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Everything posted by noobasgr

  1. yes EDIT: every1 forgot this wonderful server and I decided to make a post
  2. White][Eagle http://www.white-eagle.com.pl ========================= BARTZ (Gracia Epilogue) - HIGH RATE SERVER: exp: x2000 sp: x2000 adena: x2500 - - CT1 Olympiad System - CT1 Working Geodata - Cursed Weapons - Sieges & Fort Sieges - EVERY WEEKEND! - MASS PVP SPOTS - Event Team vs Team - Event Town War - Event King of Hill - Event Domination - Event Team DM - Event DM - Event 3x3 - Event Ginyu Force (cooperation event) - Global Gatekeeper - Buffer (all BUFS with long TIME) - Free Quests for Nobless and Subclass - Duel System - Class Manager - GM Shop - Buffs are only in party ( Anti-Grief ) - Clan Penalities are OFF. - And much more! - ALL PERFECT WORKING GRACIA EPILOGUE WORLD WITH ALL RBS. - DOUBLE WORLD SYSTEM - COPERATION INSTANCE LOCATIONS - NO PK DROP !!! ========================= SIEGHARDT (Gracia Epilogue) - LOW RATE SERVER: exp: x5 sp: x7 adena: x8 - Hero olimpiad system - Cursed weapons events - Many custom events - Manor manager - Gracia locations, mobs, armors, weapons - Common Craft - Ships - Fishing system - Seven signs event - Nobless event - FULL OF CUSTOM EVENTS !!! - Duel system - ALL PERFECT WORKING GRACIA EPILOGUE WORLD WITH ALL RBS. - NO DONATE !!!! - PK DROP is ON !!!! - NO WIPES !! ========================= KAIN (Gracia Epilogue) - MID RATE SERVER: exp: x50 sp: x60 adena: x250 - CT1 Olympiad System - CT1 Working Geodata - MASS PVP SPOTS - Balanced classes - Event Team vs Team - Event Town War - Event King of Hill - Event Domination - Event Team DM - Event DM - Event 3x3 - Event Ginyu Force - Seven Signs - Custom locations Global Gatekeeper - GM Shops, Apiga Trader - Class Managers - NPC Buffer (LONG TIME BUFFS) - Free Quests for Nobless and Subclass - Cursed Weapons - Dueling system - Sieges & Fort Sieges - EVERY WEEKEND! - Clan Penalities are ON. - 2kk adena + 10 Scrolls of Escape on start - ALL PERFECT WORKING GRACIA EPILOGUE WORLD WITH ALL RBS. -DOUBLE WORLD SYSTEM - PK DROP is ON !!! =========================
  3. server will open again as soon as possible! (gracia epilogue now)
  4. Need gatekeeper, buffer and gm shop for gracia epilogue. thnx
  5. any hack protection or something like that?
  6. WowRobot - Free bot for World Of Warcraft Update: [u][b]Version 0.994: [/b][/u]- Add easy Config. - Fix of small bugs. [u][b]Version 0.993:[/b][/u] - Fix spam escape key. - Add button "Attack Target". -Fixed stop launching spell. - Fixed Chat. - Fixed FishBot. - Optimization farm.[u][b] Version 0.992: [/b][/u]- Uptade to wow 3.3.0. [u][b]Version 0.991: [/b][/u]- use mount in Pvp. - Detecting if we can use the mount. - Anti Afk for Pvp waiting. - Optimizing memory performance. - Free WowRobot version. [u][b]Version 0.98: [/b][/u]- Auto detect Lootable Mob. - Ninja skin all mobs. - Fix check if pet is in combat. - display for Time Loot, Farm, Skin, ... - Fix Disconnect in certain area. - Fix Regen. - Fix Bugs Player Dead. - Fix Problème Farm. - Regen Pet. - Fix Api ComboPoint. - Fix Buff detect bugs. - Fix Problem Thread. - Add option stop bot after X sec. - Add Blindings Management. - Add Tab Security. - Add Running Wow whit Guest Account. - Add Option Optimize List Wp. - Add Option Ingnore attack if mounted. - Fix problem attack dead mobs. - Add several attempts Loot Farm. - Moving on Epic Mount Fixed. - Review pvp. - Optimizing CPU consumption. - Fix PPather to Wowrobot. [u]Version 0.[b]988[/b]:[/u] - Add option top most. - Auto detect Vendor. - Review Join Pvp - Fix Died problem. - Fix Fly. - Fix Loot and Skinning. - ... [u]Version [b]0.989[/b]:[/u] - Improving Movement keyboard. - Stop pc after x sec. - Fix SpiritHealeur auto detection. - Fix player died Bg spam RepopMe. - Fix regen 100%. - Change system path Bg. - Join bg automatic by writing in chat if not macro. - ... [u][b]Version 0.973 [/b][i](small update)[/i][b]:[/b][/u] - Fix Problem Close thread ppather. - Fix Lvl Up Robot Bug. - Fix Pvp Bug. - Fix HaveBuff bugs. - Add PetIsDead. - Increase speed launch spell. [u][b]Version 0.97: [/b][/u]- Update offset for wow 3.2.2. [u][b]Version 0.96:[/b][/u] - Rename wowrobot.exe mandatory . - Fixed problem flying mount. - Add an item to use in FightConfig (to use potion, ...). - Add resize Wow Window. - WowRobot in notification bar. - Adds a server to connect to wowrobot (now 2 servers). - Add Option ignore attack if mount. - Many other small correction. - Takes less CPU and memory resource. [u][b]Version 0.95:[/b][/u] - Login frame not disapearing fix. - Regen fixed. - Player died, wowrobot crash? fix. - Skinning Problem fix. - Dismount FlyMount too soon fix. - Encript the password. - Make a launcher with quick updating. - Change name window. - Add error message if passwords or login incorrect. - Add button for add log current location - Add option turn by memory. [u][b]Version 0.90: [/b][/u]- much. - Now wowrobot use Framework 3.5 [u][b]Version 0.80:[/b][/u] - Detection Buff. - Find the spell in the bar and starts with the key. - Fixed memory consumption. - Improved system unstukc FlyMount - Plugin Stop if BagFull Bot. - Distance Search Axis Z. - Launching out