I can see there is 3 players online here : http://l2.naham.net/index.php?f=stat
But on the right statut windows it says there is over 100 atm , which one is right?
We already told you this is not the right section , if you do not understand english there is no point on posting here (nor on creating a server too).
Translation: Ce n'est pas la bonne section pour ta demande de recrutement.
Make 10 SPH reroll , lvl them to 83 , equip them with dyn armor and icarus weap and farm solo instance , it gives 11 GB and you can do it every 85 minutes , that means in less than 2 hours you can get more than 100GB.
Roflmao u want everyone to stay and spend their time OEing in Giran like in most HR server ?
I suggest to lower the max enchant to +16 or even +10 (which is enough for the HP bonus from OEing) and to keep this % .
Kamaels completely removed ?! You were too lazy to balance it or what?
If you remove something instead of balancing/editing , it won't be good for your server....
The best factions server is without a doubt http://www.infinitel2.com (Gracia Final but u can play with newer client , you must download the system on the support section of the forum).
Btw there is a % to drop epics on normal RBs (5hours respawns). Plus you can simply buy them from the GMshop (it takes around 1h farming for each epic).
Server is currently wiping , it will be ON today at 8:00PM GMT+1 or tommorow :).
For those who didn't find the website in english : http://www.illicitegames.com/en/index.php
infinitel2 is the best faction server atm imo.
You should try it , it's Gracia Final (but u can play it with epilogue/freya client , just download the system on the forum).
Wiped 1 week ago or so , not so much ppl with a grade ++ and high lvl.
Hi , can someone upload the freya LineageII.exe please?
I had some viruses on mine and i deleted it , but now i'm fcked cuz i can't check file anymore Q.Q .
Ty for your help.
I won't suggest you to play on l2freepvp , GM's there are playing with alts who got +30 skills and multiclass (i saw a TH in oly with focus death , GG). Plus the class balance is totally fucked up.
Hi , some months ago i was playing on Hellbound/Gracia client and i found an auto skill enchant here but now i'm playing on some epilogue server and i'm borred of cliking 50000 times to enchant my skills so i came here to ask if any of u know an auto skill enchanter for gracia epilogue. ty.
These days most of the HR PVP server are running with 90% blessed . Why don't u simply put it to 100% ? It's so frustrating to break at +15 every time .. To stay on topic , server is good (would be better with 100% blessed and x2 blessed price or so) and most of the ppl I met were nice. So give it a try , u might like it.