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Everything posted by Escordia

  1. CriticalError is staff member of a Leeching Forum. so i dont think maxtor will promote him too.... having access in staff sections here and there will make the things more hard
  2. hehe i will try again :D my skills on video making is x200 times better XD
  3. some ppl are just promo hunters. without sharing or helping you dont deserve something imo the rank u will get is equal to your knowledge on this subject. i was trying more than INFINITY times to moderate the client mods sections but with Sticky and Lock i cant do almost anything. i cant ask help from l2mods or g mods forever
  4. LOL ontopic: on my way xD
  5. i think criticalerror must not be promoted. he has special ranks in leeching forums too
  6. i asked to demote him cause he flamed me at pms cause i scammed him at l2mafia. 5000euro donait
  8. one more time to reply with this and u will get a -1 karma
  9. aw 2 ppl talking about me ;o gz ima be famous soon INTREPID L2J PLX!!!!!!!!!
  10. next offtopic reply -1 karma + request ban for 3 days wannabe mod #1
  11. he still can spam u with dekarma rights :/
  12. diavase ta rules tou topic p ebale o md :P
  13. no apla to theme Olympiako topic ekfrazete kurios gia tous olympiakous agwnes :P nomizw to swsto 8a itan Episimo topic tou Olympiakou. px egw mpika sto topic nomizontas oti anaferete stous olympiakous agwnes :P
  14. btw pisteuw pos to title tou topic einai akoma la8os.
  15. kai mounate gelakia? 8a eprepe na klete me auta pou blepete oxi na xaireste.
  16. done thx for the sign btw his real name WraithBand
  17. send me your paypal via pm
  18. 100E and rename it SoFaKi's official topic
  19. done
  20. 100 adena and a bit of my respect
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