faster. - PPather is now a plugin, you can disable it. - Unlock the character if it is in the water to mount a horse. - Skip from time to time. - Moving with the keyboard. [u][b]Version 0.75:[/b][/u] - Bug fixes (loot, ...). [u][b]Version 0.7:[/b][/u] - Add button to go to town. - If 1% of mob life continue attacked repaired. - Bugs Fixed Loot. - Review remote player. - Stops to cast a spell. - The character around the court more mob. - Added button Add Make Faction in Wp. - Repair Make Wp. - Repair detection and attack flying mount. - Repair Skin. - Adds Distance to the CC. - Repair Case CC thread. - Verification of fighting with mounting. - Repair plain other minor bugs. [b] - Thanks to streety and Bryce for the icon and image:)[/b] [u][b] Version 0.6: [/b][/u]- Addition Management of Custom Class. - Addition of Plugins. - API Addition for the developers. - Generator of FightConfig (More need to touch in XML). - Correction of several beug. - The version is now paying, 3 euro per month, for more information connect to the site and go here: http://wow-robot.com/forum/payments.php.[u][b] Version 0.5: [/b][/u] - Log-clearer. - Fixed many small beug Beug. - Add flying mount and terreste. - Adds Radar. - Problem change area normally repaired - Code optimization. - View Profile Converter Glider and PPather. - Management of Pets [b][u]Version 0.4: [/u][/b] - Fixed compatibility with different PC. - Possibility to choose the faction with the displacement by simple Wp (without path). - The bot makes the game more Beugue wow. - Possibility to stop the robot while his personal corpt or found during the search for chemaint with Pather. - Add a creator windows registry for persons who are not installing the game with the cd, which allows you to walk Pather. - Add the cheat WallClimb to avoid deadlocks (be careful if you use it is a cheat). - Optimization of code to avoid overloading ram process. - Add black list shows, the object can not access. - The menu opens more wow all alone. - Fixed beug change area after passing a level. - Perfecta Detects if wow is connected to personal or not. - Optimization of sending a message by the WoW chat. - Fixed the problem of targeting mob (More error message or you deal too far). - Automatic creation of file and folder required for the bot is running. - Added PvP mode, automatically goes into the battlefield, and this move is fighting disponnible path for the moment: the Alliance for Alterac (enter area from hurlevant) (Possibility to create your own path to pvp, just need to read is to understand that which already exists). [u][b] Version 0.3: [/b][/u] - More consumer problem of the process and ram. - Optimized source code and corrected some minor Beug. [u][b]Version 0.2: [/b][/u] - Addition of Statistics (number of mobs killed, Loot, XP / H, ...). - Fixed beug mob attack already in combat. - Added Profile herb farm 1 to 75. - Fixed beug closing thread (to avoid the personal actions that do not should not do). - Débeug search path for not only his personal blocks long. - Added Fishing bot. - Now compatible with 32 bit PC. - Add management with all the shortcut keys. - Unlock the personal when it is blocked again. - No need for meter time to cast the bot calculates alone. - Change the System to start them out by name, writing memory to go faster and avoid beugs (more problems with the clipboard and avoids the character says bisare messages. - Updating and Correction System Simple Wp. - Possibility to stop the bot after X blockades. Correction beug loot. [b][u]Version 0.1: [/u][/b] - Basic Version To buy Key - Acheteter Key WowRobot Elite (0.50 Euro to 3 Euro) > WowRobot Tuto & Tuto Video: English: [tuto] Required /!\ Download | Téléchargement: (For the auto detection spells in the bar (to launch the spell more quickly), thank you for using English Wow) (Now uses framework 3.5 !) WowRobot v 0.994 for WOW 3.3.0a /!\ http://rapidshare.com/files/33130890...0.994.rar.html or http://dl.free.fr/vleZy1y0Y or http://www.multi-load.com/files/0BFP...ot%200.994.rar /!\ Edit by BloodyWarrior : If you cant find any link which is working , try this one:http://www.multi-load.com/redirect/0BFPBOUI/2 Old Version: Version 0.993 for WOW 3.3.0a: http://dl.free.fr/vOdHav8V5 or http://rapidshare.com/files/33039959...3_Try.rar.html Version 0.992 for WOW 3.3.0: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=01U8A8J7 or http://www.multi-load.com/files/Q8AW...ot%200.992.rar Version 0.991 for WOW 3.2.2a: http://www.multi-load.com/files/TCTG...ot%200.991.rar Version 0.99 for WOW 3.2.2a: Multi-Load || Multi upload ! - Download - WowRobot 0.90.rar Version 0.989: Multi-Load || Multi upload ! - Download - WowRobot 0.989.rar or MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service Version 0.988: http://wow-robot.com/WowRobot 0.988.rar Version 0.987: http://wow-robot.com/WowRobot 0.987.rar Version 0.986: http://wow-robot.com/WowRobot 0.986.rar Version 0.986: http://wow-robot.com/WowRobot 0.985.rar Version 0.984: http://wow-robot.com/WowRobot 0.984.rar
  7. yes we need update for 3.2.2 it doesnt work with 3.2.0 bot version
  8. very nice gm shop as development not as visual xD
  9. i found some bugs with giant's codex
  10. very good develop when is next update?
