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Everything posted by Flavio

  1. What causes that and how to solve it. Thats my major question =P btw, net_graph, loss:0 choke:0
  2. Server is either from my country or Germany. (Hosted). So no, i dont think its server. Ping on other servers is same. Couldn't be server's fault (ping/lag) as i said in first post.
  3. I looked everything up, i am not downloading anything. Im lagging at CS, i deleted L2 so i dont know, probably wouldn't lag, cuz i played L2 before like 2weeks, everything was fine. Cant be my connection, connection is same like before few months, and it was smooth when i played cs back then.
  4. Hello, my question is, why the hell i lag? First, i thought its b/c my sister is on youtube, but now, when she's off, i exit every single program (tray icons) and shit. Still lagging.. I tried typing in console cl_updaterate 60, cl_cmdrate 60, rate 10000 or 6000.. I still lag. Sometimes my ping is 20-30, but i still lag, and sometimes, ping goes over 100. All though in 1/3 time i stop lagging, and then after few secs, i start lagging again. Well what the hell is problem? It cant be my net, i played with same net few months ago CS, no lag problems. I didnt change net or something. It cant be server since no one else lags on it. So anyone got any idea? Damn, thanks!
  5. As i've seen in lot of movies, pro players for example cArn... They defuse bomb and somehow can shoot or move the mouse. I've just watched a cs movie, where carn defuses and goes up down with mouse but defusing didnt cancel. Hmm then, few months ago, i watched a clip, a player clicked (E) defuse button, he waited till its one quarter (1/4) completed and then he left the site but the defuse bar was still active and he defused the bomb. Any idea of similar tricks? Thanks for sharing if you know anything. Discuss about it too.
  6. That movie is so hilarious, i wish it had a better story.
  7. Recommend: The Transporter 1/2/3 , alot of action and car drive is involved, mine type =D
  8. Im discussing, i mean i am telling my opinion which, i think, is the right one. Ofc all over again, thats the only thing i can say. UNICEF is one thing, Help for homeless ill children and request signature topic is another thing, Secom hleping his friend getting some adena.
  9. You dont know me at all, i like discussing and arguing about things alot of time. And you give me reasons to, calling me stupid, now this. It shows your maturity, not mine. Btw i wont do that: 1. Im right (yaya, go argue again, and call me stupid again) 2. I do not do that Btw i-live.com? Real nice lol
  10. He can name it, but its lame. I attacked you, not him. Cuz first of all, you told its right, and second, you called me stupid (or my post). I can make my own football team and i'll name it Man Unt. Im sure thats RIGHT and im sure i CAN cuz it associate people to world's famous football team. kk, here we end, if you think thats right, keep doing that.
  11. I understood very well, but you didnt for what purpose he's collecting the adena. I can make my own football team calling it Man Unt. Association rofl. Ofc not UNICEF is not just any help dude. Its help for sick african children without homes that can die and are dying every minut! He doesnt have a shit common with UNICEF except he wants to help his friend. Even though you are wrong, you called me stupid for no reason. Even if you think you're right, my opinion isnt stupid and he should of put other tittle. But i guess thats not so important since this forum doesnt give a shit about those kids. But still, he shouldn't of named that topic unicef. He could say Help a friend? SoS? Or something rofl. SOS is Save our Souls which has nothing to do with his friend or him collecting adena again, but still, its more better than unicef for sure.
  12. @Sido Read signature topic.. ANd lets continue here or in PMs. I like people not knowing they became even more stupid by calling me stupid w/o a reason.
  13. @Sido Silenced? Calling me stupid for nothing (when im right) makes you even more "stupid" (which im not btw). UNICEF is organization that helps poor hungry children. And i think Secom's friend isnt African poor and ill kid trying to get some food and meds. Lets continue in PMs, i would like to see why you called me stupid and i dont wanna go off-topic once again.
  14. Car Races: Fast and Furious Film Series. I guess you watched that already.
  15. And WHICH part of "United Nations Children's Fund" is this? Was created to provide emergency food and healthcare to children in countries that had been devastated by World War II Smartass
  16. How can you name the topic Unicef, pathetic
  17. Did you watch it? Idk is it worth watching in Camera quality. Or w/e you just said
  18. Whatsup with that? I mean what does that mean.
  19. Thats not ucoz or webs template lol? Anyway it sucks hard
  20. Flavio

    PC Help!

    I think im gonna forward that to my father. I hope he does pay. He suggested that btw. So i guess i'll do that.
  21. I asked/told him the same thing as you did. How not to love you Fini =D So as i heard, you "interview" people who applied? I mean what is web-designer or moderator going to say? Well, web designer can show his work (imo).
  22. Flavio

    PC Help!

    Kill me if i understood this. I cant do it now since im in the middle of Disk Defragmenter. So you (and you Finito) fixed the problem this way? I'm really not so good in this stuff so i dont wanna fck something up.
  23. Spend money? Domain cant be more than 2e per month, jezus. Also ucoz shit is really boring, install shared template at least. Good luck!
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