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Everything posted by Escordia

  1. Hatsune Miku tin lene kai einai apo to Vocaloid, kai na sou pw tin ali8eia mporei na min einai kan asiatisa giati i tipisa einai famous pagkosmios kai mazeuei pio fan stis sunaulies tis kai apo ton bieber kai as min einai kan ali8ini xD
  2. ti vlakia to karma rule LOL
  3. fake einai :P oti anevazeis sto facebook einai me dikia sou eu8ini kai mporei na to xrisimopoieisi o ka8enas opos 8elei, an anevase to tsouli pic me ta esorouxa mporei o ka8enas na tin parei kai na tin anevasei, kai ola ta alla mou fenete tainia epistimonikis fantasias :P
  4. 8a xalasei to quality, den ginete auto p les
  5. Total time logged in: 96 days, 14 hours and 18 minutes.
  6. psifiste me gia gold!
  7. allios?
  8. poia 2 8imata patisan nai?
  9. promote dask and ed
  10. do you want them back? ( i am bored to add the names too ) Ναι = Yes, Οχι = No
  11. First Vote (reason): xDamian, i like the colours a lot and i think they fit the theme just a bit more work on the tag wouldn't harm since it feels a bit empty Second Vote (reason): F1n4lGod, i like the result and you were on the edge of fkin up the flow of the tag :P you know my personal opinion of your texts xD but overall the result seems attractive Third Vote (reason): Voqus, i like the whole theme but i think a bit more work with the dodge tool and a lighting source would make it a step closer to perfection XD gl and gg all
  12. best vayne http://www.lolking.net/summoner/euw/25556862
  13. we have already 5 entries
  14. false, elo hell doesn't exist. i am not a "pro" player but i am able to carry the game even solo, at my last ranked game i had a soraka jungle , nocturne and jax top against nidalee ( they lost the lane way too easy ) and solo bot ad kennen. we were losing hard while i was keeping on farming and earning some kills until i carried the whole game and we won, i won a 4v5 game before the one i mentioned too. it's about your personal skills, i am not calling you noob but i dont think you are ready to jump into ranks yet
  15. @Nikoloude stin germania den exei tosous neonazi mias kai einai xwra "plousia" opote vriskeis metanastes apo olo to kosmo :P stin australia opos les ginete tis popis ( gia australia den exw akousei kati prosopika alla 3erw atoma sti germania )
  16. he wants the accounts in order to play ranked games
  17. edw to diko tous forum den mporei na meinei anoixto akoma kai xwris ddos
  18. akoma up to forum
  19. 3ulonei oloklires tampeles kai pinakides gia na deirei opoion den paei xD
  20. Fortuna agapaw to avatar sou :3 shizuo <3
  21. I agree, i dont feel the distance between the stars/planet and the main focus, i have to admit i like the theme/colours and text a lot, good work :3
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