They having problems with server client on their machine... hopefully they have good hosting like last server.
Lately all Interlude official servers = laaggg for me in USA. Click... 1 second to move. impossible to play dagger (favorite class) and nuker bsps lag.
a little bit ago i check my bot and my main is dead and my buffer/healer is somehow in fantasy isle... this is on retail L2... seems like a bot check but not sure. what couldve happened?
you guys say bots are allowed for buffers and shops, can anyone upload one? i have l2net but i'd prefer OOG walker for my buffers since i know walker so well...
having a problem...
i right click->run as admin
click Run on L2walker and the walker minimizes like it should but L2.exe doesn't launch.. any ideas? is it the server i'm on?
there IS a way to get it to work i found out
under policy settings, short attack tab, check us e melee settings when in range 100000
you get stuck on pillars/rocks easier but its not too bad