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Everything posted by AnubisGod

  1. kai ksana lew egw... gia vista exete tpt kalos to pedi ekane auto to topic... poli apo edw den kseroun kai egw den iksera stin arxi ala to thema einai oti sta vista einai edelos diaforetika... kati tetio boroume na vroume ?
  2. kita to thema den einai ti prepei na perimenoume alla to ti tha mas dosei o ote giati na poume kai tin alithia oxi oti den iparxoun i taxitites... giati den mporw egw na exw arxika 1mbps kai na pianw kapou sta 0.345 kai na vazw meta tin 24mbps ka ina pianw ta 14-16mbps kai me tin 24 na exw mono 0.70mbps gia upload...
  3. to thema den einai posa mbps exei... alla posa exei gia upload to kahe atomo to opoio sindeete ston server xriazete kapou sta 5
  4. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=56928.0 lookare edw... isos se help
  5. ta idia... nop as poume ekei pou prepei na pame pinaka elexou kai na kanoume tis rithmiseis den einai to idio ala sto peripou to vriskw... apo ki kai pera den m anigei omos ta diktia ta opoio exei mesa den m exei kati san epeksergasia i tpt oste na mporw na ta metatrepsw... as poume gia to topiko diktio...
  6. epeza enternal sin (athena) http://es-l2.com/site/index.php htan mastoura to game na kateveneis me ola to pedia is EnternalRage (clan) kai na vlepeis itc... ola to room pk apo 1 party me Rom3osss 46goooo RoseRed Orcshadow Hva xxR0SSIxx kai ala pedia htan terma porosi ahhh kales stigmes
  7. den nomizw giati to exw kanei pano apo 3-4 fores alla tha to ksana kitaksw... a ksexasa na sas po pos kai protou na valo to stamatouse (argotera vevea) alla auto einai logiko efoson den exw port anikta den m xriazete...
  8. nai alla ti.. kai me ta palia settings esto proxorouse ligo me ta amesos error...
  9. lipon arxika einai etsi # This is the server configuration file. Here you can set up the connection for your server. # Usually you have to change the ExternalHostname option to # - (if you want to play alone / testing purpose) # - LAN IP* (if you want to play from another computer in the network) # - WAN IP** (if you want to play with friends over internet) # - Questions? => http://l2jfree.com # # * = If you want to get your LAN IP, simply choose "Start" => "Run..." then type "cmd" => "ipconfig" # **= If you want to get you WAN IP, visit http://www.whatismyip.com # =================================================================================================== # ================================================================ # General server setting !!! REQUIRED to configure to everyone !!! # ================================================================ # Bind ip of the gameserver, use to bind on all available IPs GameserverHostname= GameserverPort=7777 # This is transmitted to the clients connecting from an external network, so it has to be a public IP or resolvable hostname ExternalHostname=gloom222.no-ip.org # This is transmitted to the client from the same network, so it has to be a local IP or resolvable hostname InternalHostname= # Define internal networks (, is default internal networks) InternalNetworks= # Define optional networks and router IPs # IP ( or fully qualified domain name # (google.com) that resolves to an IP (use ping to determine if a domain resolves). # Format: ip,net/mask;ip,net/mask,net/mask # (mask or would be 192.168.*.*) # Note: keep InternalNetworks and OptionalNetworks blank for compatibility with older login server OptionalNetworks= # The Loginserver host and port LoginPort=9014 LoginHost= # This is the server id that the gameserver will request (i.e. 1 is Bartz) RequestServerID = 1 # If set to true, the login will give an other id to the server if the requested id is allready reserved AcceptAlternateID = True # Database info Driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver #Driver=org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver #Driver=com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver URL=jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2jdb #URL=jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/l2jdb #URL=jdbc:sqlserver://localhost/database=l2jdb/user=sa/password= Login=root Password=root MaximumDbConnections=50 # Datapack root directory, defaults to current directory from which the server is started #DatapackRoot=H:/workEclipse/L2J Free/trunk/L2_DataPack_IL # Define character name template # These ones are regular expressions, visit http://www.regular-expressions.info for details # Note: Checking lengths are done server side, but keep it in pattern for future purposes # Character name ( Default [A-Za-z0-9\-]{3,16} ) CnameTemplate=[A-Za-z0-9\-]{3,16} # Pet name ( Default [A-Za-z0-9\-]{3,16} ) PetNameTemplate=[A-Za-z0-9\-]{3,16} # Clan and ally name ( [A-Za-z0-9 \-]{3,16} ) ClanAllyNameTemplate=[A-Za-z0-9 \-]{3,16} # Title ( [A-Za-z0-9 \-\\[\\]\<\>\(\)\!