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Everything posted by Sido

  1. dont ask me , i just ripped it :D , i think it has the system in it.
  2. with pleasure, u wanted to change that background, with one for C3... but i failed. it has no image folder =D and kinda newbie on html for the moment :D
  3. HellBound-Gracia Click Here <-- Preview Click Here<-- Download www.isleofprayer.org <-- Preview & Credits Click Here <-- Download www.l2darklight.ggame.eu <-- Preview & Credits [FR] Click Here <-- Download http://www.l2kalika.com <-- Preview & Credits New Click Here <-- Download www.l2district.de <-- Preview & Credits Click Here <-- Download New C3-C4 www.l2oldskool.org <-- Preview & Credits Click Here <-- Download www.l2live.lt <-- Preview Preview & Credits [LT] Click Here <-- Download 4All www.l2revolt.com <-- Preview & Credits Click Here <-- Download www.infernopvp.com <-- Preview & Credits Click Here <-- Download www.adenagate.com <-- Preview & Credits Click Here <-- Download New ill try to share only websites that are easy to edit, or with few edits u can make it great.
  4. so much true u speak =D my purpose is to share good websites for newbies, as i was. is not hard for sure, but lazy ppl still exist :D and second, to share only nice websites and last , why not to recover my 1 karma =D maybe this is not a good method, but in time that i was dekarmed (if is right spelled) with no good reason....
  5. Another ripped website from me, i hope u like it. cuz i see no comment :-[ Click Here <-- Download www.infernopvp.com <-- Preview
  6. i find this website good for a C4 L2 server. it realy fit imo. yes, the bad part is that is writed in LT all :-\ , but there are LT ppl too, and aswell you should put ur hand a bit to work too ;) Click Here <-- Download www.l2live.lt <-- Preview
  7. hope is not already shared. i liked, and i wanted to share with u www.l2revolt.com <-- Preview Click Here <-- Download ps: i saw that it was already shared but the link was dead.
  8. thank you , it realy nice /downloading :)
  9. private is open and cost 40E , standard is not a priority right now (quoted from setekh) :p
  10. nu tiar mai zice " you have been disconected... bla bla" tiar scrie jos , banned acc sau cv de genu. oricum tiai da seama.
  11. nu mai, e loginu full. incearca dimineata si vezi daca poti..... daca nu , cautate in lista de banuri xD nu, dar serveru e cam full, si premium acc = intra si cand e full.
  12. hmm, sorry me for ressing an old thread, but imo this will not work. i had this ideea too. why will not work? simple, will unbalance classes in oly. most of unbalance on pvp servers are because of 273128312831 buffs and +++++++++ enchants. ur second idea will be more perfect. but why to lose time on usless skills ? ok , the solution i used : changing the 3rd buffs (aka: cov/pof/powi/magnus/powa and the one from ol, cant remember the name...) add more M atk / def / M def etc , or less as ur server need. this is what i did, and work perfect. ofc u will need few tests to fix it right but..
  13. Setekh numi dai si mie add pe mess :P ? as vrea sa te intreb cate cv (promit sa nu cer help in ami face server =) )
  14. si tot nai raspuns ce oferi ? sa inteleg ca nimic :)) ? doar ai aruncat cu vorba ?
  15. eu nam cerut asta, am vrut doar sa stiu ce oferi, dar am specificat oferta ta sa nu fie una mai mica decat cea a unui clan de plateste playerii pt CRP :) + nishte info pentru motivu care ne vrei acolo, vrei sati faci un clan, vrei crp, vrei vrei... ce ? sa aduci playeri pe dex si atat ? @ raule, dex a mai deschis un 4x acu in februarie :P
  16. lol, bai esti nebun. de unde dracu le iei ma :)))))) ?
  17. dc il faci in 1 zi, sau 2, depinde cat aloci pt farm. +6 pe am ii mai greu, dar daca nu vrei acumen xD , tts full set , the same 2 zile max, 1kkk adena ( = 1 arma de S) 1 sapt lejer, deci. in 2 sapt de farm lejer ai toate alea, fara +6 de pe AM xD
  18. suna ca si cum neai oferi cv in schimb :> if 20kk pt academy si iteme de B no thanks :)) numi plac hainele la mana a 2 si sunt clanuri ce dau mai mult xD
  19. mai multe info poti sami dai :P , despre ce contine si...
  20. am primit si eu mass cu serv asta :)) dar ghici de la cine :)) Sido: ? Infinity Infinity: http://l2network.z1.ro Join all New Server Sido: ce fail de website ai Sido: HAHAHAHHAHAHA Infinity Infinity: nui al meu ma Infinity Infinity: robocap Sido: tot fail ii Sido: ca si tine Sido: ) Infinity Infinity: ma esti prost ? Infinity Infinity: eu am primit mass Infinity Infinity: si lam dat mai departe Infinity Infinity: nici nu joc pe serveru ala si eu am skinu la web ala dar macar ii editat frumos :)) daca nu ma insel.... asta ii marele pretenar a lu dev matrix ala :)) ps setekh ce se mai aude de archid ? tiam dat mail (pt info de premium) , iar de standard... a trecut si a 2 sapt de cand ai zis cai dati drumu :(
  21. gl with your project oh btw.... ( im to lazy to download ps to make it png - with no white in background... )
  22. auguments are not retail like (1 active + 1 passive in same time, here u can have as much active buffs on u as u want.) same config in more files. mos mobs are kinda strange, spaming the chat with "UNEQUIP YOUR WEAPON" and casting nonstop that debuff.
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