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Everything posted by aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  1. wts zerker 85 sub 75/75/75 nobless lot of skills +13-+16 (rush/mass disarm +13) ol 81 60% sub sd 79 sub tyrant 60 nobless zerker 80 sub 75/75/75 nobless titan 80 gk 80 can be with equipment or naked
  2. kserei kanenas an iparxei kapoio programma gia afton ton server? ty a lot ;p
  3. dunno which one to choose.. i guess its one piece cause it was my first :)
  4. its working on l2j server, gracia pt 2 havent tested the war features yet, but while i was in giran, in the radar war members were shown as neutrals... ally members were ok about the botting issue.. i got a suggestion: u leave your char in the midle of agro mobs, and they keep attacking u, while they attack u, your char targets the mob and start attacking ;p its kinda slow though auto target didnt work for me :/ btw i didnt see any info about gms, can they detect u using sniffer? ;p
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