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About xburningice

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  1. hi..for exemple if i wana modify my L2 Client .... and i try to put few aion weapons on c4 weapons like bbh,angel slayer,am... and i se the weapons but the weapon is flying away of the hand... 20 cm... or more why if i copy all text in weapongrp and put to angel slayer i take error and cant save with 413 verion at file edit> and work only if i chance the lineage2weapon..etc... with aion....and stil the weapon fly... ((((SOZ FOR MY BAD ENGLISH))) :|
  2. nice...but i have a question.... for exemple if i'm using hydra blast "Sps' ..can lock the skil like anakim?? that blue lightning??
  3. nice:) .... verry nice... but i try'd to modify my client...and for exemple i modify only ts_r003a.ts_r003a aionweapontex.ts_r003a_t00 aionweapontex.ts_r003a_i00 ts_r003a.ts_r003a 1 aionweapontex.ts_r003a_t00 and i tryd to put on my heaven divine ..to lock with that sword of aion and work...but.... is in the other hand...same with dagger... and dont lock good... i se it like a off hand dagger c3... duno why do u must chance the coordonate " 000011 3 -3 "...etc to lock just like in your screenschot's >? and soory for my Bad Englesh :(
  4. wooow :)) V nice :x
  5. omg :X:X Verry nice..--> Keep Going
  6. dont work the link............
  7. si cam cu cat il vinzi ?
  8. nice Shield:D thx
  9. great share :D v nice
  10. with what version i must save with file edit? if i must modifi armourgrp??????plx hep ^:)^
  11. nice share :* but for exemple can i put the texter on a server that i play( l2vendetta)?... only to show at my pc..... can any help me plx??:) to change weapons in weaponggrp is v easy but with armors i dont know..... or the version that be saved...at file edit ..help plx ...:D:D soz for my bad English ^:)^
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