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Everything posted by Bouras

  1. Do not waste your time here , friendly advice ;) .
  2. Most wiped server in the History of Lineage 2 :/ . Even faction server don't wipe as much as this one , srsly..
  3. Ok I tried it , it's a fake online number as I expected , we were only 4 ;) .
  4. I can see there is 3 players online here : http://l2.naham.net/index.php?f=stat But on the right statut windows it says there is over 100 atm , which one is right?
  5. Good donations does not affect the gameplay. Bad donations are the ones you are listing at your donations page. Nuff said.
  6. Can you explain me why they can't have everything +20 since blessed scrolls are 100%?
  7. We already told you this is not the right section , if you do not understand english there is no point on posting here (nor on creating a server too). Translation: Ce n'est pas la bonne section pour ta demande de recrutement.
  8. Make 10 SPH reroll , lvl them to 83 , equip them with dyn armor and icarus weap and farm solo instance , it gives 11 GB and you can do it every 85 minutes , that means in less than 2 hours you can get more than 100GB.
  9. Roflmao u want everyone to stay and spend their time OEing in Giran like in most HR server ? I suggest to lower the max enchant to +16 or even +10 (which is enough for the HP bonus from OEing) and to keep this % .
  10. Kamaels completely removed ?! You were too lazy to balance it or what? If you remove something instead of balancing/editing , it won't be good for your server....
  11. The best factions server is without a doubt http://www.infinitel2.com (Gracia Final but u can play with newer client , you must download the system on the support section of the forum).
  12. Start with B , max is S80 O_o ? Newcomers will be 1shoted by old players.
  13. Btw there is a % to drop epics on normal RBs (5hours respawns). Plus you can simply buy them from the GMshop (it takes around 1h farming for each epic).
  14. Server is currently wiping , it will be ON today at 8:00PM GMT+1 or tommorow :). For those who didn't find the website in english : http://www.illicitegames.com/en/index.php
  15. So you want a balanced faction server with S80/S84 ? Never gonna happen , if ur smart enough u should know why.
  16. Everything works fine now , ty again :D .
  17. infinitel2 is the best faction server atm imo. You should try it , it's Gracia Final (but u can play it with epilogue/freya client , just download the system on the forum). Wiped 1 week ago or so , not so much ppl with a grade ++ and high lvl.
  18. Yep i meant the launcher , ty m8 :) .
  19. Hi , can someone upload the freya LineageII.exe please? I had some viruses on mine and i deleted it , but now i'm fcked cuz i can't check file anymore Q.Q . Ty for your help.
  20. I was using L2utils till Epilogue but on screen damage doesn't work since gracia I guess , can i get on screen damage on Freya with L2Lige ?
  21. I won't suggest you to play on l2freepvp , GM's there are playing with alts who got +30 skills and multiclass (i saw a TH in oly with focus death , GG). Plus the class balance is totally fucked up.
  22. Hi , some months ago i was playing on Hellbound/Gracia client and i found an auto skill enchant here but now i'm playing on some epilogue server and i'm borred of cliking 50000 times to enchant my skills so i came here to ask if any of u know an auto skill enchanter for gracia epilogue. ty.
  23. Jumps will be implemented in high 5 or megmeld (I read it on l2blah's forums).
  24. These days most of the HR PVP server are running with 90% blessed . Why don't u simply put it to 100% ? It's so frustrating to break at +15 every time .. To stay on topic , server is good (would be better with 100% blessed and x2 blessed price or so) and most of the ppl I met were nice. So give it a try , u might like it.
  25. There is no faction server working on Freya Client (i mean with freya stuff implemented) atm.
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