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Everything posted by Escordia

  1. yeah is cool i like those blades :D cool work like always critical
  2. awesome shield i really like it here is the link http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=52603.0
  3. Hohohohhohoho awesome but i was trying to figure out who is who :P
  4. nice edit and nice jumpy wall bang
  5. i saw you 5 mn before
  6. lineage is for ppl over +15 it has the idea of a dark world into a chaos monsters undead zombies witches where do you see the kid stuff? do you want l2 fantasy island? a huge playground xD anyway thx
  7. dn einai orea sumperifora auti ama eixes diko s srv i exeis dn 3erw 9a ekanes 100% char egw ston athe pantos gm char dn eida oute efaga pote 10k to pio pl 2.5 stin arxi p eimoun me 0
  8. i have see this match before they lost the round but the frag was really good huge luck
  9. who are you?
  10. i like it the theme rocks :D
  11. you shot one bullet then the awp reload 1 if you know to play you can shot before the awp reload we call it armed
  12. andras n sou petuxei oute t suzigika tou ka8ikonta dn kanei ntropis pramata katse koimisou paw sto geitona LOL
  13. ti 8es??? :D
  14. x0ax0ax0a0a poniroulis e? epiase ama3aki tora
  15. mono mn mas perigrapseis ti skepseis sou ema8a ti ekanes tis proales otan epernes mati ti geitonisa ;)
  16. liga me ton PiPi gt esy 8 koimi8eis e3w
  17. phoenix se ligo ela spiti trome
  18. ^|Phoenix|^ Angelos says: *kopeli i kopelia einai to pedi? - # 怒 スダ S oKo 0 Ko 0 ^______^ says: *re dn 3ereis ti einai to paidi s? *em afou kukloforeis e3w *dn erxese spiti stin ora s *kai oute milas oute tpt *kateu8eian faei kai mesa ^|Phoenix|^ Angelos says: *to stress stin douleia ftaiei *mazazaki 8elo ;p - # 怒 スダ S oKo 0 Ko 0 ^______^ says: *tora? *exei kosmo ^|Phoenix|^ Angelos says: *p kale sto domatio mas ? ;p - # 怒 スダ S oKo 0 Ko 0 ^______^ says: *oxi 8 to balw mxc xD
  19. o phoenix einai o andras m kai exoume kai ena paidi me name Lo0lz :/
  20. to l2 ekane n fortosei 10 mn
  21. I am your Leader :/
  22. © SAGE
  23. w0w nice skin xD pity that i have motorola
  24. eimai to sofaki kai molis arxisa
  25. Hello0o cs ppl 3 years ago was a clan with name Quickly the best europian clan they were 5 members one was here in greece in a tour event the 4 members killed in a car accident only the greek one survive cause she didnt go to the tour Anyway i will remember them Here a video Members: Metro ToucH Xtase STAIFOO zo0ka
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