\|]{3,16} ) TitleTemplate=[A-Za-z0-9 \-\\[\\]\<\>\(\)\!\|]{3,16} # Maximum number of chars per account - 0 = illimited - default = 7 CharMaxNumber = 7 # Define how many players are allowed to play simultaneously on your server. MaximumOnlineUsers=100 # Minimum and maximum protocol revision that server allow to connect. # You must keep MinProtocolRevision <= MaxProtocolRevision. MinProtocolRevision = 740 MaxProtocolRevision = 746 #--------------------------------------------- # Safe Reboot configuration #--------------------------------------------- # This will prevent some exploit during restart/shutdown process SafeReboot = True # To use following options, SafeReboot must be set to True # Time in seconds before server complete shutdown/reboot, when # following striction take effect SafeRebootTime = 10 # Disable item enchant SafeRebootDisableEnchant=True # Disable players teleportations SafeRebootDisableTeleport=False # Disable craft and crystallize SafeRebootDisableCreateItem=False # Disable trades and shops SafeRebootDisableTransaction=False # Disable actions between players SafeRebootDisablePcIteraction=False # Disable actions on NPC SafeRebootDisableNpcIteraction=False # Network traffic optimization: minimum time between sending char's hp/mp status update packet. NetworkTrafficOptimization = False NetworkTrafficOptimizationMs = 1100 # Flood Protection # if enabled players which send more then PACKETLIMIT packets in PACKETTIMELIMIT ms will get kicked # warning not tested made a quickhack for squeezed :) FloodProtection = False PacketLimit = 500 PacketTimeLimit = 1100 # ================================================================ # JMX Administration # ================================================================ # Port to connect with l2jmx, -1 to disable jmx completely admin_portJMX=-1 # Port to connect to jmx via HTTP, -1 to disable # disable it if it is not local test # http adaptor is usefull to see if your server is running with l2jbeans, or to see others beans (JRE, logging) # It is also possible to use it if you forbid this port for external host, but you have to be sure nobody can reach this url ! admin_portHTTP=-1 # password for keystore_file, the keystore file should be in config folder. # Comment it or remove the keystore file if you doesn't want to activate secure socket. #keystore_password=password # keystore file # this file is used to store a SSL certificate for your jmx server. # You have to create it with keytool like this : # $JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -genkey -keyalg "RSA" -keystore myKeystore.jks -storepass myPassword -dname "cn=myhost" # Change myKeystore, myPassword and myhost for your own needs # You have to give this file to all people that will use l2jmx #keystore=keystore.jks meta alazw ta parapano (se InternalHostname kai ExternalHostname kai m petaei auto... http://img132.imageshack.us/my.php?image=gameo.jpg ti kanw lathos ?
  10. Pedes pezw edw pera http://l2smiles.com einai interlude mporei na mpei kapoios kai na vrei kanena bugrisma... kai na m dosete mia to link pou exei ola ta bug mazemena giati psaxnw kai den to vrisko pali...
  11. i have the same problem. delete the new add and save again... with not new item, if itemname-e save you are ok but the fles is not for this version...
  12. seller thelei... ala me ta na s dousei kapios ton seller ean den ton prosarmosei sta dikasou dedomena den nomizw na kateferei kai tpt etsi den einai bill ?
  13. lipon epidi me cheking borei na pexte vlakia dld emena m evlpe to l2.exe san io to antivirus tespa doksa ton thew edw exoume bolika system psakse na breis auto p thes kane delete to palio system kai vale to new kai pes mas...
