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Posts posted by BigGreen

  1. JESUS ! I can not believe you can trust this moron named "Dumnanist".

    His server got hack every time ! His always corrupted ! And his always thinking about money and close the server without warnings !

    No, I will never join his server cause they SUCK even him ! Its -1000 from me and my clan.

    Damn it ! 700 players ?! Impossible, guess DDoS time !

  2. hey there guys..the server lost most of the players atm..offtopic: aiurila nu v-ati ocupat prea bine de el eu am jucat mult pe server de la inceput si inca mai joc dar nu am vazut un gm on nu va dati interes sa vada si playerii.. | sorry guys had to say that :P

  3. dudes this server got more AIOs that normal players roflmao anyway Rumenishe fail serwidor is fail.


    Get lost faggot, go to your "lolfreeitemsserverhome". We don't need kids like you @ forum or server. Just cause you act like that, asking for items and if you don't get your just like 15 years old newb " LOL floood omg, fack you" etc.

    I'm glad you left the server and one more thing -1 karma for you.


  4. fail server is fail , no balance , Gm gives aio his neighbours , 0 balance, 100 restarts , no online player display - so Gm can lie about online ammount.


    Anyway it`s ur decision , but FAIL server is Fail


    fail server is fail , no balance , Gm gives aio his neighbours , 0 balance, 100 restarts , no online player display - so Gm can lie about online ammount.


    Anyway it`s ur decision , but FAIL server is Fail



    Dude, I said loud and clear ! If you got 15 active clan members online you earn AIO buffer, such as gypsy that you you try to trick me with 15 characters level 1 in clan so you can earn AIO buffer. No I won't give, you didn't even made that much level you ware B-Grade and your talking about Balance.

    Please, get lost ! And yes I did remove that Online players cause of newbs Like @ my server " LOL SEVRE FAIL" Server is open for 1 day and we reach 100 Players Online and we gave 3 AIO-Buffers. Please get lost and stop acting like fag @ forum and bitch in game.


    thanks !

  5. Ohh so your does guys who joined ask for "Please AIO character or I leave server"

    I'm glad that you left, you haven't even made level 78 and gear and you cry about balance. Damn players.

    Also the other guy who flame the staff list cause he didn't get AIO, I'm tired of kids like who don't how to count but his really pro and wants everything.

    Thanks that you left the server Non of Lineage ][ Private server needs you.


    Here is the prove that you guys really suck !






  6. i dont say lol.... just i say i cant join in your server that is somnthing wrong??

    Bubulina please make sure you deleted the old system folder and replace with the one from website.

    i make this and i got also the same problem!!! add me claus_ursu  for fix this problems i am sure is not onlly to me!!

    is from your l2fileedit u dont make it ok!! delete your system and downloand a clean system and edit it with your l2 loghin ..i wanna join there :-s

    Its late now, going to check that tomorrow. Make sure you don't have any other chronicale and reinstall the game I'm sure it will work.

  7. Hello guys, as you know there was LineAge 2 Mexic 300x, we upgrade the server !




               XP - 300x

              SP - 300x

              Adena - 120x

     Enchant Rates:


              Max Enchant Weapon: +16

              Save Enchant: +4

              Max Enchant Armor: +8

              Save Enchant: +4

              66% - Normal Enchant

              80% Blessed


    Custom Modification:


    Custom Dynasty Armor:






    You can earn does armor by hunting the fallowing RaidBosses:


     Ketra's Commander Tayr

     Ketra's Hero Hekaton

     Ketra's Chief Brakki

     Varka's Chief Horus

     Varka's Commander Mos

     Varka's Hero Shadith


      Drop: 150 - 250 Coin of Luck [Needed for Elegia Weapons]

    BEWS/BEAS: 2 -5 Random drop.

    Top and High Life stone: 2 - 5 Random drop

    500 kk - 700 kk Adena.

    Dynasty Armors Part [Random]

    Custom Weapons: customweapons.jpg



    Custom Nobless:


    You can earn Nobless Status by killing RaidBoss: Flame of Splendor Barakiel.

    The RaidBoss will drop 9 Nobless coin noblesss.jpg


    NOTICE: You just have to double-click the item in order to get Nobless status.


    Other things that you need to know


    Geodata - 100%

    Epic RaidBosses: Retail Like with Custom drop.

    Olympiad - Weekly [7 days]


    Global GateKepper

    NPC- Buffer

    Dayly Events

    Offline- Shop

    Balance Classes.

    GM-Shop C-B-A-S Grade [Armors & Weapons]

    New characters will start with No-grade gear and 1.500.000 Adena.




    New clans with 15 members online will earn a FRE-AIO BUffer.


    Server will OPEN TODAY AT 21:00 GMT +2 !


    Join us at http://mexic.us/ !!


  8. UPDATE:


    Ring of Baium +6

    Queen Anr Ring +6

    Zaken's Earring +6       All for 50 Euro's

    Antharas Earring +6

    Valakas Neckalge +6


    Phoenix Armor Light Set +6  - 30 Euro's

    Phoenix Heavy Set +6 - 30 Euro's

    Phoenix Bow +20 - 30 Euro

    Phoenix Mace + 20 - 30 Euro


    Private Message for more information

  9. The server is really ugly, the farm system sux ! I mean in 1 day you can be full S-grade.

    Second, not so much things you can do @ l2mdnight.

    Third, to many GM's, there are @ 10 GameMaster and 4 B1 witch half of them are corrupted or even more !

    The server will die soon ! Or get pwned by some1 , I bet that !

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