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Everything posted by Escordia

  1. tha pk ton theio mou
  2. kante kana reply >.> http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=197520.0
  3. 8a ginw leader
  4. 8a ginw leader tis clan to blepw
  5. mporw n kateuasw patch gia essiel?
  6. Hello again people. i want to sell this psd file: http://i55.tinypic.com/28ji3pi.png when you buy it you will recieve this one as a gift too: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=196008.0 pm me a price if you want it. ~cheers~
  7. gladi isnt OP, its my first and fav char too but all depends on your gameplay:3
  8. einai on?
  9. Etoimo to Beta profile mou sto Rift :3 exw kai VIP beta key! yay!
  10. LB = LookBehind
  11. Well he uses this style so i made a gift for him too its just a gift for thanks xD
  12. egw prosopika mpainw logo tou krash :P
  13. 8imase poso xamos egine ston DA logo tou versus :/
  14. mi nub nid clan- ingame name: TheHuntress
  15. hey i was about to collect adena to request one xD domu arigato :3 i like it very much! :D
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