  14. Ti prepei na kanw gia na exw sto 65535 to diko m enchant color ekana tis alages parakato ala tpt gia rikste ena help re pedi... [EnvSetup] IsClock=true StartTime=12 TimeRatio=6 SKYBOX=SkybackgroundColor ;HazeRingΐΗ °ΉΌφΈ¦ Α¤ΗΌφ ΐΦΐ½ ;NumHazeringColor=°ΉΌφ ;Hazering1=ΕΨ½ΊΓΔΐΜΈ§ ;-> HAZERING=HazeRing_Final ;CloudΐΗ °ΉΌφΈ¦ Α¤ΗΌφ ΐΦΐ½ ;NumCloudColor=°ΉΌφ ;Cloud1=ΕΨ½ΊΓΔΐΜΈ§ ;Cloud2=ΕΨ½ΊΓΔΐΜΈ§.... ;-> NumCloudColor=3 CLOUD1=Cloud_Final Cloud2=StarField_Final01 Cloud3=StarField_Final02 ShadowTick=0.1 StaticLightingAdjust=4 SlopeSunAngle=30 SubLightNum=0 TimeEnvFileNum=4 TimeEnvFileName0=TimeEnv0.INT TimeEnvFileName1=TimeEnv1.INT TimeEnvFileName2=TimeEnv2.INT TimeEnvFileName3=TimeEnv3.INT [TerrainShadowMap] Num=8 AutoTimeGeneration=true [ActorStaticLight] Num=8 [bSPSunLight] Num=8 [WIND] DefaultWind=true Area=(X1=0,Y1=0,X2=0,Y2=0) Direction=(X=0,Y=1) Speed=48 Accel=4 [FOG] ;1.0=2000unit StartRange1=1.0 StartRange2=1.5 StartRange3=2.0 StartRange4=2.5 StartRange5=4.0 EndRange1=4.0 EndRange2=5.0 EndRange3=6.0 EndRange4=7.0 EndRange5=10.0 FogSpeed=1 [WaterVolume] WaterVolumeFogColor=(R=39,G=87,B=126) WaterVolumeFogStart=200 WaterVolumeFogEnd=3000 WaterVolumeCellophaneColor=(a=128,R=45,G=121,B=117) ;WaterVolumeCellophaneColor=(a=100,R=64,G=136,B=147) [EnchantEffect] CubeTexName=LineageEffectsTextures.Etc.Enchant_Aura001_Shader01 ;HeroWeaponTex=LineageEffectsTextures.Hero.Hero_Aura001_Shader01 ;HeroAuraTex=LineageEffectsTextures.Hero.Hero_Aura000_Shader00 ;HeroAuraMesh=LineageWeapons.rangesample EnchantMeshShow=4 EnchantEffectShow=7 Enchant0=(R1=0,G1=10,B1=20,R2=0,G2=0,B2=30,Opacity=0.1,Num=0.1) Enchant1=(R1=0,G1=10,B1=20,R2=0,G2=0,B2=30,Opacity=0.1,Num=0.1) Enchant2=(R1=0,G1=10,B1=20,R2=0,G2=0,B2=30,Opacity=0.1,Num=0.1) Enchant3=(R1=0,G1=10,B1=20,R2=0,G2=0,B2=30,Opacity=0.1,Num=0.1) Enchant4=(R1=30,G1=30,B1=40,R2=20,G2=20,B2=30,Opacity=1,Num=0.1) Enchant5=(R1=35,G1=45,B1=60,R2=25,G2=35,B2=50,Opacity=1,Num=0.1) Enchant6=(R1=35,G1=65,B1=90,R2=25,G2=55,B2=75,Opacity=1,Num=0.1) Enchant7=(R1=40,G1=87,B1=126,R2=30,G2=70,B2=110,Opacity=1,Num=0.3) Enchant8=(R1=30,G1=80,B1=135,R2=20,G2=60,B2=120,Opacity=1,Num=0.6) Enchant9=(R1=20,G1=70,B1=145,R2=10,G2=50,B2=130,Opacity=1,Num=0.7) Enchant10=(R1=10,G1=60,B1=160,R2=0,G2=45,B2=140,Opacity=1,Num=0.8) Enchant11=(R1=0,G1=50,B1=180,R2=0,G2=44,B2=155,Opacity=1,Num=0.9) Enchant12=(R1=0,G1=40,B1=200,R2=0,G2=43,B2=170,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant13=(R1=0,G1=30,B1=220,R2=0,G2=42,B2=185,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant14=(R1=0,G1=30,B1=240,R2=0,G2=41,B2=200,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant15=(R1=0,G1=30,B1=255,R2=0,G2=40,B2=215,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant16=(R1=160,G1=20,B1=20,R2=130,G2=10,B2=0,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant17=(R1=180,G1=10,B1=10,R2=140,G2=0,B2=0,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant18=(R1=200,G1=0,B1=0,R2=180,G2=0,B2=0,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant19=(R1=210,G1=0,B1=0,R2=188,G2=0,B2=0,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant20=(R1=220,G1=0,B1=0,R2=195,G2=0,B2=0,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant65535=(R1=0,G1=0,B1=0,R2=65,G2=0,B2=65,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant=(R1=220,G1=0,B1=0,R2=195,G2=0,B2=0,Opacity=1,Num=1) [Variation] Enchant0=(R1=10,G1=15,B1=25,R2=20,G2=25,B2=35,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant1=(R1=10,G