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Everything posted by jomomma

  1. cant get it to work on official server, just verify fail. tried 2.16 and 2.17
  2. They having problems with server client on their machine... hopefully they have good hosting like last server. Lately all Interlude official servers = laaggg for me in USA. Click... 1 second to move. impossible to play dagger (favorite class) and nuker bsps lag.
  3. Just for clarification, the Phoenix server is not the 70x server is it?
  4. OOG suddenly stopped working (was fine all day yesterday) and now verify fail every time every version i use...
  5. any reason why? seems strange
  6. a little bit ago i check my bot and my main is dead and my buffer/healer is somehow in fantasy isle... this is on retail L2... seems like a bot check but not sure. what couldve happened?
  7. Nice.... thanks
  8. you guys say bots are allowed for buffers and shops, can anyone upload one? i have l2net but i'd prefer OOG walker for my buffers since i know walker so well...
  9. can anyone reupload? rapidshare link is dead
  10. i read that its illegal but how much do they really care
  11. i hope its as good as old pvpx and l2essence...
  12. could be good.. any eta
  13. having a problem... i right click->run as admin click Run on L2walker and the walker minimizes like it should but L2.exe doesn't launch.. any ideas? is it the server i'm on?
  14. there IS a way to get it to work i found out under policy settings, short attack tab, check us e melee settings when in range 100000 you get stuck on pillars/rocks easier but its not too bad
  15. it works mostly but when i begin combat it runs up to mob stands there for a sec and runs away to next one. no real use if you want to level.
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