  11. kai egw proti fora to akouw dokimase allo pack i kane update
  12. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=71645.0 einai gia l2j alla borei na voithisei
  13. an einai kati tetoio vriskeis to id kai to vgazeis
  14. stile mou mia tis ri8miseis tou server
  15. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # When this is enabled it will read the "SkillDurationList" option. # This will basically overlook the "time = x" in the skill XMLs so that you do not need to modify the L2J Datapack XMLs to increase skill duration. # Default: False EnableModifySkillDuration = true # Skill duration list # Format: skillid,newtime;skillid2,newtime2... # Example: # This enable 1h(3600) duration for songs, the "\"indicates new line, # and is only set for formating purposes. # SkillDurationList = 264,3600;265,3600;266,3600;267,3600;268,3600;\ # 269,3600;270,3600;304,3600;305,1200;306,3600;308,3600;349,3600;\ # 363,3600;364,3600 SkillDurationList = 1085,10800;1068,10800;1040,10800;1068,10800;1078,10800;1073,10800;1204,10800;1077,10800;\ 1043,10800;1035,10800;1191,10800;1062,10800;1044,10800;\ 1243,10800;1242,10800;1240,10800;1032,10800;1045,10800;1048,10800;1086,10800;1036,10800;\ 1388,10800;1389,10800;1392,10800;1182,10800;\ 1189,10800;1393,10800;1033,10800;1352,10800;1356,10800;1087,10800;1257,10800;1259,10800;\ 1304,10800;1397,10800;1303,10800;1354,10800;\ 1353,10800;1355,10800;1059,10800;1268,10800;1357,10800;\ 1006,10800;1009,10800;1007,10800;1002,10800;1003,10800;1005,10800;1008,10800;1260,10800;\ 1004,10800;1250,10800;1261,10800;1249,10800;\ 1282,10800;1364,10800;1365,10800;1414,10800;1252,10800;1253,10800;1309,10800;1251,10800;\ 1308,10800;1391,10800;1310,10800;1390,10800;\ 1284,10800;1362,10800;1363,10800;1413,10800;\ 267,10800;270,10800;268,10800;269,10800;265,10800;264,10800;266,10800;306,10800;304,10800;\ 308,10800;305,10800;363,10800;310,10800;\ 349,10800;364,10800;274,10800;277,10800;272,10800;273,10800;276,10800;271,10800;275,10800;\ 309,10800;311,10800;307,10800;365,10800;\ 396,10800;1325,10800;1323,10800;4702,10800;4703,10800;4699,10800;4700,10800 sto character.properties kai exeis 3 wres buffs
  16. den me en8ousiazei. alla gia interlude server prepei na einai kalo
  17. he is at wrong section anyway post it here [Request] Dev Help [L2J]
  18. 8elw na ftia3ei to protection tou server kai genika ta java gt dn ta paw poli kala tr me to ti 8a kerdisei dn 3erw :P full donate ston server molis ani3ei :P
  19. I need a pack with hack and exploit protection(enchant exploit,walker,phx...) i prefer l2j ty
  20. Ξεκινάω έναν l2j Gracia final server και χρειάζομαι έναν developer που να ξέρει καλά από java Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες msn: l2liberate@hotmail.com
  21. oxi apo edw pira http://www.server.lu/dedicated-overviewamd
  22. re exw provlima an to site tou server einai stin ameriki kai o dedicated server stin germania? apo apopsi nomikotitas :P gt exw akousei merika pragmata gia tn ameriki.
  23. psaxnw Web Designer kai Forum Mod gia ton server mou. msn: l2liberate@hotmail.com
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