

    * Auto learning skills.

    * Fully working quests.

    * No deleveling bug.

    * Bugless Geodata.

    * Active staff.

    * Daily Events.


    Enchant Information :


    * Safe Enchant : +3.

    * Max Enchant : +16.

    * Rates :

    * From +3 to +7 - 45% for fighter weapons.

    * From +3 to +7 - 40 % for mage weapons.

    * From +7 above - 35 % for fighter weapons.

    * From +7 above - 30 % for mage weapons.

    * From +3 to +4 - 55 % for armor and jewls.

    * From +4 to +5 - 45 % for armor and jewls.

    * From +5 to +6 - 35 % for armor and jewls.

    * From +6 above - 25 % for armor and jewls.

    * Crystal Scroll Rate : 55%.

    * Blessed Scroll Rate : 65%.


    Custom Information :


    * Custom DDOS protection system ( we also have Cisco softwared and hardcored into our machines ).

    * Every new created character will have best No Grade gear + pocket adena.

    * Elixirs CP/MP/Hp : 1k restore of the specific type / 60 seconds reuse.

    * Custom Weapon + Armor Shop with D/C/B/A + Custom farmable S.

    * Catacombs and Necropolis are disabled , 7 Signs is removed.

    * Custom NPC Buffer with all posible buffs untill 74 level.

    * (1st week we will have a NPC with full 3rd class buffs).

    * Free class changer for 1st / 2nd and 3rd class.

    * Custom Gatekeeper with all locations needed.

    * Custom Misc Shop with everything you need.

    * Custom Toogle skill to avoid bad buffs.

    * Most of the teleport spawn are safe.

    * MP pots : 600 MP / 3 seconds reuse.

    * Pet buff duration is retail-like.

    * Main town : Giran Castle Town.

    * Buff duration is 90 minutes.

    * Offline shopping system.

    * Delevel Manager.


    Augmentation Information :


    * You can have 1 Pasive on your weapon and only 1 Augment buff on your buff bar.

    * Augments skills are only pasive/active , chances are disabled.

    * Change to obtain an augmented skill as active or pasive is 5 %.

    * Example : Am acu + Active Shield and Db foc + Pasive Might.

    * You can use the Active Shield from Am to buff yourself and after you change to Db with Pasive Might you will not lose the Active Shield buff provided by the Am.


    Buffs Information :


    * Buffs in party only to avoid grief buffing.

    * 2 Hours Normal buff.

    * 2 Hours Dances and Songs.

    * 2 Hours Superbuffs ( as like Cov , Pof , Powa , Powi , Magnus , Vop ).

    * Cat & Unicorn buff have the normal time.


    Siege Information :


    * Sieges : We will have only 4 Castles opened for sieges.

    * ( Goddard / Rune / Giran / Aden ).

    * (The Sieges for every castle will be weekly).

    * IMPORTANT : Castle winners will be awarded awesome prizes (even real money).

    * The Crown of Lord has 500 Hp bonus.


    Raid Bosses Information :


    * Cabrio/Kernon/Golkonda/Hallate are all 80 level.

    * (The respawn for the raids above is 4 Hours , also the custom drops will be disabled for these raids since people might abuse them).

    * [Red Pipette Knife is in Misc Shop].

    * Barakiel and its Minions are 80 level.

    * (The respawn is 4 Hours).

    * Epic Raids will have a custom respawn time.

    * Ant Queen : Level 80 : Respawn : 24 H +/- 90 minutes.

    * Zaken : Level 80 : Respawn 48 H +/- 90 minutes.

    * Baium : Level 80 : Respawn 96 H +/- 90 minutes.

    * Antharas : Level 80 : Respawn 84 H +/- 90 minutes.

    * Valakas : Level 80 : Respawn 108 H +/- 90 minutes.

    * Frintezza : Level 80 : Respawn 72 H +/- 90 minutes.

    * All Epic Raid Zones are chaotic areas.

    * Frintezza working flawless and retail-like.

