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About demoneyes

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  1. Aewsome work, really usefull and easy to handle. very trusted and skilled author, surely recommended. PS: bough it myself.
  2. No sources? It will be good to have it, since if someday we wish to change something and u got lost, we are doomed. Thx for share btw.
  3. hallo any one can help me whit l2encdec i looking for a interlude one hoop some one can help me so i can patch my system greating from mtc
  4. So resuming: he is teaching us (is he really doing that?) how to create AMAZING wonderful unique new stuff that would take many HOURS to be done, to later give it for other stupid/tard leechers for FREE? (cause he said on his other topics that he hates people who get MONEY (paper) from their creations that tooks hours of their time and efforts) Are you facking kidding with us or you are simply an insane retard? OMFG....
  5. The famous Teoma: Why you dont tell to those people that you obtained that tool from the "greedy" Gildor that just wants money like YOU say" for FREE, as a gift? And that gildor never spoke about doing everything for money, like helping alot of of people for FREE with his knowledge (including you)? And that he was selling that tool only because CLEVER people could make some money with it, much more than this tool costs, but you "Teoma" were unable to make ANY money or anything with this tool that was GIVEN FOR FREE TO YOU FROM GILDOR? (the one you are shaming here saying he just want money) And that for sure he is VERY disapointed with your childish behavior. I think you need a medic my old friend Teoma, you are sure disturbed/sick. I know gildor for so long (before you know him) and talking to him he shows very angry and sad about your behavior doing and saying shit about him, he is a respectable man and a serious developer. PS: Only someone really sick or without any respect would say and do such a thing.
  6. server have new name and we ar 3 server join ass one now we have 150 a 200 players online join now and have fun
  7. WoS is back live with beta 2.6 version. WoS Supports Client Version Play WoS Now - Its Free & Fun!
  8. 03-08-2011 update server lot of quest fix add lot of missing and new drops geo data add to server chat server online lot of little fix in this update :-)
  9. Aion Live Server aion 2.6 server Supported Client PATCH: NA/EU 2.6 Max level 55 XP Rate: from 3x Retail-like mob spawns in every maps. Capture the Points/Fortress! Elyos/Asmodians Starter Pack! Unique Battleground System! Retail-like drops list for every mobs. 2nd class available! Abyss Available! All Instances Available! Dark Poeta Available. Color Dyes Available. PvP Available Everywhere! Rifts Available. Warehouse Available. Abyss Points! Legion system! Craft jobs Stigma System Balanced PvP! And lot More Join Now www.aionlive.com
  10. yes we try us best to do adv. and try to keep it up to date server need players feed back to help us make a good server :-)
  11. Darkstar if you dont like dont play :-) i can say it 30x blabla bla but than i ly to you :-P dabtech yes it new server so not lot of players that wy we make add for hoping we grow to a big server but need time and people to stay and try and not look and leave becose ther no players jet we try to to make a good server and yes we need players to make it better but no feed back it no better server greating from admin
  12. Hi New Server L2 Kingdoms Crafting server www.l2kingdoms.com Cronical: Freya HI5 Server Info: Exp Table: -- .1 = 2.5x (mobs level 1-10) -- .2 = 5.0x (mobs level 11-20) -- .3 = 7.5x (mobs level 21-30) -- .4 = 10.0x (mobs level 31-40) -- .5 = 12.5x (mobs level 41-51) -- .7 = 17.5x (mobs level 52-60) -- 1.5 = 37.5x (mobs level 75-79) -- 1.8 = 45.0x (mobs level 80-83) -- 2.0 = 50.0x (mobs level 84-90) Auto Learn skill Pop-up Class Changer Champions Olympiad Siege Fortress Seven Sign Auto Event system GiftOfVitality Community Board White: Buffer Gatekeeper Boss Info Top Pvp Top PK Castle Server Info More Info Website: Registration Player Profile Inventory + stats Change pass Change Mail Statistics Vote Links Bonus system Forum Hoop you all wil like this server and have lot of funn :D
  13. hi michael i pm you hoop you have time