1=15,B1=25,R2=20,G2=25,B2=35,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant2=(R1=10,G1=15,B1=25,R2=20,G2=25,B2=35,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant3=(R1=10,G1=15,B1=25,R2=20,G2=25,B2=35,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant4=(R1=10,G1=15,B1=25,R2=20,G2=25,B2=35,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant5=(R1=25,G1=35,B1=45,R2=35,G2=45,B2=55,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant6=(R1=45,G1=55,B1=65,R2=55,G2=65,B2=75,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant7=(R1=50,G1=60,B1=70,R2=60,G2=70,B2=80,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant8=(R1=55,G1=75,B1=120,R2=55,G2=90,B2=130,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant9=(R1=44,G1=64,B1=110,R2=44,G2=78,B2=120,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant10=(R1=33,G1=53,B1=95,R2=33,G2=65,B2=115,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant11=(R1=22,G1=41,B1=82,R2=22,G2=53,B2=99,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant12=(R1=30,G1=70,B1=130,R2=33,G2=78,B2=145,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant13=(R1=30,G1=60,B1=145,R2=30,G2=75,B2=165,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant14=(R1=22,G1=68,B1=165,R2=22,G2=78,B2=185,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant15=(R1=15,G1=70,B1=185,R2=15,G2=85,B2=200,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant16=(R1=70,G1=65,B1=60,R2=105,G2=70,B2=55,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant17=(R1=75,G1=50,B1=45,R2=99,G2=60,B2=45,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant18=(R1=80,G1=40,B1=35,R2=99,G2=50,B2=35,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant19=(R1=85,G1=30,B1=23,R2=99,G2=45,B2=25,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant20=(R1=85,G1=25,B1=20,R2=99,G2=39,B2=22,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant65535=(R1=0,G1=0,B1=0,R2=65,G2=0,B2=65,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant=(R1=85,G1=25,B1=20,R2=99,G2=39,B2=22,Opacity=1,Num=1) ;[s0] means postprocessing off ; Shader0: glow A [s1] ; GLOW Glow=true Glowtype=2 Luminance=0 MiddleGray=0 WhiteCutoff=0 Threshold=0 RGBCutoff=0.993 BloomScale=4 FinalBlendOpacity=64 FinalBlendBlurType=2 ; HDR Hdr=false Gray=0.6 FinalCoef=3.5 ExpBase=0.98 ExpCoef=30 ClampMin=0.25 ClampMax=0.75 ; Shader1: glow B [s2] ; GLOW Glow=true Glowtype=2 Luminance=0 MiddleGray=0 WhiteCutoff=0 Threshold=0 RGBCutoff=0.993 BloomScale=6 FinalBlendOpacity=96 FinalBlendBlurType=2 ; HDR Hdr=false Gray=0.68 FinalCoef=3.2 ExpBase=0.96 ExpCoef=30 ClampMin=0.2 ClampMax=0.8 ; Shader2: HDR A [s3] ; GLOW Glow=true Glowtype=2 Luminance=0 MiddleGray=0 WhiteCutoff=0 Threshold=0 RGBCutoff=0.995 BloomScale=5 FinalBlendOpacity=32 FinalBlendBlurType=2 ; HDR Hdr=true Gray=0.68 FinalCoef=3.2 ExpBase=0.96 ExpCoef=30 ClampMin=0.2 ClampMax=0.8 ; Shader3: HDR B [s4] ; GLOW Glow=true Glowtype=2 Luminance=0 MiddleGray=0 WhiteCutoff=0 Threshold=0 RGBCutoff=0.994 BloomScale=5 FinalBlendOpacity=48 FinalBlendBlurType=2 ; HDR Hdr=true Gray=0.65 FinalCoef=3.7 ExpBase=0.96 ExpCoef=30 ClampMin=0.20 ClampMax=0.8 ; Shader4: HDR C [s5] ; GLOW Glow=true Glowtype=2 Luminance=0 MiddleGray=0 WhiteCutoff=0 Threshold=0 RGBCutoff=0.993 BloomScale=5 FinalBlendOpacity=64 FinalBlendBlurType=2 ; HDR Hdr=true Gray=0.65 FinalCoef=4 ExpBase=0.96 ExpCoef=30 ClampMin=0.18 ClampMax=0.8 ;dofΘΏ°ϊΏ΅Ό­ »ηΏλµΗ΄Β Δ«Έή¶σ ΖχΔΏ½Ί (0.0 ~ 1.0) 1Ώ΅ °΅±ξΏο Όφ·Ο ΈΥ °χΏ΅ ΖχΔΏ½ΊΈ¦ µ but Α¤ΉΠµµ Ή®Α¦·Ξ 1Ώ΅ °΅±ξΏο Όφ·Ο ΐόΓΌ ΖχΔΏ½Ί°΅ ΈΤΐ½ [CameraFocus] ;ΕΈΐΜΖ² Θ­Έι Title=0.98 ;Δ³Έ―ΕΝ Ό±ΕΓ Θ­Έι Lobby=0.95