    * Valakas and Antharas are not OP to not be killed.

    * All Epic Raids have 100 % chance for drop while Ant Queen has chance to drop the jewl 25 %.

    * No delevel bug on Epic Bosses.

    * Epic Jewls are 10% nerfed.

    * In Primeval Island , Elven Fortress and Pagan Temple we will have in each zone a custom raid with custom drops like (Apella materials , Apella parts ( on certain chance ) , Gold Bars , S grade weapons with SA , Blessed Scrolls Armor and Weapon S grade).


    Olympiad Information :


    * Olympiad Town : Heine.

    * Olympiad period is custom made.

    * (Olympiad will be every day from 10.00 - 13.00 GMT +2 / 16.00 - 19.00 GMT +2 / 22.00 - 01.00 GMT +2 ) , You will be noticed when olympiad will start by an auto announce.

    * Olympiad will be restricted to +3 Amors and +3 Weapons ( +4 Body main armor and +4 Duals for SA ) , Jewls in oly will also be restricted to +3 .

    * The reuse of the skills is reseted after each olympiad match so you are able to sign in again instantly and not wait for 1 hour for the skills reuse like on the others servers.

    * You need 9 match and 1 wins to be eligible to hero.

    * Augmentation is allowed in olympiad.

    * Apella Armor is allowed in olympiad.

    * Epic jewls are allowed on olympiad.


    Custom Armor :


    * Custom Armor will be "Apella" with the C4 Textures.

    * The L/H/R Apella have the following bonus :

    * Apella Light : DEX+2 , STR+1 , CON-1 , Atk. Spd./P. Atk +5% , Stun Resist 10% , Speed +7.

    * Apella Heavy : CON+2 , STR+1 , P. Def. +5% , Max HP +650 , Stun Resist 10% , Speed +7.

    * Apella Robe : MEN+1 , INT+2 , WIT+1 , Casting Spd. +13% , Stun Resist 10% , Speed +7.


    Class Informations :


    * Class type buffers as like : Eva Saint , Shillien Saint will have +500 CP and +500 Hp extra.

    * Class type supporters as like : Spectral Dancer , Sword Muse will have a +7% boosted stats in P.Atk and Atk.Spd.

    * Class type healer as like : Cardinal will be retail like.

    * Class type Supporter as like : DoomCryer , Hierophant will be retail like.

    * Class type Dagger as like : Adventurer , Ghost Hunter , Wind Rider have the lethal land rate slightly reduced.


    Farming Informations :


    * Custom farming system :

    * Ancient Adena is needed to unseal A/S grade Armors/Jewls + the Custom Armor.

    * Ancient Adena droping in Execution Grounds / Cemetary / Seal of Shilen / DVC.

    * Elven Fortress is a Solo Zone with Ancient Adena and Adena drops , also decent exp.

    * Higher a-beep-ts of Ancient Adena / Adena are droping in Primeval Island.

    * S grade weapon parts are being droped/spoiled on Primeval Island.

    * Life stones can be spoiled in Primeval Island on a certain chance.

    * Primeval Island mobs are changed.

    * Pagan Temple will be Chaotic farming zone with extra drops/xp. ( You need to make a quest to enter or you can buy the item from the Misc Shop ).

    * S grade weapons with SA drop in Pagan Temple on a certain chance.

    * Pagan Temple mobs are changed.

    * For the Apella Armor items you have to spoil in Pagan Temple.

    * Apella Armor parts and items can be aquired by Epic raids aswell.

    * Apella Armor can be obtained by upgrading normal S grade armor.

    * Example :

    * Normal Draconic can be upgraded on a Custom NPC to 55 % with custom items spoiled in Pagan Temple.

    * From 55% the armor can be upgraded to 60 % and so on ...

    * When the set reaches 100 % and you upgrade one more time you will obtain Apella Armor.

    * Notice : A upgraded S grade set will not give the bonus if it wont be complete on a certain %.



    Please contact the Administrator at:  dayton_n82@live.com !

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