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Everything posted by caganitas

  1. Hi guys, (running Advext GF) 1- How can i define where a player goes when he dies in a certain area, which file? 2- Whats the difference between Npcmaker and NpcMaker_Ex in the npcpos file? 3- Is there a way to prevent private shops in certain areas with this version? Thank you!
  2. Hi guys, i got GF Advext pack and i want to know if it is possible to block getting summoned from a certain area? I saw some possible restrictions at http://www.depmax64.com/forums/showthread.php?t=774 but i cant seem to find this files in my pack, is it deprecated? If not where should it be used? thanks!
  3. Hi guys, i coded an AI loop to iterate through 50 id's check if the player has any of those id's in his inventory, if he does the item gets deleted. I did this with a for loop and it is working, but i know AI should be as fast as possible to finish its operations, im wondering would writing the 50 cases be faster performance wise and worth changing from the looping solution? thanks!
  4. yep your right that was it... comparing to a place from compiled GF AI has an assign to s0 push_event // s0 push_const 576 //s0 add push_reg_sp fetch_i //expr = S278. "String" push_string S278 assign shift_sp -1 so yeah.... you can close the topic while i go write on a board im a dummy 200 times :D thanks again mcbigmac
  5. I had that problem and in my case it was just the Stored Procedure used to create an account by L2GMPanel and L2AC is not included in the sql scripts provided by AdvExt
  6. Well it worked for some cases and i read on another forum that the native syntax didnt change from interlude to GF only some function signature and ID's for functions/variables/handlers, and from the cases i tried it was true (which im aware doesnt make it true for every case), so i tried this case and wanted to know from those who actually have knowledge on the subject if it was the process of "converting" to a newer chronicle or just some other wrong code i had, guess i'll have to buy the GF compiler then. Another question, is there any way from the MENU_SELECTED handler to know or go back to the htm page that requested it, like a variable that has that information or a function that redirects? or i just need to send that information from the htm page to the AI?
  7. The compiled code for that NASC after replacing the ID's is: class 1 buffer : default_npc parameter_define_begin string fnHi "l2Bbuffer001.htm" string page "l2Bbuffer001.htm" parameter_define_end handler 3 13 // TALKED variable_begin "talker" "myself" "_choiceN" "_code" "_from_choice" variable_end push_event // myself push_const 784 add fetch_i push_event // talker push_const 40 add fetch_i push_parameter fnHi func_call 235012165 // func[showPage] shift_sp -2 shift_sp -1 exit_handler handler_end handler 31 19 // MENU_SELECTED variable_begin "ask" "reply" "item" "action_id" "s0" "myself" "_choiceN" "_code" "_from_choice" variable_end push_event // s0 push_const 576 add push_reg_sp fetch_iS881. "l2Bbuffer002.htm" push_string S881 assign shift_sp -1 push_event // myself push_const 784 add fetch_i push_event // s0 push_const 576 add fetch_i func_call 234946622 // func[say] shift_sp -1 shift_sp -1 exit_handler handler_end class_end
  8. This is the errors i get with that code, as i said its like the AI get corrupted if i use the s0 or any native string variable to do this. if i remove the s0 and use hardcoded strings it works. Im using interlude compiler and replacing the ID's with the GF ID's (im running GF), this is working fine for other variables and functions that didnt change its signature. And if i use a parameter set by me i get these errors, i guess parameters cant change at run time?
  9. Hi, im trying to do something in AI and i keep getting erros in the NPC server as soon as AI is loaded, as if the ai.obj gets corrupted, its a huge stack(after compiling it to .obj and adding the compiled code) if i use the s0 variable but if i remove that variable and use hardcoded strings it works, this code is simple i just want to test something where i manage a string every time MENU_SELECTED is invoked. What i expected this code to do was basically the NPC would say the string "l2Bbuffer002.htm". (no sense i know, but i cut the code to figure what was corrupting it) The NASC code class 1 buffer : default_npc { parameter: string fnHi = "l2Bbuffer001.htm"; string page = "l2Bbuffer001.htm"; handler: EventHandler TALKED(talker) { myself::ShowPage(talker,fnHi); return; } EventHandler MENU_SELECTED(ask,reply,item,action_id,s0) { s0 = "l2Bbuffer002.htm"; myself::Say(s0); return; }//event }//class
  10. Could anybody tell me the difference between these functions CastBuffForQuestReward and AddUseSkillDesire As i see from decompiled AI both of em are used to cast a buff on the talker but there must be a difference. thanks!
  11. Hi guys I got a simple question , not specifically l2j but just l2 defaults: On a retail like server GF, no custom items/skills what is the maximum inventory slots a char could obtain? I know there is a belt and the fishing skills but not sure if there are more. Thanks!!
  12. Yeap mcbigmac got it right this noob was doing the skill_pch wrong. Im not using tools atm as i want to learn how things work and make mistakes like this, but thank u! :) What about item_pch and npc_pch any special logic for those? i'd say for items its same as itemdata and for npcs its 100000+skill_id but i could again gotten the pattern wrong :P just confirm this and you can lock this topic! It is working now, thank you guys!!!!!
  13. Sorry mcbigmac im kind of new at this, i though the PCH id is an id picked by me that had to be unique and the skill name would connect it to the skilldata, could you enlighten me on the correct usage, whats the relationship between both pch id and skilldata id? maybe that is why its not working properly, i did not understand proper the way it works. thanks for your help!
  14. Brain fart i mean skill_pch and pch2 sorry :D no errors displayed in l2server
  15. hi guys, i tried to add a new skill that would cancel all buffs from an npc buffer. When the skill is called from the npc buffer menu it does nothing, if i use other skill like might/shield it casts it. If i set my char to have the skill i can use it on my self and others anywhere so i dont get what im doing wrong. Using advext64 skill_pch2: 1511653399 900 0 0 1 450 -1 -1 0 0 1 -2 -12345 skill_pch: [s_cancelall] = 1511653399 skilldata: skill_begin skill_name = [s_cancelall] /* [ ] */ skill_id = 23067 level = 1 operate_type = A1 magic_level = 80 self_effect = {} effect = {{i_dispel_by_category;slot_buff;100;25}} is_magic = 1 mp_consume1 = 2 mp_consume2 = 7 cast_range = 900 effective_range = 1100 skill_hit_time = 0 skill_cool_time = 0 skill_hit_cancel_time = 0 reuse_delay = 0 attribute = {attr_none;0} trait = {trait_none} effect_point = 0 target_type = target affect_scope = single affect_limit = {0;0} next_action = none ride_state = {@ride_none;@ride_strider;@ride_wyvern;@ride_wolf} multi_class = 0 skill_end thank you in advance!
  16. Hi guys, I got a simple question, how can I change the sound an NPC makes while casting a skill? Thanks!
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