  14. Freya Hi we have open a costum Craft server. Link: l2kingdoms: Lineage 2 Rates: Costom Exp Rate: 2.5x (mobs level 1-10) 5.0x (mobs level 11-20) 7.5x (mobs level 21-30) 10.0x (mobs level 31-40) 12.5x (mobs level 41-51) 17.5x (mobs level 52-60) 25.0x (mobs level 61-74) 37.5x (mobs level 75-79) 45.0x (mobs level 80-83) 50.0x (mobs level 84-90) SP Rate: 25x Party Rate: 2x Drop Rate: 10x Spoil Rate: 15x Quest Drop Rate: 10x Adena Rate: 25x Pet Xp Rate: 5x Herbs Rate: 2x (only hp,mp and vitality drops) Karma Rate: retail like Addons: Auto Learn Skill Class Change Popup Windows Free Subclass Vitalty System Champion Mobs Safe Enchant +6 Max enchant +20 (For Jewels,Armor and Weapon) Gmshop Voice-command for turning off XP-gain Player can use .xpoff to disable XP-gain, and .xpon to enable again. Servant Mammon (to buy craft items etc) mammon All 60% and 70% Recipe Are 100% Buffer 2 Hour Buff Global GateKeeper gk Also We have Add A Event Engine Main Events: The events running for all players on the server are being selected by our Voting system. * Capture the Flag: Standard Capture the Flag with 2 teams. * Domination: One zone. 2 teams. If the count of team 1 players inside the zone is greater than the count of team 2 players, then team 1 gets one point per sec. * Bomb Fight: 2 teams. Every player gets a new skill. When they use it it spawns a bomb which explodes after 1-2 seconds and kills everyone in a certain radius. * Team vs Team: Standard Team vs Team fight with 2 teams. * DeatMatch: Free for all. The one with the most kills wins. * Last Man Standing: Free for all. The last survivor wins. * VIP Team vs Team: Standard Team vs Team with a random VIP player in both teams. Killing the VIP = +1 score for the team. The VIP is different at each respawn. * Lucky Chests: On start a lot of chests spawns. On click they opens. Theres a chance that the chest explodes and the player dies, and get resurrected a few secs later. The player with the most opened chests wins. * Zombie: One random zombie player chasing the others. If he hits someone he become a zombie. The last non-zombie wins. * Simon Says: In each round Simon the NPC says a random text. The players have to say it too. The last one who says and everyone who says a wrong word lose. The winner of the last round wins. * Double Domination: 2 team, 2 zone. The team gets a score if they hold both of the zones for 10 seconds. * Russian Roulette: The event spawns 6 "russian". In each round every player choose one. One of the russian, and everyone who choosed him dies. The survivors of the last round wins. * Mutant: One player become a mutant. The others have to kill him. The mutant have increased stats. If someone kills him, the killer will be the next mutant. If the mutant kills someone he gets a point. The player with the most points wins at the end of the event * Battlefield: 2 teams. There are a few points which the teams can capture. In every second the teams score increased by the count of the points captured by the team. The team with the most poins wins. Mini Events: The events running for running for single players / parties. The engine creates matches automatically. * 1v1 event: Automatic mini event which consists in single players fighting each other (2-5 players in one match - 1v1, 1v1v1, 1v1v1v1, ...). The ammount of rounds, max/min level, level difference and more things are configurable.( * Party vs Party: Automatic party vs party mini event, for 2-5 parties. Can have more rounds (configurable). Things like max/min level, level difference, time limit, etc. are configurable. * Korean style Pt vs Pt: Similar to Party vs Party but parties are fighting in korean style. * Mini TvT: The event accepts only single players (not parties). When the ammount of registered players reaches certain value (configurable, default 10), it starts a match. Players are divided to 2 or more teams (configurable) based on their level and the system automatically create parties for each team. Support for multiple rounds is added too. Basically, this event allows you to create all kinds of X vs X fights, where the parties and teams are created randomly. Have Funn Add L2Kingdoms Greating From Admin
  15. ? wat do you mean server running good :-P if you mean os system it quad core 4gb ram ssd hardisk 100mbit connection
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