  15. link gia na min exei lag...? den eksartate apo kanena link aposo kserw... an kanw lathos na me diorthesei kapios to thema (lag) eksartate apo to pc sou kai to pack pou xrisimopieis... ektos kai an to exeis anevazei interner kai mpenoun kai aloi mesa ekei eksartate kai apo tin sindesh sou
  16. lock to fixara den eprepe na paw gm_skill ala apo mesa sta skill kai na to alaksw apo to arxio pou perieixe mesa to super haste tespa ty
  17. auto p thelw einai na dinei parapano stats... poli parapano mesa admin den exeis lew tpt einai keno mesa //add_skill mpenei ala oxi me tis alages... mpenei to kanonika as poume super haste 4
  18. oxi den exei error aplos na na min exw grapsei sto arxio mesa tpt ixa parei ena diko sou nomizw... arxio p eixais postarei kai ola ok ala egw thelw na m anevazei ta stats opos sto parapano... me to dikosou ola ok super h 1, 2, 3, 4 antharas skill kai ta lipa ala me to parapano tpt... :(
  19. geiasas lipon paw //add_skill na valw to super haste 4 kai m dixnei to chat adio... den m dixnei ta skill kai ta lipa egw thelw kati se auto edw to postare o panos9999 ala den kserw ti fteei l2 j xrisimopiw me easyPHP <skill id="7029" levels="4" name="Super Haste"> <table name="#Tab-runSpd"> 1.5 2 10 5 </table> <table name="#Tab-pReuse"> 1 2 99999999 30 </table> <table name="#Tab-mReuse"> 1 2 99999999 30 </table> <table name="#Tab-mAtkSpd"> 1.5 1.8 99999999 4 </table> <table name="#Tab-pAtkSpd"> 1.2 1.5 99999999 3 </table> <table name="#Tab-maxMp"> 1.1 1.15 99999999 5 </table> <table name="#Tab-maxHp"> 1.1 1.15 99999999 5 </table> <table name="#Tab-maxCp"> 1.1 1.15 99999999 5 </table> <table name="#Tab-mDef"> 1.1 1.15 99999999 5 </table> <table name="#Tab-mAtk"> 1.1 1.15 99999999 5 </table> <table name="#Tab-rCrit"> 1.2 1.25 99999999 5 </table> <table name="#rate"> 1.08 1.12 99999999 5 </table> <table name="#rate2"> 1.08 1.12 99999999 5 </table> <table name="#Tab-accCombat"> 2 3 99999999 5 </table> <table name="#Tab-rEvas"> 2 3 99999999 5 </table> <set name="power" val="500.1"/> <set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF"/> <set name="skillType" val="CONT"/> <set name="operateType" val="OP_TOGGLE"/> <set name="castRange" val="-1"/> <set name="effectRange" val="-1"/> <for> <effect name="Buff" time="144000" count="1" val="0"> <mul order="0x100" stat="runSpd" val="#Tab-runSpd"/> <div order="0x100" stat="pReuse" val="#Tab-pReuse"/> <div order="0x100" stat="mReuse" val="#Tab-mReuse"/> <mul order="0x100" stat="mAtkSpd" val="#Tab-mAtkSpd"/> <mul order="0x100" stat="pAtkSpd" val="#Tab-pAtkSpd"/> <mul order="0x100" stat="maxMp" val="#Tab-maxMp"/> <mul order="0x100" stat="maxHp" val="#Tab-maxHp"/> <mul order="0x100" stat="maxCp" val="#Tab-maxCp"/> <mul order="0x100" stat="mDef" val="#Tab-mDef"/> <mul order="0x100" stat="mAtk" val="#Tab-mAtk"/> <mul order="0x100" stat="rCrit" val="#Tab-rCrit"/> <mul order="0x100" stat="pAtk" val="#rate"/> <mul order="0x100" stat="pDef" val="#rate2"/> <mul order="0x100" stat="accCombat" val="#Tab-accCombat"/> <mul order="0x100" stat="rEvas" val="#Tab-rEvas"/> </effect> </for> </skill>
  20. ola sto instal ta ekanes ok...? an ne dokimase na deletareis to lockahost apo db kai na to ksana kaneis an den doulepsei kai etsi alakse Navicat mipos fteei den kserw ti alo na s pw...
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