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About St0rmy

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  1. you are newbie? PacketsT2.ini from offiicial site (coderx.ru) for gracia and your Packets_Freya.ini - exactly the same.
  2. Download L2PacketHack from offical site and compare your PacketsFreya.ini and PacketsT2.ini. Why are they the same? http://coderx.ru/downloads.php?do=file&id=39
  3. Script by TilerDerton who knows Russian, let will translate for other. to me laziness :) {Баг-энчантер by TilerDerton - самая говеная версия} const name='TilerDerton'; // Ник var i:integer; UseItem, UseScroll, Ench, Dep, Withd, BypassD, BypassW: string; {******************************************************************************} procedure Say(msg:string); begin buf:=#$4A; WriteD(0); WriteD(10); WriteS(''); WriteS(msg); SendToClient; end; {******************************************************************************} procedure Init; //Вызывается при включении скрипта begin say('Use item to enchant=)'); end; procedure Free; //Вызывается при выключении скрипта begin end; procedure OnConnect(WithClient: Boolean); //Вызывается при установке соединения begin end; procedure OnDisonnect(WithClient: Boolean); //Вызывается при потере соединения begin end; //основная часть скрипта //вызывается при приходе каждого пакета если скрипт включен begin if pck='' then exit; if FromClient and (ConnectName=Name) and (pck[1]=#$14) and (UseItem='') then begin UseItem:=pck; /// Випон say('Item is ready, now use scroll...'); end; if FromClient and (ConnectName=Name) and (pck[1]=#$14) and (UseItem<>pck) and (UseScroll='') then begin UseScroll:=pck; /// точка say('Nice, now enchant your item...'); end; if FromClient and (ConnectName=Name) and (pck[1]=#$58) and (Ench='') then begin Ench:=pck; //Энч say('Sweet! Open deposit window please...'); end; if FromClient and (ConnectName=Name) and (pck[1]=#$21) and (BypassD='') then begin BypassD:=pck; // Bdep say('Deposit your item (only it)') end; if FromClient and (ConnectName=Name) and (pck[1]=#$31) and (Dep='') then begin Dep:=pck; // dep say('Well done! So you shoud withdraw your item, eqip it, use scroll and make social "Yes"=)') end; if (FromClient) and (ConnectName=Name) and (pck=hstr('1B 06 00 00 00')) then begin pck:=''; buf:=UseScroll; SendToServer; buf:=Ench; SendToServer; buf:=UseItem; SendToServer; buf:=BypassD; SendToServer; buf:=Dep; SendToServer; end; end.
  4. on Gracia pt2 EMU serv. park, dosent work
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