we have open a costum Craft server.
Link: l2kingdoms: Lineage 2
Costom Exp Rate:
2.5x (mobs level 1-10)
5.0x (mobs level 11-20)
7.5x (mobs level 21-30)
10.0x (mobs level 31-40)
12.5x (mobs level 41-51)
17.5x (mobs level 52-60)
25.0x (mobs level 61-74)
37.5x (mobs level 75-79)
45.0x (mobs level 80-83)
50.0x (mobs level 84-90)
SP Rate: 25x
Party Rate: 2x
Drop Rate: 10x
Spoil Rate: 15x
Quest Drop Rate: 10x
Adena Rate: 25x
Pet Xp Rate: 5x
Herbs Rate: 2x (only hp,mp and vitality drops)
Karma Rate: retail like
Auto Learn Skill
Class Change Popup Windows
Free Subclass
Vitalty System
Champion Mobs
Safe Enchant +6
Max enchant +20 (For Jewels,Armor and Weapon)
Voice-command for turning off XP-gain
Player can use .xpoff to disable XP-gain, and .xpon to enable again.
Servant Mammon (to buy craft items etc)
All 60% and 70% Recipe Are 100%
2 Hour Buff
Global GateKeeper
Also We have Add A Event Engine
Main Events:
The events running for all players on the server are being selected by our Voting system.
* Capture the Flag:
Standard Capture the Flag with 2 teams.
* Domination:
One zone. 2 teams. If the count of team 1 players inside the zone is greater than the count of team 2 players, then team 1 gets one point per sec.
* Bomb Fight:
2 teams. Every player gets a new skill. When they use it it spawns a bomb which explodes after 1-2 seconds and kills everyone in a certain radius.
* Team vs Team:
Standard Team vs Team fight with 2 teams.
* DeatMatch:
Free for all. The one with the most kills wins.
* Last Man Standing:
Free for all. The last survivor wins.
* VIP Team vs Team:
Standard Team vs Team with a random VIP player in both teams. Killing the VIP = +1 score for the team. The VIP is different at each respawn.
* Lucky Chests:
On start a lot of chests spawns. On click they opens. Theres a chance that the chest explodes and the player dies, and get resurrected a few secs later. The player with the most opened chests wins.
* Zombie:
One random zombie player chasing the others. If he hits someone he become a zombie. The last non-zombie wins.
* Simon Says:
In each round Simon the NPC says a random text. The players have to say it too. The last one who says and everyone who says a wrong word lose. The winner of the last round wins.
* Double Domination:
2 team, 2 zone. The team gets a score if they hold both of the zones for 10 seconds.
* Russian Roulette:
The event spawns 6 "russian". In each round every player choose one. One of the russian, and everyone who choosed him dies. The survivors of the last round wins.
* Mutant:
One player become a mutant. The others have to kill him. The mutant have increased stats. If someone kills him, the killer will be the next mutant. If the mutant kills someone he gets a point. The player with the most points wins at the end of the event
* Battlefield:
2 teams. There are a few points which the teams can capture. In every second the teams score increased by the count of the points captured by the team. The team with the most poins wins.
Mini Events:
The events running for running for single players / parties. The engine creates matches automatically.
* 1v1 event:
Automatic mini event which consists in single players fighting each other (2-5 players in one match - 1v1, 1v1v1, 1v1v1v1, ...). The ammount of rounds, max/min level, level difference and more things are configurable.(
* Party vs Party:
Automatic party vs party mini event, for 2-5 parties. Can have more rounds (configurable). Things like max/min level, level difference, time limit, etc. are configurable.
* Korean style Pt vs Pt:
Similar to Party vs Party but parties are fighting in korean style.
* Mini TvT:
The event accepts only single players (not parties). When the ammount of registered players reaches certain value (configurable, default 10), it starts a match. Players are divided to 2 or more teams (configurable) based on their level and the system automatically create parties for each team. Support for multiple rounds is added too. Basically, this event allows you to create all kinds of X vs X fights, where the parties and teams are created randomly.
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