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Everything posted by Sido

  1. Ok guys, i try to build a community (but this is not imp here), and im in need of a mascot. Any Name (can be invented as well but should be associate with an image) is good as a suggestion at least. (names of animals, objects, anything you have in mind post here) Ill decide the name/image from all your post and then the winner should be able to give 1 image at least (good quality, with the mascot. if you post photoshop images u need to have the PSD file, more images better reward) Yes will be awarded. 1more thing, the name/image should be associate with this name "Art-Team"
  2. woow woow wooow ... (not Woaw! )stai asa.... sigu ala a lu goddess ii de tot cacatu, nu intelege fenta... dc toti il voteaza pe ala ? adik e un text simplu si un G intors...
  3. ultimul, in cazul meu, e floare la ureche :)
  4. multa bafta :D dupa, dak iau ma sparg :)))))))) am vb cu un amic. am gasit loc :)) si cu si fara /altii merem si ne spargem ca porcii :)))) "imi bag pula in lume si vio fac cadou" :)) (btw nu ascult mafia in general :) dar deh)
  5. doamne ce simplu o fost la istorie :D (daca si eu zic asta care is praf la ea... apoi ) cred ca bacul de anu asta ii simplu rau (ma refer la toate probele, + cred cai cel mai simplu de pana acum) ii multumesc celui de sus in primul rand, tuturor ce sau rugat si pt mine. si urez mult spor si celorlalti. abea astept vineri.... Geografie > : )
  6. va rog frumos din tot sufletu tinetimi pumnii maine pentru istorie cas praf :(
  7. i enjoyed , thx for share :P nice skills , sad for bad quality.
  8. cine le are cu acest ftp file zila ?? plix plxo..
  9. si ce legature are cu Art-Team xD ?
  10. ma gandeam sa dau si o denumire pt useri, sa zicem ca mascota ar fi un pinguin, deci useri sar numi pinguini :))) in cazu lu seteh cum sai numesc ?? sethishori :)))) ?
  11. Click Here and WIN for FREE !!! (ps: nui tzeapa :) adik ... eu fac oferta :)) dati un click si citit ca nui greu)
  12. sa dea domnu sa vina si la istorie usor, CA SUNT BATA :((((( la geografie sa fie cel mai greu posibil ma doare-n..
  13. e ca o tigare + foc sau ca o sticla de bere/vin plina.
  14. is tot cartoon ? cuz for me look so real..
  15. is not spam, i just wanted to help you choose the right pack, and brasil is not a good pack, at least not what you are looking for :)
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooCVB-nEVL8 :D :D ;D :D :D 8) :D :D :o :D :D ::) :D :D
  17. vartej de coclej, stau aruncat pe un soi de orez... (asta mia trecut prin cap acu, nare logica stiu..)
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