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Everything posted by scene

  1. Kinda useful. I remember when I logged in and saw a new char in my acc... But that was a joke from my friend.
  2. 2011... I would be dead.
  3. Nah, on GameUp they will only ban you if you got the dagger or the lance. Just make sure you dont spawn A and B grade armors and weaps on your first day and your cool.
  4. What do you mean? Could you explain it to me, please? And btw, Silence had somekind of problem and now you dont need to do anything besides press Send to use multisell
  5. Hey, can anyone post the walker again please?
  6. scene

    Flash Movies!

    LMAO! I liked the Metal Gear movie : D This is not funny, however famous and very interesting: http://gprime.net/flash.php/911pentagonstrikeconspiracy#Main
  7. Frintessa rulez! I saw some movies in the official site, so cool! : D
  8. hm interesting, perhaps you post some more? : D
  9. bah, only an advice! .. man, try to search for yourself. in a forum people CHANGE information. here a tip: http://www.gamesites200.com/lineage2/ it has 200 servers! and sure, at least ONE of them still vulnerable. try to use the Help in these servers! and before I forgot, BioniK Help is the newest help. but btw, if you think that what I said was irrelevant, you also can add this link in the Favourites and check every day for a reply that helps more. good luck! : )
  10. its a very good tool, take a look: http://img249.imageshack.us/img249/7889/bion1k0kx.jpg (in this screenshot you cannot see much adena, but I was earning 2kk per day, is more than the sufficient for a server with lower rates (-5x).) unhappyly, its already fixed in this server, that I prefer not to post the name here. but btw, if you want to know which server it is, PM me! as I said, its already fixed.. waiting a new version! thanks a lot.
  11. lol, how to use that nude packs? :p
  12. wordlists 'n dictionaries: _ www.passwords.ru/dic.htm _ ftp.openwall.com/pub/wordlists/ _ ftp.cerias.purdue.edu/pub/dict/ _ ftp.ox.ac.uk/pub/wordlists/ _ ftp.funet.fi/pub/unix/security/dictionaries/ _ www.outpost9.com/files/WordLists.html _ www.phreak.com/html/wordlists.shtml _ coast.cs.purdue.edu/pub/dict/wordlists/ if someone have sucess with it, POST IT HERE!
  13. s2 we r waiting 4 ikon server
  14. sp4m.
  15. omg nice, we love u :}
  16. good job, really good only needs time 4more people
  17. hmm favourite? yea the FAVOURITE its Metal Gear (psone, ps2, pc, etc), any MGS; Sons of Liberty, Snake Eater, Solid Snake, etc. OMG I love it
  18. it means: i need to kill mobs for exp and adena, fucked again ):
  19. its hm.. old.
  20. scene


    hmm rock, metal, trash... metallica rulz ;D
  21. yeah opens but functions dont work, take a look: http://sv1.randomcrap.net/uploads/files/0/pic.gif i click and nothin happens isnt only in valkon
  22. maxtor, if i use the default l2.exe my game cant be opened, so i need to use the l2.exe of server patch - the engine.dll are the same size of default - well, i have modified the nwindow.dll and now i can open the help.htm ingame but the functions dont work ill need the correctly l2.exe and engine.dll? how and what i need to modify in these files? :/ obs: if u need to know what server i need, pm-me
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