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Everything posted by helden

  1. I search new faction system server, (not l2ovc, l2java) lf other faction server with ppl
  2. 106 ppl online and i dont see any1 in any spot exp.. day/night 100+ ppl online so where?
  3. error texture when launched l2... any 1 know how to fix it?
  4. cannot make acc... site to create acc must be fix
  5. i will join but when up?
  6. server unbalanse..... glad>all....
  7. enchant max save %? but gl with u serv
  8. hmm i see very nice server must join
  9. delete tato....
  10. server all time restart.... all time dc...
  11. i cant login server off?? or wtf?? auto acc?
  12. server is very good but small online
  13. ITS NOT MY SERVER u understand???? im only promoting.....
  14. it's not mine, i'm only promoting it
  15. save 5 max weapon 10, armor/jew 12, 80% in server more mage, good balance, 1-2h u have max or if u have WL to famr u have all for 30 min
  16. yes save 5 max 10. 80% normla bless scroll. only pvp here
  17. no
  18. Rates: ------------------- EXP/SP/ADENA/DROP 1500/1500/1000/1 ------------------ Enchant Rates: ------------------ Chanse Simple 75%. Chanse Blessed 80%. Max Weapon 10. Max Armor 12. Max Jewell 12. Safe 5. Event max Weapon 12. Event max Armor 14. Event max Jewell 14. ------------------ Raid Bosses: ------------------ Antharas: Respawn Time: 3h, Drop: 3x Valakas: Respawn Time: 3h, Drop: 4x Baium: Respawn Time: 2h, Drop: 2x Zaken: Respawn Time: 2h, Drop: 1x Queen Ant: Respawn Time: 1h, Drop: 1x Orfen: Respawn Time: 1h, Drop: 1x Core: Respawn Time: 1h, Drop: 1x ------------------ Olympiad: ------------------ Olympiad start 18h GTM +2. Olympiad end 00h. GTM+2 Heroes change saturday 00.00h. ------------------ Tatto: ------------------ Server is only 2 tatto. Avadon = C. Speed. Soul = A. Speed. ------------------ Champion Mobs: ------------------ Champion mobs Drop Crimson Moss. Champion MOBs is only in PvP / PK areas. Crimson Moss is the quest items. ------------------ Team vs Team: ------------------ Auto event is TVT. Register in giran. It is play every 60minutes. Blu Eva and 2bogs Special TVT Shop in giran. if u dont get prize pres tab. ------------------ Other: ------------------ Maximum buffs: 100. No grade penality. No weight penality. Working Siege GM shop up to A grade. CustomShop S grade, Blessed Scrolls, Tattos, Clan skill items ir t.t. Starting Adena 200kk. Spawn Protection 50s. Buff time 2h. Anti Heawy dagger/archer Auto Loot Anti-Phx Anti-Ddos Server Uptime 100%. Working Olympiad. Working All C6 Skills. Working CS. Working TVT event. PVP/PK color system Events every day. No Custom. Massive PVP. And much much more... I hope to see you in game. http://l2.dmg.lt in server 80% LT, online 170+, we need more who can speak eng
  19. lag and all time dc
  20. 0 online in all day gz
  21. this server is old l2desire??????
  22. hmm i join now and test i thing its good server
  23. +1 dude! Grin great job!
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