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Everything posted by Escordia

  1. i dont want ready wallpapers :/ i can search by my self too xD i want selfmade to be unique like me (lol)
  2. aw... then i will make one by myself :P aw btw i already have one by andronix xD and its super cool :p http://img835.imageshack.us/i/sofakiwppr.jpg/
  3. i will take a screene?
  4. Name of the game (1) : Lineage2 / Dwarf / SoFaKi Size of the wallpaper (1) : 1024x720 kkthxbai
  5. i can do it it requires more 3d skills than export import :P but my free time is limited :/
  6. to create one custom char? race? or to create custom socials?
  7. welcome to the black list. i hope you will enjoy your staying i draw manga :D i will make a topic when i will take some photos :D
  8. learn to use your camera focus LOL
  9. no its not.... and my camera has those effects. we call it FOCUS option so its not photoshop edit.
  10. where do you see the hating thing? just learn the rules and learn to post into the right section here we dont post POSSIBLE works for photoshop but WORKS on photoshop about images and etc we have the spam and offtopic sections
  11. u painted it? if yes then its amazing if not it sux xD
  12. thk god this tournament failed like this sign!
  13. ...... so what? XD this is the photoshop misc section not the i am taking a picture and post it here for this go at spam section and find the post a picture of your real life topic
  14. and what this has to do with photoshop? :P
  15. cmon... its a tournament and it last 1-2 days? rofl and its not one way of creation to say ok i will open ps i will make one shit and post it... but it has to pass 4-5 different hands.... so 2 days for one tournament is just hilarious imo this not the Ultimate GFx tournament of the year... but The Ultimate Failed tournament of the year
  16. fail text and fail cut XD
  17. learn to use a text u nab!!
  18. //inactive period started
  19. add me at msn and start hating the trendies :D
  20. LOL oh hai
  21. kane edit to title se: Χεστα Επανασκατων
  22. few days to open ps. i was rly bored and i made this xD dedicated to: AndroniX hope you like it
  23. http://www.acapela.tv/polyglot-133810099_c363692194cbb.html
  24. mi iz tim imo add msn soko0ko0@hotmail.com
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