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Posts posted by Cloud

  1. With those specs you will be able to play the game on Middle Graphics.

    OK thx u:) Probably I'll change the video card before crysis 2 is released,is starting to become "old" IMO..isn't it?Atm I can play everygame at max graphic details but I bet that the upcoming games on the end of this year will need something better to be played
  2. Addy,there is a ETA for today's beta?btw imo we should not talk anymore about what happened inside the sinister team..Instead I'll see if the addy's server will work,will get players etc;I will be neutral because I don't know which is the truth

  3. Do you think we are stupid?

    We did a lot of exploits for server..If Spooky changes his mind to continue the server will stay only down


    And thanks for the compliments :d


    BTW: An Error Has Occurred!

    You have exceeded the limit of 10 personal messages per hour.


    I can;t answer at private messages

    wtfXD If u want u can answer me here by editing ur post..Btw now I understand why were happening so strange things;Btw I won't support no1,I just need a new server,a new home for have fun.About the truth,we'll see,the time will give us the answer i guess.


    @Rozdex:IMO Epilogue is still much more bugged than Final

  4. kk nice,

    start up forum and shit and open link to download patch

    i will join this to see:D

    checking if more people will join


    P.S. 1 question: how long this is going with Spook? cuz last 2/3 days i only see myself online and before that in beta like 10-15 online

    Probably someone already know what was going on..I don't know which is the truth,but I'll see how both servers will go on.I just know addy's works and is a great dev
  5. hi all..Atm I leaved mmorpg(maybe I'll play RF online:P) and I am looking for great FPS games.Now I am playing Borderlands+DLCs and it's awesome!After Borderlands,will be time for AC2 to be fully played^^ but I want to know if there is any good sci-fi FPS coming or already released..it must be unique,something that make me staying at pc for a lot:P ..any suggestion?

  6. On the VIP section we posted the last values, we know, dont worry :p


    Btw are you crazy? Ubi will start adding more -beep-ed up protections to their games xD

    I prefer a harder to crack protection than a protection that allow u to play ONLY if u got internet and u must wish that servers are running without attacks:P Btw 2 dlcs are playable with these values as I know,the other 2/3 will be added by ripping the black edition..something like this
  7. BloodAngels Clan and ZeroTolerance clan are going to fuse in NoMercy clan(the name it's not sure)..if u want to know more or take a place in the clan,pm Chucky in server's forum/here/in game or pm me here or in server's forum because atm I am not playing at all:) I'll start to play definitively after Beta

  8. Hello mxc`s i post this topic cz i want to share with you my sadness about the game i love so much, these Faking koreanks of NCSoft make OUR game seem like the wannable Wow or the future StartWars... I think it lost it`s original hardcore style that had C3-C6... What you think?

    u should think that the devs of Gracia are not the original devs of c1-c6..we'll see,personally I would like to see finally something new.
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